Option to keep playhead "always centered" in timeline.

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Option to keep playhead "always centered" in timeline.

Post by swiftsketcher »

I often find that as I flip between frames and scroll around the sequence I'll look up to the timeline and find that it's either all the way to the left or right, and I'll have to use the scroll bars to re-center it and reference the nearby instances I want that were offscreen because of this behavior. I would love an option to keep the playhead in the exact center, moving the timeline to the left or right instead of it ending up in random spots from my flipping.
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Re: Option to keep playhead "always centered" in timeline.

Post by NathanOtano »

wow, agree so much on that! Would be awesome
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Re: Option to keep playhead "always centered" in timeline.

Post by tenpoundtoons »

Yes! This would be great-- or maybe a keyboard shortcut option to recenter the playhead?
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D.T. Nethery
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Re: Option to keep playhead "always centered" in timeline.

Post by D.T. Nethery »

tenpoundtoons wrote: 13 Feb 2021, 19:35 Yes! This would be great-- or maybe a keyboard shortcut option to recenter the playhead?
+1 . Good idea. ( Either way: change the interface to always keep playhead centered or add a keyboard shortcut command for Recenter Playhead.)
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Peter Wassink
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Re: Option to keep playhead "always centered" in timeline.

Post by Peter Wassink »


and maybe it is nice to add to this that when you are in "playhead centered mode"
that the further you move from the center the faster the timeline scrolls.

so if you want to race to the end (or beginning) of the timeline you drag the cursor to the edge of the screen... but if you only want to move at a frame by frame speed, you only drag the cursor a little bit sideways.

because in the current way, when zoomed in at framelevel on the timeline it can be slow going once you reach the end of the screen while dragging the cursor.
and you have to kkeep moving up and down to keep it going.
And still then the timeline will only move with a constant lowspeed and it can take a while to get to your desired frame.
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
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