New to TVPaint. I'm trying to plug it into a workflow that is primarily adobe based- compositing happens in AfterEffects. Eventually, I'd like to have TVPaint completely replace my use of Photoshop- but we're not there just yet- so I'm trying to export a PNG sequence from TVPaint to open in Photoshop to work on.
Except- when I open the PNG sequence that has been exported as PNG in RGBA Mode, Alpha as No PreMult. & background checked OFF, the PNG sequence is NOT transparent when opened in Photoshop.
What am I doing wrong here? Why aren't these PNGs transparent in the other program? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I really really reallllyyyyy want TVPaint to be the program of my dreams so that I never have to open Photoshop again.
• What is your OS and its version : Mac OSX Monterey 12.6
• What is your OS architecture: M1 16GB RAM
• What is your software version: TVPaint 11.5 Pro
• Pro?
• For the Professional Edition : No idea what this even means
• What is your Wacom (or other brand) Tablet and drivers version: Wacom intuos Pro S- Drivers up to date