Filled stroke to erase outside

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Filled stroke to erase outside

Post by kariP »

At the moment I'm using filled stroke in erase mode to quickly erase large areas.

I'm curious, instead of erasing, is there a way to "preserve" selected area, and delete everything that is not inside the selected area?

I know I could use selection: free hand > invert > then delete, but that's not very quick. So, could there be a "preserve" command in the modes popup for the filled tools? Or am I missing something?

Edit: changed word 'preserve' to 'erase outside'.
Last edited by kariP on 22 Aug 2017, 20:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Filled stroke to preserve

Post by slowtiger »

To erase larger areas I do one of these:
1. Filled line tool set to erase
2. use Freehand Select and hit delete

To work fast I created keyboard shortcuts for Freehand Select and Invert selection, so it's just select the part to be preserved, then hit i and delete. I could also use the Magic Wand select tool instead.
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Re: Filled stroke to preserve

Post by kariP »

Thanks for your input!

This much I also figured out, maybe it's the easiest way to use this kind of combination. I think in toonz (when it wasn't opentoonz) there was this mode and I found it very intuitive and quick to use.

But maybe it's just me.. I'll have to see if I can figure out something else.
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Re: Filled stroke to preserve

Post by slowtiger »

I wonder if it's possible to add a 4th mode for selection tools: "everything but"? So you draw a selection, but only the outside would get selected.
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Re: Filled stroke to preserve

Post by kariP »

Yes, exactly something like this :)

Or 'erase outside' for the filled stroke tools. Then there is no need to press delete and I guess that would make it possible to repeat the command for multiple frames.
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Re: Filled stroke to preserve

Post by Elodie »

slowtiger wrote: 22 Aug 2017, 10:39 I wonder if it's possible to add a 4th mode for selection tools: "everything but"? So you draw a selection, but only the outside would get selected.
You can also select the whole drawing space first, then unselect smaller areas with right click triggered :
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