Search found 32 matches

by juansolimar
22 Jan 2019, 19:56
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Camera Tool improvement
Replies: 0
Views: 14263

Camera Tool improvement

hi, i was watching this video: and wondering if there is any possibility to have some visual keyframes on the timeline (in a special camera layer maybe), so you can copy, paste, delete or move it. that would be really usefull to sept foward this tool. i sa...
by juansolimar
08 May 2017, 22:31
Forum: George scripting
Topic: magic ereaser blue 50%
Replies: 6
Views: 3274

Re: magic ereaser blue 50%

HI! i was wondering. what if i want to erease by 50% only the black lines?

thnks :)
by juansolimar
12 Apr 2017, 19:33
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: add or delete frames in all layers on current frame
Replies: 4
Views: 18233

add or delete frames in all layers on current frame

hi! i think this is something that would be great. you have this situation for example: timeline1.PNG it would be great a way to get this with one button: timeline2.PNG the same to delete, add or delete N ammount of frames (like "+1" "+N "-1" "-N" exposure animatio...
by juansolimar
12 Aug 2016, 21:37
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Some Custom Brush improvements
Replies: 11
Views: 30004

Re: Some Custom Brush improvements

And finally, the lock would work only between brushes of "the same species" : custom brushes with custom brushes / pen brushes with pen brushes / mechanical pencil with mechanical pencil, etc. So if you lock the size on a Pen Brush, then use a Custom brush, the size won't be locked, for i...
by juansolimar
10 Aug 2016, 19:25
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Some Custom Brush improvements
Replies: 11
Views: 30004

Re: Some Custom Brush improvements

the example is simple and only ilustrative, and you can resolve as you said, but what if the sittuation is more complex? and even in the same example, i have to constant create new brushes. another example: you create 25 "dry brush" style. all works with similar parametters (because the pr...
by juansolimar
10 Aug 2016, 04:22
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Some Custom Brush improvements
Replies: 11
Views: 30004

Re: Some Custom Brush improvements

Basically, if you don't want to modify a setting, just don't touch it. A lock is usually necessary either to keep the ratio when you resize an object or - in the case of a layer - avoid the mistake to paint on the wrong element. but when you change your brush, your settings would change too let me ...
by juansolimar
06 Aug 2016, 22:01
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Some Custom Brush improvements
Replies: 11
Views: 30004

Re: Some Custom Brush improvements

i mean like this:" onclick=";return false; so when you keep lock one of those properties and you change your custom brush, dont change the locked propietie (if have one lock for each propertie, you have more control in...
by juansolimar
04 Aug 2016, 18:25
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Some Custom Brush improvements
Replies: 11
Views: 30004

Some Custom Brush improvements

hi, i was thinking, it would be great if each setting of the custom brush (size, shift, opacity, jitter, etc) has a lock icon on the side, so, when you change your custom brush, maintain the selected settings. and another button to update the current brush, to save the new settings in the same custo...
by juansolimar
10 Feb 2016, 18:19
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Variable size for buttons and brushes
Replies: 4
Views: 13470

Re: Variable size for buttons and brushes

slowtiger wrote:I just ordered. For 19$ it's worth a try.
let us know if worth it :)
by juansolimar
04 Feb 2016, 00:24
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Variable size for buttons and brushes
Replies: 4
Views: 13470

Variable size for buttons and brushes

Hi, im looking at the overview of the software call "paintstorm" and i saw something amazing, and i think "could tvpaint do this?" because it would be a great way to organize eaven more the pannels and specially the brushes in 2:38 of this video you can see it in action https://y...
by juansolimar
28 Oct 2015, 16:35
Forum: Contents Sharing
Topic: Looking for a "dry" paintbrush
Replies: 14
Views: 46111

Re: Looking for a "dry" paintbrush

Nethery, thanks but i already trhi those.

and Elodie, you are right! i have to star experimenting more than usual and see what happen!
by juansolimar
28 Oct 2015, 01:52
Forum: Contents Sharing
Topic: Looking for a "dry" paintbrush
Replies: 14
Views: 46111

Re: Looking for a "dry" paintbrush

thanks for the links! i already seen those.
im looking for more information about how to create dry brush, oil brush. something like the books "motion blur" and cat in this video (cat at 1:54, books at 2:15):
by juansolimar
21 Oct 2015, 21:15
Forum: Contents Sharing
Topic: Looking for a "dry" paintbrush
Replies: 14
Views: 46111

Re: Looking for a "dry" paintbrush

has anyone can make some tutorials or explain a little more about the creation of brush? because it's obvious that is a amazing and powerful place to create new looks, and i don't see too much people that know how to use it in depth
by juansolimar
22 Jul 2015, 22:34
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Linked Instances
Replies: 13
Views: 31520

Re: Linked Instances

oh my god! i didn't see that! amateur mistake 100%
thanks a lot!