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by ematecki
03 Mar 2021, 12:02
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: All CTRL + SHIFT shortcuts stopped working
Replies: 17
Views: 20060

Re: All CTRL + SHIFT shortcuts stopped working

Hi schwarzgrau,

11.0.8 does this already.
11.0.0 doesn't.

I don't have any version inbetween those 2 at home to make a more precision regression.
by ematecki
22 Feb 2021, 08:35
Forum: Communauté Francophone
Topic: Surface de controle
Replies: 2
Views: 14174

Re: Surface de controle

J'ai une shuttle pro (l'ancienne, qques boutons en moins que la v2 et une seule indentation ds la roue)
Je confirme que c'est genial, même pour programmer ou surfer le web :)
by ematecki
14 Dec 2020, 11:25
Forum: Communauté Francophone
Topic: Message d'erreur
Replies: 8
Views: 24035

Re: Message d'erreur

TVPaint 11 sous Catalina... C'est étrange, ce fichier est créé pour le presse-papier. Il s'agit normalement d'un fichier PNG. Il n'a rien à voir avec des plug-ins... Vous pouvez nous l'envoyer en MP ? (Il faudra surement faire une recherche dans le finder, car il est dans un dossier normalement cac...
by ematecki
08 Dec 2020, 20:51
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: 'File Won't be Fully Usable' Message + How to get around it
Replies: 3
Views: 5702

Re: 'File Won't be Fully Usable' Message + How to get around it

Yes, from 11.0.3 and onwards.
Currently it's 11.0.10, with the free update 11.5.x.
by ematecki
08 Dec 2020, 08:05
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: 'File Won't be Fully Usable' Message + How to get around it
Replies: 3
Views: 5702

Re: 'File Won't be Fully Usable' Message + How to get around it

No, it's ONLY versions 11.0.0 to 11.0.2 which won't be able to read this file.
And these are obsolete versions...
by ematecki
07 Dec 2020, 21:24
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Multi-Backup/AutoSave doesn't work with large tvpp size above 2.1gb, on Windows
Replies: 22
Views: 26581

Re: Multi-Backup doesn't works with large tvpp size above 2.1gb

Where are you saving your backup files ?
An external HDD ?
Is it formatted in NTFS or FAT32 ?

Because 2.1Gb is some magical number in windows world... it was for a long time the biggest file windows can handle.
by ematecki
03 Dec 2020, 11:21
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: TVPaint 11.5 crashes if I use the new fullscreen shortcut
Replies: 17
Views: 19333

Re: TVPaint 11.5 crashes if I use the new fullscreen shortcut

DMGs are signed and won't open if they got corrupted...
by ematecki
03 Dec 2020, 09:06
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: TVPaint 11.5 upgrade questions
Replies: 16
Views: 24961

Re: TVPaint 11.5 upgrade questions

New customers can choose straight away because, in these times of covid, it is easier to make fully dematerialised sales (NOT having to ship any physical stuff).
It's not meant as a privilege, just down to earth pragmatism.
by ematecki
22 Oct 2020, 06:45
Forum: Made with TVPaint
Topic: TVPaint on the Amiga 1200 - in use today!
Replies: 10
Views: 22201

Re: TVPaint on the Amiga 1200 - in use today!

For sure, just for hobby. TVPaint didn't work with the stock graphics card, you did need an add-on card even back then. But they are very rare and expensive, so getting a new one is still close to the spirit of the good old times. The Amiga WILL break down every now and then. It is old technology, e...
by ematecki
21 Oct 2020, 10:09
Forum: Made with TVPaint
Topic: TVPaint on the Amiga 1200 - in use today!
Replies: 10
Views: 22201

Re: TVPaint on the Amiga 1200 - in use today!

Will this zz9000 be able to run TVPaint 3.6 ?
That's the only reason I want to revive the 4000...
by ematecki
21 Oct 2020, 09:51
Forum: Made with TVPaint
Topic: TVPaint on the Amiga 1200 - in use today!
Replies: 10
Views: 22201

Re: TVPaint on the Amiga 1200 - in use today!

Oh that's nice...

So I may stop looking for that ultra-rare Harlequin card for my 4000.
And get a Vampire for my A1200 instead (and a replacement ESC keycap :( )

Huh, are they saying equivalent to a 250Mhz 68060 with 128Mb of chip-RAM ? Really ?
by ematecki
09 Oct 2020, 07:57
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: drawing space
Replies: 1
Views: 3706

Re: drawing space

Double clicking the project's window title...
by ematecki
09 Aug 2020, 19:06
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Imported PNG sequence from AE loses color
Replies: 11
Views: 24700

Re: Imported PNG sequence from AE loses color

I guess slowtiger hit the nail on the head...
by ematecki
09 Aug 2020, 08:07
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Imported PNG sequence from AE loses color
Replies: 11
Views: 24700

Re: Imported PNG sequence from AE loses color

Is that when you drag'n'drop the file from the finder ?