Search found 24 matches

by ndstephens
16 Mar 2013, 01:05
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: New Stop Motion Ani Technology
Replies: 6
Views: 18738

Re: New Stop Motion Ani Technology

thanks. i had put the entire youtube URL in between the tags the first time and it didn't work. didn't realize it's just the video ID that goes there. appreciate the help.
by ndstephens
15 Mar 2013, 23:45
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: New Stop Motion Ani Technology
Replies: 6
Views: 18738

Re: New Stop Motion Ani Technology

all i see on your previous message is the video self explanation. all the same, thanks for the info.
by ndstephens
15 Mar 2013, 23:35
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: New Stop Motion Ani Technology
Replies: 6
Views: 18738

Re: New Stop Motion Ani Technology

cool, but how did you do it?
by ndstephens
15 Mar 2013, 22:21
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: New Stop Motion Ani Technology
Replies: 6
Views: 18738

New Stop Motion Ani Technology

just thought i'd share this video i came across. it's demonstrating a new technology (or rather software workflow) to produce stop motion animation using your hands instead of rigs. worth having a look.

is there a way to embed the video into my post??
by ndstephens
14 Mar 2013, 14:00
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Purchasing TVPaint
Replies: 3
Views: 8517

Re: Purchasing TVPaint

thanks for the information. i'll look more into how Paypal processes the conversion.
by ndstephens
13 Mar 2013, 14:08
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Purchasing TVPaint
Replies: 3
Views: 8517

Purchasing TVPaint

I plan on purchasing TVPaint very soon. I live in the US so i'm keeping an eye on the EUR/USD currency conversion. How (or rather when) is the rate converted when making the purchase? Is it an up-to-the-minute calculation, based on the previous day's conversion, the previous week's, an average??? Al...
by ndstephens
13 Mar 2013, 03:50
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: questions regarding TVpaint 10
Replies: 3
Views: 9989

Re: questions regarding TVpaint 10

if you go to your Preferences, second tab is "Display", at the bottom in that tab should be "Timeline" with the option to check "Display Time Code". then you will see your timeline marked with time instead of simply frames.

is that the solution you were looking for??
by ndstephens
09 Mar 2013, 02:41
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: osx 10.8
Replies: 5
Views: 11082

Re: osx 10.8

I will also be purchasing a license soon. So just to be clear, the update to 10.5 will be free, and the upgrade to 11 will be that correct?
by ndstephens
07 Mar 2013, 01:20
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Your "Rooms" Setup...
Replies: 3
Views: 8739

Re: Your "Rooms" Setup...

Congrats on your 5000th post, Paul. Thanks for sharing the screen grabs. So i guess you both have made a lot of custom tool bins. I see you have some below, above, and to the side of your Project Window. Sandra seems to have many bins with dozens and dozens of custom brushes with color. I haven't ye...
by ndstephens
06 Mar 2013, 22:33
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Your "Rooms" Setup...
Replies: 3
Views: 8739

Your "Rooms" Setup...

I'm not sure if this has already been done, but i didn't find it doing a search. I was wondering if users of the Pro Version would mind sharing how they have their 4 "rooms" set general terms. What is the theme of your rooms and what sort of layout and tools/bins are you primarily ...
by ndstephens
05 Mar 2013, 02:45
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Fullscreen Preview with Mark In/Out
Replies: 4
Views: 9593

Re: Fullscreen Preview with Mark In/Out

yeah, but that's not completely going to work for me. looking to use either Shift-V or F11 to enter full screen mode and have it cycle through my Mark In and Out points if possible. Seems that full screen should follow the same preview condition as "regular" or non-full screen mode. Or hav...
by ndstephens
05 Mar 2013, 02:39
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Viewing multiple Project or Zoom Windows
Replies: 3
Views: 8736

Re: Viewing multiple Project or Zoom Windows

That's it, Svengali. The standard keyboard shortcut for it is Ctrl-Tab. Then you switch between the windows you've created. Thanks. Paul, it's not switching between actual Projects i was looking for, but through the display windows (where your image is) that you've opened...for viewing different zoo...
by ndstephens
04 Mar 2013, 20:51
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Viewing multiple Project or Zoom Windows
Replies: 3
Views: 8736

Viewing multiple Project or Zoom Windows

So when you click the keyboard shortcut 'M' or click the 'N' button in the Navigator Panel you get a new Project Window. It sits directly overtop of your existing Project Window. Is there a way to tab between multiple Project Windows that overlap each other? There are the tabs at the top for having ...
by ndstephens
04 Mar 2013, 20:35
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Fullscreen Preview with Mark In/Out
Replies: 4
Views: 9593

Fullscreen Preview with Mark In/Out

I have my Mark In and Out frames set at locations other than the beginning and end of my animation so that when i play the animation it loops between those two points (with "Mark In" and "Mark Out" enabled as well, of course). However when I preview my animation on fullscreen by ...
by ndstephens
04 Mar 2013, 14:01
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Moving Image and Selection Shape Together
Replies: 5
Views: 11346

Re: Moving Image and Selection Shape Together

So maybe you could show me what moment in the user guide you are talking about ? sorry, i thought i did in my first post. English manual, version 10, pages 2-19 and 2-20. and i actually was never requesting any features. i was trying to understand how things worked since it appears to say one thing...