Recently I have been experiencing a bug that makes TVPaint crash on startup. I open the program, then it starts up briefly, showing the TVPaint interface, but before I can do anything the program shuts down without an error message. Below I added a list of details about my PC.
I have taken the following measures to fix the problem, but nothing has worked so far:
- Restart PC,
- Unplugging the dongle and plugging it back in (in the same port, as well as others),
- Checking if it was a dongle issue by unplugging the dongle (it would start up and show the "dongle not found" textbox, then crash if I replug the dongle and click 'OK'),
- Running as administrator,
- Opening TVPaint while holding CTRL and renewing the configuration,
- Reinstalling TVPaint,
- Deleting the config file and restarting,
- Reinstalling/updating my wacom driver.
- Opening the program without my wacom tablet.
Thank you,
Thomas Bruinsma
PC details:
OS: Windows 10.
Software: Latest TVPaint 11 Professional, 64 bit.
Wacom Driver: Windows - Driver 6.3.31-4 (Windows 7, 8.1 and 10*)
Wacom Model: Wacom Intuos Pro M