Search found 24 matches

by d_rylander
01 Apr 2011, 07:24
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: libavutil
Replies: 12
Views: 88019

Re: libavutil

I've still got problems with the extras libraries even though using the latest version of loader-saver plugin. When installing loader-saving-plugin it uninstalled the extras libraries, replacing them with normal libraries. Manually reinstalling extras afterwards uninstalls the loader-saver-plugin......
by d_rylander
30 Jun 2010, 08:21
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: 9.5.16 - 64bits
Replies: 3
Views: 52265

Re: 9.5.16 - 64bits

Something goes wrong when installing. First I just ran the deb and upgraded the old version (9.5.11). Installer said same version already is installed (9.5) so I choose reinstall. Then when trying to run TVP i get the following: david@dubbelbuntu:~$ tvp-animation-9-pro tvp-animation-9-pro: /lib/libu...
by d_rylander
12 Apr 2010, 20:03
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: hidden Files
Replies: 2
Views: 12987

Re: hidden Files

Do you know you can use the native file manager? You won't see .files if you do.
Settings>File Requester>System.
by d_rylander
24 Feb 2010, 09:39
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Change dependencies paths
Replies: 0
Views: 8227

Change dependencies paths

If you open your TVP-project and the paths are not the same, (working offline at you laptop for instance) the only way to get the dependencies is to answer yes and re-find the file at file not found-message at opening. You then have to do this for each and every dependency you have that are not embe...
by d_rylander
23 Feb 2010, 13:05
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Batch change dependencies?
Replies: 3
Views: 9489

Re: Batch change dependencies?

It's not. I like to keep my projects neatly structured into folders. The assets will be used in other apps as well so I don't want to move them into my TVP-folder.

Now, is there a way of changing dependencies?
by d_rylander
23 Feb 2010, 11:45
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Batch change dependencies?
Replies: 3
Views: 9489

Batch change dependencies?

I'm trying to open a TVP-project on a machine other than the one I created it on. The paths are not the same. When opening I get a dialog telling me that it can't find the files and asks me where they can be found. Here I can change paths but it is a very tedious work to change all dependencies one ...
by d_rylander
22 Feb 2010, 18:31
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: TVP can't import without suffix
Replies: 0
Views: 9792

TVP can't import without suffix

TVP can't import images that don't have a suffix.
Image01 does not import while Image01.png does.
by d_rylander
22 Feb 2010, 13:26
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: LoaderSaver plugin -linux [solved]
Replies: 12
Views: 31946

Re: LoaderSaver plugin -linux [solved]

If I can make a wish I'd prefer separate open and import menu items.
In most if not all application I work with you open project files and import footage/artwork. It's two different things. Having them merged into "open" is confusing.
by d_rylander
19 Feb 2010, 09:58
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: Project playback
Replies: 1
Views: 10424

Project playback

In the project window, timeline view; placing the red bar over a clip to play back from there and hit play, the red bar jumps to the beginning of that clip and moves forward from there but the main window starts to play from the beginning of clip 1. I would prefer playback from the position of the r...
by d_rylander
18 Feb 2010, 14:43
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: dot in file names
Replies: 0
Views: 9327

dot in file names

If I have filenames with a dot in them, saving the projects as projectA_v1.1 I have to manually add the extension; projectA_v1.1.tvpp otherwise the part behind the dot will be ignored (interpreted as an erroneous file extension perhaps?) so it will be saved as projectA_v1.tvpp . Same when rendering....
by d_rylander
18 Feb 2010, 13:36
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: No sensors on eraser tip
Replies: 2
Views: 12612

Re: No sensors on eraser tip

Same here.
by d_rylander
18 Feb 2010, 13:33
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: casual cursor offset
Replies: 4
Views: 19307

Re: casual cursor offset

I was collecting data to report this bug also. I can add that the offset is either vertical or horizontal. It get's stretched across the image so at bottom it's almost no offset but at the top the offset is about the width of the cross. Same for left-> right. I haven't figured out what causes this o...
by d_rylander
17 Feb 2010, 15:45
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: No TVP icon in program starter
Replies: 3
Views: 14547

Re: No TVP icon in program starter

It works with ubuntu 9.10. In 8.10 the icon is displayed after a reboot, have you restarted your computer since the installation ? [+1 in the todo list] I have, and it like this on both machines I've installed the beta on (hope that's ok?), ubuntu 8.10 and ubuntu 9.04. The icons were located where ...
by d_rylander
17 Feb 2010, 10:47
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: No TVP icon in program starter
Replies: 3
Views: 14547

No TVP icon in program starter

There is no TVpaint icon in the programs starter in >programs>graphics. A generic one is used.
I browsed through /usr/share/tvpaint-developpment/ but couldn't find an icon for the program at all.
by d_rylander
17 Feb 2010, 08:38
Forum: Open Beta
Topic: LoaderSaver plugin -linux [solved]
Replies: 12
Views: 31946

Re: LoaderSaver plugin -linux [solved]

or just "open" in the file menu :) You're right, that also worked now when I tried that. But I must say that way was a bit unintuitive. - I expert the open menu to open project files, not importing footage. I'd expert a separate import option. And the title of the file browser when choosi...