In regards to the Standard Edition , I wrote :
"To watch the clips in continuity you would have to export each one as a .mov , then drop each of those .mov files into an editing application
(Premiere, Final Cut, iMovie , etc.) to watch them composited as one continuous movie and then export them to a composite movie file."
There is a sort of workaround for this with the Standard Edition which I forgot to mention before.
Let's say you have 6 clips that you want to play in continuity in the Standard Edition.
First , to preserve your original , Select all the clips and then right-click , from the menu choose Create a New Project from Selected Clips .
In the duplicate project go to the next-to-last clip (Clip #5) , select it , then from the Clips menu click on
Merge Clips . This merges the last clip (Clip #6) with the previous clip (Clip #5) Now repeat that action with each clip, working back to the first clip until all the clips are merged . Now you may watch the 6 merged clips play in continuity ,
and you may also export them as single .MOV or .AVI file , thus avoiding the necessity of exporting them as individual .MOV files and "splicing" them together in Premiere or other editing app.
Where this gets tricky is that if each of your clips has a soundtrack loaded , when you merge the clips , it also merges the soundtracks , (because TVPaint Standard doesn't support multiple soundtracks) . IF your sound is already mixed and in sync , this should not be a problem to have all the soundtracks "mixed down" to a single merged track , but if you have further editing or adjustments to make to the sound , this could be a problem (which is why I say to first duplicate the project and do the merging action on the duplicate project , so you can always work back to the original if need be.)