Project: Display not an option in Export

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Project: Display not an option in Export

Post by ndcanton »


I'm very new to using Scenes and multiple clips in a project (previously I've just been juggling too many .tvpp files). When going to export the whole project, I noticed that it wasn't an option in my export settings, as it has appeared in YouTube tutorials and the Documentation on your website. I've included a screenshot from your website and one of my screen. Is this now a pro only option? Or do I need to activate a setting once I begin working with multiple clips/scenes?

How it looks for me:

How it should look:

(EDIT: I guess I'm no good at posting images even though I'm putting the url in between the image brackets. Links are provided if you still need to see what I'm talking about)

Thank you
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Re: Project: Display not an option in Export

Post by Elodie »

Hello ! When you create a topic or click on "post reply" , you can find underneath an "attachment" tab in which you can upload images and short videos.

For the rest, I'm afraid the feature you are looking for is available in the Pro edition only.

Sorry btw for the late answer, end of years are always a bit crazy here !
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