TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2024_10_02)

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TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2024_10_02)

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone !
TVPaint Animation 11's first update is finally here, bringing lots of bugfixes, and also some nice new little things :)


What's new in TVPaint Animation 11.0.1 ?

General :
* An option has been added in the Preferennces panel (Display tab) regarding drag and dropping images in the timeline :
  • if unchecked, behavior will be the same as 10.5 : no pop-up will appear when drag and dropping.
  • if checked, behavior will be the same as 11.0.0 : a pop-up will appear when drag and dropping.
* An AntiAliasing option has been added when using the Out Of Pegs feature of the Light Table.
* Peg Holes have been added in the Light Table display (for OOP) for previous and next images/instances/...
* When extracting colors form a CTG Layer, resulting layers have the same opacity as the original CTG layer.
* A Contiguous option has been added to the paint bucket, selection: magic wand, cutting tool: magic wand (works like Photoshop), alongside with a Display checkbox in the selection: magic wand.
* The Break Instance option that was in TVPaint Animation 10's Animator Panel has been added to the Handy Panel (to have it, delete your Handy Panel, it will be recreated when you relaunch TVPaint).

FX Stack :
* A new FX has been added in the Color section : Scan Cleaner Color : it is similar to the Scan Cleaner, but works with colors ;)
Here's an example of what it does. Let's take this scanned image :
And let's open the FX Stack, select Scan Cleaner Color :
A few words about the parameters names. The names were quite difficult to choose as the mathematical formulas behind them are complicated, so here's what they do :
  • Stroke intensity : Sets the color intensity of the source image : the less the value, the harder the resulting colors will be.
  • Global transparency : Sets the global transparency.
  • Transparency profile : Lets you set the level of details to keep (it works the same way as the Scan Cleaner Black and White).
  • Post-processing : Sets the background color.
  • Background color : Choose the background color.
  • Saturate lines colors : All colors will have RGB components with a value of either 0 or 255.
The last three options (Post-processing) are useful for people that work with Retas in Japan.

As a consequence of this new FX, the old Scan Cleaner has been renamed into Scan Cleaner Black and White. The online documentation will be updated soon.

Shortcuts :
* It is now possible to assign keys to previous and next mark in the History Panel.

George :
* A command has been added to retrieve AND set H, S and L colors.
Example :

Code: Select all

tv_GetAPen ["rgb"|"hsl"]
tv_GetBPen ["rgb"|"hsl"]

@return r g b a ( if no parameter (compatible mode) )
@return "rgb" r g b ( if "rgb" parameter )
@return "hsl" h s l ( if "hsl" parameter )
@return "error"

tv_SetAPen r g b | r g b a | "rgb" r g b | "hsl" h s l
tv_SetBPen r g b | r g b a | "rgb" r g b | "hsl" h s l

@return previous values: "rgb" r g b ( if r g b (compatible mode) )
@return previous values: "rgb" r g b ( if r g b a (to be able to use GetAPen result as parameters) )
@return previous values: "rgb" r g b ( if "rgb" parameters )
@return previous values: "hsl" h s l ( if "hsl" parameters )
@return "error"
* A command has been added to render the camera to a new project : tv_projectrendercamera
Example :

Code: Select all

tv_projectrendercamera [id]
//@in id : storyboard id, or current storyboard if no parameter
//@return id : id of the created storyboard

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.1 ?

* Fixed a crash that could happen when using FX with library.
* Split clip no longer set wrong MarkIn/Out when using them.
* Frame numbers are no longer too close to the edge of the frame.
* Export Panel : when using the slate, the starting frame is now correctly remembered.
* When duplicating a layer's structure, repeat image options is correctly saved.
* Library now remembers the last used current folder when re-opening a project.
* Project Tab: Timeline view : when there is no sound, numbers are easier to read.
* FX Brush Spreading : dispersion minimum value has been set to 3.
* Warp Tool : When changing square size, the result is visible instantly (it's no longer needed to select another tool to see the changes).
* FX Stack : Modifying a key after the fifth strip no longer moves the key underneath.
* Using Guideline Assist and the play button no longer display a black box when moving the mouse.
* Color schemes values have been changed for some elements of the interface (see with a new config).
* Converting a CTG layer into an Anim layer should no longer result in strange results.
* Drawing with a custom brush that was created form a file should no longer cause a crash.
* Not setting an unique name when exporting a tvpx should no longer cause a crash.
* Mixer > Lock : when activated, it is now possible to pick up colors again (icon has been changed into a padlock)
* In the Edit Custom Brush panel, the x/2 and y/2 icons are no longer inverted.
* Fixed a bug that prevented from choosing a device input after unplugging one.
* FX Particles Generator : fixed a crash that could happen when particle life was set to 0%.
* Square size (Texturizer) should be updated when changing their size.
* Texturizer : fixed a crash that could happen when using a texture from the Library.
* Fixed a crash that could happen after Modifying and switching projects.
* [Linux] Linux RPM installer should now correctly support upgrades.
* [Android] Sound tracks are now saved in the project.

FX Stack :
* [Win64] Previewing the Inlay Texture FX should no longer cause a crash.
* It should now be easier to recognize which tab is selected in the FX Stack when using the Steel color scheme.

Flips :
* Flipping in instance mode has been improved.
* Flipping outside the limite should no longer cause an infinite loop.
* The Out Of Pegs options should now show all images, before and after the current frame.

Localisation :
* Various localisations fixes for Text Tool.
* In the Layer Preset Manager, Clip End is now used instead of Clip Stop.
* In the FX Stack, Progress Profile is now called Speed Profile.
* In the Start tab of the Preferences panel, Autostretch layer has been renamed into Auto Create Frame, and Autobreak instance has been renamed into Auto Break Instance.
* TVP Animation has been remaned into TVPaint Animation when selecting the File Requester in preferences panel.
* In the Export panel, Clap has been renamed into Slate.
* FX Stack : Apply on AutoBreak has been renamed into User Defined (english) / Personnalisé (french).
* Edit Brush > Remove brush opacity with APen color has been renamed to BPen color.

Shortcuts :
* Shape Transform >> Pan is now called Shape Transform >> Panning tool.

George :
* tv_layermerge is now case-sensitive for the mode.
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Re: TVPaint 11.0.2 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone !
TVPaint Animation 11's second update is here, bringing lots of bugfixes, and also some nice new little things :)


What's new in TVPaint Animation 11.0.2 ?

General :
* Full path has been added in "File > Recent files" list, and in the project view title (if the tvpp file exists).
* [Android] CTG layers should now be working !
* If you want to rename a clip, layer or fx name, double click on the name and a small window will appear below. No more blocking windows !
* Transform Tool : A Selected layers option has been added in the "Apply on" menu.
* No subpixels for position of the camera tool when moving the Camera tool's HUD (if position is 250.8, it will change in 251.8, 252.8...)
* When adding an item in the Library, its name is now the current layer's name.
* A pop-up has been added in the Demo version, warning the user that he can't save.

George :
* Flix dedicated command : Add parameter to set the original file for flix format in tv_clipsavestructure :
Example :

Code: Select all

tv_clipsavestructure pathfile flix ... [originalfile /x/y/z.tvpp]
* New parameters have been added in the tv_layerinsertimage command :

Code: Select all

tv_layerinsertimage ["count" X] ["direction" before|after]
// count: number of images to add
// direction: images to add before or after the current one
// return < 0 if error occurs
// return the position of the previous current image after the addition of the new image
If there is only one parameter (or none), the old behavior still works.

Shortcuts :
* A shortcut has been added for the new transform Warp.


What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.2 ?

* Transform tool : handles should no longer reset themselves.
* Using sound annotations in project tab (Timeline view) should no longer cause a crash.
* Copy and pasting a layer from one project to another with the same size should no longer cause a crash.
* [Windows] TIFF export as sequence no longer export only 1 file.
* CTG Layers : Removing all sources in a long layer should no longer take a long time, even if the layer has one instance.
* [Linux] Drag'n'dropping a project file should no longer cause a "File not found" pop-up appear after the project has been loaded.
* Various improvements have been made to increase stability of CTG Layers : there should be a lot less crashes.
* Camera position is no longer shifted when cropping.
* [MacOSX-64] It is now possible to differenciate George Scripts, George Scripts files, and project files when passing them in command line (when lauhcing TVPaint Animation).
* FX Color Replacer : when using multiple Color Replacers, the second one should no longer make the color disappear.
* Double-clicking on a clip (in Project > Timeline view) should no longer cause a crash.
* [MacOSX] TVPaint Animation should now warn you if you try to overwrite a file when exporting.
* CSV Export : When exporting, original layer/instances names are kept.
* It should now be possible to export a tiff sequence over another files on a network (very specific case).
* When using Create new layer from Clipboard (in Edit > Clipboard), the newly created layer should now have the Timeline toggle present.
* Modifying and Cropping should no longer loose the Image guide reference coming from the Library.
* A bug regarding the Mark In and Mark Out refresh in the Export panel has been fixed.
* In the Handy Panel, the "+1" and "N+1" should now be behaving correctly. You should destroy the old Handy Panel and restart TVPaint Animation to have the new one.

George :
* tv_layermerge is now case-sensitive for the mode.

Localisation :
* FX Stack : Apply on AutoBreak has been renamed into User Defined (english) / Personnalisé (french).
* Edit Brush > Remove brush opacity with APen color has been renamed to BPen color.
* [French] : Library Image has been renamed into Bibliothèque in the FX stack.
* Export Panel : CSV enly has been renamed into CSV Only.
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TVPaint Animation 11.0.3 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone !
The time has come for TVPaint Animation 11.0.3 to finally be released !
There are a LOT of changes in the 11.0.3, and one of the most important is that :

Projects saved with v11.0.3 using CTG layers will not be able to be (fully) read with previous versions of TVPaint Animation 11 !

In this release, we fixed a (very annoying) bug related to projects made in the Professional Edition that couldn't be opened in the Standard Edition.
Unfortunately, the fix broke the compatibility with previous versions of TVPaint Animation 11.

What's new in TVPaint 11.0.3 ?

General :
  • You can now change the pivot point of the Transform tool !
    Spoiler : Pivot point :
    pivot.PNG (19.89 KiB) Viewed 200523 times
  • CSV Export now keeps start frame info.
  • Export panel : the last used tab is selected when opening the panel.
  • Export Panel : last used tab is selected again when opening the panel
  • Custom Panels : when editing an action, cursor focus is now on the name of the action.
  • Print options : zoom can now go higher than 100%
  • Closing a project window now makes a warning if it is the last one
  • Split Scene improvement : export file name is now "file-scene_no-clip_no-clip_name-image-no.ext".
  • It's now possible to flip between colors.
  • Brush mode is now shown in the status bar.
  • It should now be possible to rotate in the Warp Tool. A shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+LMB) has been added.
  • A new option has been added in the preferences to choose if a project can have no view.
  • Image Guide : a Set Center option has been added.
  • Changes to Timeline timing : ...6...12...18 (or project framerate related) instead of ...5...10...15
  • Fullscreen mode can now be enabled in the View main menu instead of the top right corner of the TVPaint Animation window.
  • A Vanishing Point 1 with Vertical and Horizontal snapping lines has been added.
  • Lots of improvements have been made when [Shift + moving the stylus].
  • Use the last version public libraries (zlib/libpng/libtiff/…)
  • An Include borders option has been added to the paint bucket tool, letting you expand the colorization to other colors. Please look the discussion here : viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9218#p85094" onclick=";return false;
    Spoiler : Include borders :
    Here's an example of how it works. Let's take this image :
    origin.png (1.93 KiB) Viewed 200442 times
    In the Paint bucket panel, click on Include borders. You will see a button named Add color.
    When clicking on it, a list appears, containing the colors that are present in the image (you can see the RGB values) :
    list.PNG (19.82 KiB) Viewed 200442 times
    Now, let's see the application, with the following parameters :
    parameters.PNG (28.73 KiB) Viewed 200442 times
    And let's color the part on the left of the blue border. Here is the result :
    result.png (1.87 KiB) Viewed 200442 times
    You will notice that the blue border has been included when coloring.
    You can include several colors. Here, the blue and red colors :
    result2.png (1.51 KiB) Viewed 200399 times
    Here is another result if you add all three colors :
    result3.png (1.44 KiB) Viewed 200398 times
    This option is suited for non AntiAliased images.
  • Duplicate layers : it should indicate in the name which layer was duplicated (it shouldn't cause a problem in scripts, if that's the case, please report it !)
  • Layer attenuation options are now in the Timeline menu (The Display Current option has to be activated) :
    Spoiler : Layer attenuation :
    layer_attenuation.PNG (7.5 KiB) Viewed 200523 times
  • In the Timeline, Mark in and Mark out should be a lot more visible.
  • New layer blending mode : Overlay2: works the same as Photoshop.
  • It is now possible to change the scale of the Out of Pegs using Ctrl and RMB in the hud.
  • Layer name tooltip now shows the layer name.
  • New Slate options : You can now choose what you want to show :
    Spoiler : New Slate options :
    new-slate.PNG (4.58 KiB) Viewed 200523 times
  • PNG saver : RGBA is now the default option (instead of RGB).
  • PSD files should use the new Overlay2 blending mode when opened.
  • A warning has been added when saving a project about the compatibility with 11.0.3 to 11.0.0, 11.0.1 and 11.0.2.
  • Warp Tool / Texturizer panel : you can now see how many "locked points" you currently have.
  • When activated, layer attenuation value is 20% by default.
  • It is now possible to change how the tooltips are displayed in the Preferences panel (Interface tab).
  • A new link to Online lessons has been added in the Help menu.
CTG Layers :
  • An option to erase all of the existing colors and scribbles has been added in the Edit Color panel of the CTG Layer.
  • Extract color now allows selected colors to be exported in the same layer or separately.
  • Extract Color now remembers AA choice.
  • Erase Scribbles now sorks with Right-Mouse Button (RMB).
  • A Deactivate CTG after extraction option has been added in the Extract Colors popup.
  • It's now possible to create a new palette from CTG layer's palette.
  • The Edit colors panel of the CTG layer is now resizable and has a scrollbar.
  • When using Load Structure from Sources, if the CTG Layer is inactive, the created instances will be empty, but the scribbles will be kept and applied when the CTG will be activated again.
FX Stack :
  • It's now possible to double click on a FX name to rename it.
  • FX Optical Flow : Size has been increased to 5000
  • FX Multiplane Camera :
    • The stage now has a Minimize button.
    • Images in perspective view are now shown by default
    • Settings of each view are now remembered.
  • New FX ! Antialiasing, based on SMAA : Enhanced Subpixel Morphological AntiAliasing.
    A small explanation of the parameters might be useful :
    • Intensity : defines the intensity of the AA application.
    • Edges detection accuracy : the higher the value, the more AntiAliased the drawing will be. It is based on the luma difference between 2 pixels. If they are sufficiently different then AA must be applied.
      If the value is 100%, all of the differences will be taken into account.
      If the value is 0%, nothing will happen.
    • Horizontal/Vertical Antialiasing : the maximum application distance of an AA in a direction. The higher the value, the wider the application area will be.
    • Diagonal Antialiasing : same as the previous one, but with diagonals.
    • Corner rounding : defines how much the corners will be antialiased.
      If the value is 100%, you will have rounded corners.
      If the value is 0%, you will have sharp corners.
    Exemple : before :
    Spoiler : FX AA before :
    aa_before.png (1.93 KiB) Viewed 200451 times
    After :
    Spoiler : FX AA after :
    aa_after.png (5.68 KiB) Viewed 200451 times
    The Antialiasing FX also works with filled shapes :
    Spoiler : FX AA with filled shape before :
    aa_before2.png (1.51 KiB) Viewed 200399 times
    Spoiler : FX AA with filled shape after :
    aa_after2.png (4.97 KiB) Viewed 200399 times
George :
  • New command to make a sound alert : tv_Beep.
  • A preference option has been added to remove the tv_WriteTextFile warning popup.
  • Keymarks parameter can now use several colors : tv_FlipsModify ... ["keymarks" 1 2 3 8 9]...
  • Two George commands have been added for the new Vanishing point options (vertical & horizontal snapping lines).
    Spoiler : George commands for Vanishing point :

    Code: Select all

    tv_GuidelineAdd ... "grid" 0|1|on|off
    tv_GuidelineModify ... "grid" 0|1|on|off|toggle
  • A George Command wich returns the bounding box of the current image has been added :
    Spoiler : Returning the bounding box in George :

    Code: Select all

    tv_imagegetbound ["format" "XYXY|XYWH"]
    // @param[in]	"format": to choose the format of the returned value
    // @return "empty"
    // @return x1 y1 x2 y2
    // @return x1 y1 w h
    // @return < 0 if error
  • New commands have been added to manage selection.
    Spoiler : Managing selection in George :

    Code: Select all

    tv_SetActiveShape selectrect
    tv_AreaMove 50 50
    tv_AreaMove 1000 50
    tv_AreaMove 500 1000
    tv_AreaMove 50 500
  • A parameter has been added to tv_LoadProject to ignore the missing dependencies and remove the popup :
    Spoiler : Ignore dependencies :

    Code: Select all

    tv_LoadProject path ["silent" 0|1|on|off]
  • A new parameter has been added to the tv_WriteTextFile command to bypass alternate paths
    Spoiler : Bypass alternate paths :

    Code: Select all

    tv_WriteTextFile [strict] exists|mkdir|remove|create|append …
  • More parameters have been added to get/set selection tool options.
    Spoiler : Getting and setting selection tool options :

    Code: Select all

    tv_setactiveshape select* ["aliasing" value]
    	tv_setactiveshape selectflood ["gap" 0-25] ["contiguous" 0|1] ["expand" -50-50] ["range" 0-255] ["floodmode" 0-4] ["display" 0|1]
    	//@return values before change
  • A command has been added to manage selection mask
    Spoiler : Managing selection mask :

    Code: Select all

    tv_selectionmask ["action" 			"clear"|"invert"|"copy2layer"|"cut2layer"|"copy2brush"|"cut2brush"]
    	// @return "": if there is a selection (state after the action if any)
    	// @return "empty": if there is no selection (state after the action if any)
  • The Include borders option in the Paint Bucket tool also have George commands,
    Spoiler : Include Borders George commands :

    Code: Select all

    tv_setactiveshape flood /* already existing parameters */ ["floodboundary" 0|1] ["boundaryexpand" value] ["boundaryrange" value] [["boundarycolor" "rgb" r g b ["boundarycoloractivated" 0|1]] ...]
  • George commands for the Library have been added !
    Spoiler : George commands for Library :
    Every "id" in all library commands must be get from this command :

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimageinfo "id" id|path ["type" "id"|"type"|"name"]
    // @param[in]	"id" (with id value): id of the object to get information
    // @param[in]	"id" (with path value): path (/path/to/the/object) of the object to get information (from the root)
    // @param[in]	"type": the type of the information to retrieve of the object
    // @return id of the object (if "type" == "id"): useful to get the id of an object (folder or image) from its absolute path
    // @return "folder"|"image" (if "type" == "type")
    // @return name of the object (if "type" == "name")
    // @return < 0 if error
    Here's an example :

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimageinfo "id" "/" "type" "id"
    root = result
    This will store the ID of the root folder (/) in a variable named "root".

    Then, once you have your "id" :

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimageadd "type" "folder" "name" "xxxxxx" "parent" id
    tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" "xxxxxx" "parent" id "source" "file" "path" "/path/to/the/file"
    tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" "xxxxxx" "parent" id "source" "currentlayerimage"
    tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" "xxxxxx" "parent" id "source" "display"
    tv_libraryimageadd "type" "image" "name" "xxxxxx" "parent" id "source" "custombrush"
    // @param[in]	"type": type of the object to create
    // @param[in]	"name": name of the new object
    // @param[in]	"parent": id of the folder to add the new object
    // @param[in]	"source": source of the content for new image
    // @param[in]	"path": for file source, the path of the file
    // @return id: id of created object
    // @return < 0 if error

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimagemodify "id" id ["name" new_name]
    // @param[in]	"id": id of the object to modify
    // @param[in]	"name": its new name
    // @return "name" previous_name
    // @return < 0 if error

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimageremove "id" id
    // @param[in]	"id": id of the object to remove
    // @return 0 if NO error
    // @return < 0 if error

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimagelist "id" id ["type" "folder"|"image"|"both"]
    // @param[in]	"id": id of the folder to list children
    // @param[in]	"type": return only folders, only image or both children type
    // @return id1 id2 ... idn (can be empty)
    // @return < 0 if error

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimagecopy "id" id
    // To copy objects from several projects, you must change the current project before calling this command
    // @param[in]	"id": id of the object to copy
    // @return 0 if NO error
    // @return < 0 if error

    Code: Select all

    tv_libraryimagepaste "parent" id ["mode" "copy|cut"]
    // To paste objects on another project, you must change the current project before calling this command
    // @param[in]	"parent": id of the parent to copy in
    // @param[in]	"mode": copy or cut the selected objects
    // @return 0 if NO error
    // @return < 0 if error
  • Light Table commands have been updated to manage OoP :
    Spoiler : Light Table commands for OoP :

    Code: Select all

    tv_lighttablemode ...
    	["OoPLinkAll" 0|1] 
    	["OoPAntiAliasing" 0|1] 
    	["OoPPegsBarBar" "none"|"3c"|"2s1c1"|"2s1c2"|"2s1c3"]		// 2s1c3: "2 squares and 1 circle 3"
    	["OoPPegsBarPosition" "top"|"bottom"] 
    	["OoPValueCurrent" index] 			// index: -10...-1,1...10 | Make the hud visible for this index (if it is activated)
    	["OoPValueActivate" index 0|1]		// Add or remove an OoP at the index (the '.' or 'O' below the sliders in the lighttable)
    	["OoPValuePosition" index x y]		// Change the position(x,y) at the index (and also activate it if not, but doesn't make it current)
    	["OoPValueAngle" index angle]
    	["OoPValueScale" index scale]
  • Commands have been added to get the Author, info and notes of the project.
    Spoiler : Commands to get Author/Info/Notes of the project :

    Code: Select all

    tv_projectheaderauthor id ["text"] 
    //@param[in] id: id of the project (for current project, use tv_projectcurrentid result)
    //@param[in] : set a new author with everything after the id
    //@return : the name of the (previous, if a new is set) author
    tv_projectheaderinfo id ["text"]
    //@param[in] id: id of the project (for current project, use tv_projectcurrentid result)
    //@param[in] : set a new information with everything after the id
    //@return : the (previous, if a new is set) information
    tv_projectheadernotes id ["line1\nline2\n...\nlinen"]
    //@param[in] id: id of the project (for current project, use tv_projectcurrentid result)
    //@param[in] : set new notes with everything after the id (quotes are mandatory)
    //@return : the (previous, if new notes are set) notes
Localisation :
  • Various localisation fixes for some shortcuts duplications.
  • Localisation : View > Windows has been renamed to View > InlayMode
  • Various localisation issues for the Brush Spreading FX and for some menus and tools.


What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.3 ?

General :
  • FFmpeg, video and sound :
    A lot of work has been done with FFmpeg. FFmpeg is the library which load/save video (qt/mov/...) files on Linux (32/64 bits) and on MacOSX-64.
    All the sound problems when using FFmpeg loading on Linux (32/64) and MacOSX-64 should now be fixed. FFmpeg now working on Windows (32/64) too !
    It is no longer possible to export in MP4 (FFmpeg), there's only MOV (compressed/lossless) in 64-bits.
    You read it right, you can export in .MOV with the 64-bits version of TVPaint Animation on all OS ! :)
  • The "Display" option present in the select tools has been kept only for the select flood, as they were unused (but displayed) in the other modes.
  • Rendering the Keyframer should no longer cause some frames to be missing.
  • Custom Brush : Stamp in place origin should now be stored when switching stylus pen.
  • Rotate when importing should now work in 180° and -180°.
  • A bug with new guidelines having wrong position has been fixed.
  • Selecting a tool with papers without being able to access papers directory should no longer cause a crash.
  • Recompute script in handy panel should now say : "Erase superfluous images without changing the timeline's length.".
  • Dragging selection / Make selection in the timeline should now stop at frame 0/1.
  • Shortcut F12 will no longer force full screen view (which has been renamed to Inlay mode in the "View" menu) before hiding/showing panels.
  • A memory leak issue has been fixed regarding the Library.
  • Dropping invalid files on Library should no longer cause an infinite warning.
  • Library contents should no longer change color from one OS to another.
  • Proxy stability have been improved.
  • Default values in Brush Spreading FX have been changed : Grid type is now on Hexagon (previously Square) and Dispersion is now 10 (previously 15).
  • Handy Panel : Set Exposure 1 2 3 4 now keep the selection. The old panel needs to be deleted and the software needs to be restarted to have the new version
  • If a project made in the Professional Edition is opened in the Standard Edition, loading will no more stop on the first CTG layer encoutered.
  • Copying layers between projects (with different sizes) should no longer cause a crash.
  • Copying CTG layers between projects of same size should no longer cause a crash.
  • Autosave now saves the project if the project's last MODIFICATION was too long ago (instead of if the last SAVE was too long ago)
  • Paint Bucket is no longer named Flood fill in the shortcuts
  • A rare crash happening when Cropping and closing projects has been fixed.
  • Long words are now splitted when exporting PDF.
  • Special characters (accents, japanese...) no longer cause an issue in layers name when switching from one OS to another.
  • CTG Layers : Extract colors no longer creates empty images for exposures.
  • Selecting and using big and long brushes should no longer cause a lag.
  • Using the FXBin popup with the AntiAliasing FX should no longer cause a crash.
  • [MacOSX] The cursor should no longer switch to an arrow !
  • [MacOSX] Applying the FX Stack with multple Keyframers should no longer cause a lag.
  • [MacOSX] Software stability has been improved.
  • [MacOSX_32] The checkbox for Stroke Animator in the Preferences panel should now be at the right position.
  • [MacOSX_64] The lag when drawing should now be fixed !
  • [MacOSX_64] Using Kanji/Katakana/Hiragana and unusual characters (^ or `) should no longer make the whole interface gray.
  • [Linux] Drag'n'dropping several files should now work correctly on Linux Mint.
  • [Linux] It is no longer possible to start several instances of TVPaint.
George :
  • The tv_GetAPen HSL command should no longer returns HSL values for the BPen color in some cases (and vice versa, tv_GetBPen HSL should no longer return HSL values for the APen color in some cases).
  • tv_GuildelineSnap and tv_GuidelineVisible should now work for index values.
  • When using tv_LayerDensity, the layer slider for opacity should now update.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.0.6 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone !

After a long wait, it's time to release TVPaint Animation 11.0.6, which should please a lot of Mac users !
You might ask "Why version 11.0.6 ? The last one was 11.0.3 !". The answer is simple: versions 11.0.4 and 11.0.5 were distributed to a handful of people, for very specific needs, and weren't worth releasing to the public.

What's new in TVPaint Animation 11.0.6 ?

General :
  • TVPaint Animation is know telling you when an update is available online!
  • New default project size is 1920*1080 instead of 1280*720 (with a new config).
  • [Windows]For Japanese versions of Windows, the IME (Input Method Editor) pop-up is now activated only in the textfields.
  • [Windows] High definition devices should no longer be blurry when display ratio is over 100%
George :
  • New George command to get camera positions: tv_CameraInterpolation iPosition
    It will help us to create a script to "export from TVPaint and import in After Effect", with camera moves, which will come in a future update.
    Spoiler : How to use tv_CameraInterpolation :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_camerainterpolation iPosition
    	Get the position/angle/scale values of the given position on the camera path
    	@param	double				iPosition		The position on the camera path (0.0-1.0)
    	@return	string				"error"			Error: no parameter
    	@return	double double double double	oX oY oAngle oScale	The values of the given position
  • New George command: tv_CameraPath :
    Spoiler : How to use tv_CameraPath :

    Code: Select all

    /// tv_camerapath ["mode" 0|1|2] 
                        ["profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 1|0|2 iX0 iY0 iX1 iY1 ... iXN iYN'"'] 
                        ["motionblur" iMotionBlur] 
                        ["lockall" 0|1] 
                        ["lockx" 0|1] 
                        ["locky" 0|1] 
                        ["lockangle" 0|1] 
                        ["lockscale" 0|1]
        Manage options of the camera
        @param  arg(string,int)     "mode" 0|1|2                The interpolation:
                                                                _ 0: linear
                                                                _ 1: spline
                                                                _ 2: smart spline
        @param  arg(string,string)  "profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 1|0|2 iX0 iY0 iX1 iY1 ... iXN iYN'"'   
                                                                The profile:
                                                                _ iCount: number of x,y points
                                                                _ iCurrent: index of the current point
                                                                _ 1="linear" 0="spline" 2="polynomial"
                                                                _ iX0 iY0 ...: all the iCount*2 coordinates
        @param  arg(string,double)  "motionblur" iMotionBlur    The motion blur (0.0-1.0)
        @param  arg(string,int)     "lockall" 0|1               The lock all state
        @param  arg(string,int)     "lockx" 0|1                 The lock x state
        @param  arg(string,int)     "locky" 0|1                 The lock y state
        @param  arg(string,int)     "lockangle" 0|1             The lock angle state
        @param  arg(string,int)     "lockscale" 0|1             The lock scale state
        @return arg(string,mixed)   "mode" 0|1|2
                                    "profile" '"'iCount iCurrent 1|0|2 iX0 iY0 iX1 iY1 ... iXN iYN'"'
                                    "motionblur" iMotionBlur
                                    "lockall" 0|1
                                    "lockx" 0|1
                                    "locky" 0|1
                                    "lockangle" 0|1
                                    "lockscale" 0|1             The previous/current state*/

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.6 ?

  • [Windows] For users that have a Japanese version of Windows : you should now be able to correctly add text, without any pop-up getting in the way (this is related to the IME change mentionned above).
  • Japanese characters should be displayed correctly.
  • [Windows] Long file names should no longer cause a crash.
  • Blending modes should work with CTG layers.
  • Having a too long variable name in George should no longer cause a crash.
  • OoP: The HUD should now always be synchronized with the cursor during a move.
  • OoP: Using OoP on a single instance should no longer make the instance darker.
  • OoP: There shouldn't be any more lag with high dimension files, or big zoom ratio
  • FX Brush Spreading: Angle parameters are now working when Follow Shape isn't checked.
    Spoiler : More details :
    So now, here is how it works.
    [General tab]
    Angle and Diffusion angle are working together to the shape angles on which the brush is allowed to be spread.

    [Brush tab]
    Angle defines the base angle of the brush.
  • Tutorial Recorder :
    Now works on the Standard Edition, but only on non-Retina displays.
    On Retina displays, now works correctly with the 64-bits version
  • A bug regarding the saving of the TVPaint window's coordinates has been fixed and the TVPaint window coordinates should no longer reset when switching from 64-bits to 32-bits (and vice-versa). Warning: the first time opening the 64-bits version may have a window located in the wrong place, that's normal: just resize your window as you wish, then restart the software.
  • The Text Brush tool should now display the text correctly.
  • The TVPaint window should no longer be reset after stretching the interface on another screen.
  • [64-bits only] There should no longer be any artifacts when moving panels on Retina displays ! That means that it's no longer be required to use "Low-resolution mode" when having a Retina display !
  • [64-bits only] Quitting while in Fullscreen mode should no longer cause a crash.
  • [64-bits only] There should no longer be any blank space under or above the drawing area when using fullscreen mode on Retina displays, when a non-Retina display is plugged in.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2006, 08:58

Re: TVPaint Animation 11.0.8 is available !

Post by Mike »

Hello everyone !

Now is the time for the latest version of TVPaint Animation 11 to be released, version 11.0.8 !
As for version 11.0.6, we are skipping a number, and going straight to 11.0.8, as version 11.0.7 was distributed to a few people, for specific needs, and so weren't worth releasing to the public.

What's new in TVPaint Animation 11.0.8 ?

General :
  • You can now export in JSON in the Export Panel > Clip Structure tab !
  • Color checker: a HUD has been added in the Windows > Show > Color Checker main menu to see holes in your drawings/colors.
  • Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths are now usable when saving.
  • There are now 3 options when exporting with mov(FFmpeg): lossless RGB, compressed RGB, and compressed RGBA.
  • Mark In/Out and Image marks are now kept when converting/modifying a project.
  • A link has been added to the notification pop-up (when an update is available).
  • Light table default settings have been changed: colors are now Green (0,192,0) and Orange (255,128,0), and 3 instances are selected before and after.
  • Preload (sound, images, etc.) is now the default checked option when importing.
  • "Force reinstall" is now checked by default when importing a custom panel.
  • Double clicking in the timeline no longer select all layers.
  • Image layers are now converted in Animation layers when importing PSD files.
  • A smart rename instances option when right-click on an instance
  • New options in the Image > Instance main menu:
    • Create a new instance before the current one
    • Create a new instance after the current one
    • Delete current instance
    • Delete selected instances
  • MOV format has been added to the EDL export.
  • A checkerboard background has been added when exporting in PNG.
  • A Flip x/y option has been added in the transform tool.
  • A "Reset" option has been added to the Light table.
  • Camera tool : right click on point : add option reset with camera value.
  • A "Embeded Panels" category has been added in the Custom Panels main menu.
  • 3 new Vanishing points Guideline have been added. : they can be created as 2 lines intersection.
  • Crop and Modify Project now keep guides.
  • A "Remove Source" option has been added in the Distorsion > Mirror FX.
  • A new option has been added when editing a custom button: "Grab current Linesmoothing values".
  • You can now use the two tips/side of the stylus with CTG layer tools.
  • New options have been added to the color popup of the Image Marks panel:
    • Add an image mark on all instances of the current layer (and remove others).
    • Add an image mark on all non-marked instances of the current layer.
  • The "Show Full Page" (Shift+V) option now uses Mark In and Mark Out points.
  • New options have been added to the Custom Panel > Edit > Tool Grabber menu:
    • Color A Only
    • Color B Only
    • Colors Only With Name
    • Color A Only With Name
    • Color B Only With Name
  • Add a Select Font Panel to Export PDF in Export Panel
  • New LineSmoothing type : Average ( Points ) + Catchup option for this type
  • You can now use the panning tool on a CTG Layer.
  • New options for file / directory pattern have been added to the Export in JSON :
    Spoiler : :
    _ %[[0| ]number]li: layer index
    _ %[[0| ]number]ln: layer name
    _ %[[0| ]number]di: folder number (to have an incremental number)

    %li_%ln: "4_background"
    -%5li-%12ln-: "-00004- background-"


    _ %[[0| ]number]li: layer index
    _ %[[0| ]number]ln: layer name
    _ %[[0| ]number]di: folder number (see folder pattern)
    _ %[[0| ]number]ii: instance index
    _ %[[0| ]number]in: instance name
    _ %[[0| ]number]fi: file number (to have an incremental number)

    [%fi] %ln-%in: "[15] background-key"
    -%5ii-%08in-: "-00035-0000key-"
  • Image marks and instances names are now kept while merging layers and drag'n'dropping them.
  • When clicking outside a textfield, it will now be considered as "Ok" instead of "Cancel" (for example during a layer name change, or a clip name change...)
  • A new Color Picker has been added.
  • Public librairies used in the software (png, tiff, ffmpeg...) have been updated.
  • Shape: Freenhand Fill now onclide borders (like the Floodfill tool).
  • CTG Layers: a new option to apply current content on instances with the same name has been added.
  • A search area has been added to the PegHoles registration.
  • Features to draw lines with freehand shape have been added:
    • When using the freehand shape, press CTRL+ SHIFT to be able to draw lines from the last drawn point.
  • An option has been added to keep current position in the display flipping horizontally and vertically the display.
  • A Sketch panel without AntiAliasing has been added for Japanese users.
  • A Timesheet cusotm panel has been added for Japanese users.
  • Transform tool: flip management will work more than other x/y/angle/... parameters.
  • Transform tool: Reset utton will now also reset the last internal transform stored.
  • Custom Panel: More/better options to grab the current tool:
    • When right-clicking on the panel: the two "Grab current tool" options will store the paper.
    • When right-clicking on a button: there is now only one "Grab current tool", but the grabbing options are displayed below.
  • Add a new (and remove others) custom panel "Sketch panel" which contains all variant of previous sketch panels (rgb/AA/no-AA/...).
  • Add a new custom panel "Grab Tools".
  • New version of custom panel "Tool Presets" (The previous one needs to be deleted and TVPaint restart).
  • Add a new export: spritesheet.
  • New blend option for tools ( except custom brush ) : B Color To A Color.

FX Stack:
  • New FX: Color Replacer Multiple: works like the previous Color Replacer, but works on several colors !
    Spoiler : :
    multiple-color-replacer-multiple.png (19.61 KiB) Viewed 191268 times
  • New FX: Dust Cleaner: to be used after a scan cleaner to remove every little dirt artifacts.
  • FX : New Line Colorize Enhanced
  • FX groups names are now sorted in the same order for all languages.
  • The FX stack categories have been reorganized, to make them much easier to navigate into.
  • The Scan Cleaner Color FX has been updated.
  • The maximum value of Median, Gaussian, Cubic, Chroma, Radial blur was changed from 200 to 10000.

  • CTG Layers: A shortcut has been added for "Apply changes" and "Show/Hide scribbles".
  • Animbrush previous and next shortcuts now loop into the animation.
  • Image Marks: new shortcuts for Next/Previous/Flip colors.
  • A shortcut has been added to toggle the hidden state of the current clip.
  • A shortcut has been added to activate or deactivate the Light table.
  • A "Select group" shortcut has been added.
  • Shortcuts has been added for the new options in the new options in the Image > Instance menu: Delete current instance and Delete selected instances.

Slate panel
  • Slate improvement: Incrust mode. Slate information can now be encrusted directly in the project view.
  • A ratio option has been added for the Slate in the Export panel.
  • You can now select the font in the Slate panel.

Flips panel
  • A default Manual Flip has been added when creating a new TVPaint configuration (default shortcut is "W").
  • In Manual flip, the default values are now:
    - Distance : 30
    - Checkpoints : Instances
    - Limits : Layer
  • A "Come back to origin" option has been added in the Directional Flip.

George :
  • A big internal work has been done so that George can be used in Unicode.
    When saving grg files in UTF-8 format, all characters (french, english, japanese...) will be displayed correctly in TVPaint Animation's interface.
    Please test all your scripts, to see if they still work, and if no bugs appeared!
  • tv_LockDisplay now works with several lines.
  • You can now set Stencil color and Opacity with tv_Display:
    Spoiler : tv_Display stencilcolor :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_Display "stencilcolor" [iR iG iB iA]
    	Manage the global color of the display of the stencil
    	@param	string		    "stencilcolor"	The option to manage
    	@param	int		        iR				Red
    	@param	int			    iG				Green
    	@param	int			    iB				Blue
    	@param	int			    iA				Alpha
    	@return	int int int int oR oG oB oA		The previous/current global color of the display of the stencil
  • A command has been added to Embed dependencies in the project:
    Spoiler : tv_ProjectSaveDependencies :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_ProjectSaveDependencies iProjectId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"]
    	Manage the embedding of dependencies in the project
    	@param	int				iProjectId		The project id
    	@param	string			0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"	Activates/Inactivates the embedding of dependencies in the project
    	@return	int			    -1				Error: No parameter
    	@return	int			    -2				Error: No valid project id
    	@return	int			    -3				Error: Too much parameters
    	@return	string			0|1			    Previous value
  • A command has been added to Collapse/Uncollapse a layer:
    Spoiler : tv_LayerCollapse :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_LayerCollapse iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"]
    	Manage layer collapse state
    	@param	int 		iLayerId		The layer id (0 for the current)
    	@param	mixed 		0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"		The state
    	@return	int		-1				Error: no parameter
    	@return	int		-2				Error: layer not found
    	@return	int		-3				Error: too much parameters
    	@return	int		0|1				The previous/current state
  • A command has been added to select a layer from its ID:
    Spoiler : tv_LayerSelection :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_layerselection iLayerId [0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"]
    	Manage layer selection
    	@param	int		iLayerId				The id of the layer
    	@param	mixed	0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"|"toggle"		The new selection state
    	@return	int		<0					Error
    	@return	int		0|1					The previous/current selection state of the given layer
  • A smart rename instances command has been added.
    Spoiler : tv_InstanceName :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_instancename iLayerId "mode" "smart" ["prefix" iPrefix] ["suffix" iSuffix] [["process" "empty"|"number"|"text"] ...]
    	@TODO: add "single" mode ...
    	Rename all instances by keeping indentical names for identical images
    	@param	int 					iLayerId							The layer (0 for the current one)
    	@param	arg(string,string) 		"mode" "smart"						The mode
    	@param	arg(string,string) 		"prefix" iPrefix					The prefix
    	@param	arg(string,string) 		"suffix" iSuffix					The suffix
    	@param	arg(string,string)[]	"process" "empty"|"number"|"text"	The name to process (replace):
    																		_ empty: rename instances without name
    																		_ number: rename instances with name corresponding to a number
    																		_ text: rename instances not inside both previous case
    																		If the parameter is not provided, it's like all are set
    	@return	string					"-1"			Error: not enough parameters
    	@return	string					"-2"			Error: no valid parameters
    	@return	string					""				On success
  • A command has been added to export in JSON:
    Spoiler : Export in JSON :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_clipsavestructure iPath "JSON" ["fileformat" iFileFormat|"png"|"tga"|...] ["patternfolder" iPatternFolder] ["patternfile" iPatternFile] ["onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["excludenames" iExcludeNames]
    	Save the current clip in JSON
    	@param	string				iPath										The path of the file
    	@param	string				"JSON"								The format
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"fileformat" iFileFormat|"png"|"tga"|...	The format of the files
    																			The tv_savemode command may be called before this command to manage the file format options
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"patternfolder" iPatternFolder				The pattern of the subfolder:
    																			_ %li: layer index
    																			_ %ln: layer name
    																			_ %fi: file index
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"patternfile" iPatternFile					The pattern of the files in the subfolder:
    																			_ %li: layer index
    																			_ %ln: layer name
    																			_ %ii: image index
    																			_ %in: image name
    																			_ %fi: file index
    	@param	arg(string,mixed)	"onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"	Export only visible layers
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"excludenames" iExcludeNames				The instances names which won't be processed/exported (separated by ';')
    	@return	int					-1											Error: no parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s)
    	@return	string				""											On success
  • Background management has been added for JSON exporting.
    Spoiler : Background management in JSON exporting :

    Code: Select all

    ///	tv_clipsavestructure iPath "JSON" ["fileformat" iFileFormat|"png"|"tga"|...] ["background" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["patternfolder" iPatternFolder] ["patternfile" iPatternFile] ["onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"] ["excludenames" iExcludeNames]
    	Save the current clip for JSON
    	@param	string				iPath										The path of the file
    	@param	string				"JSON"								The format
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"fileformat" iFileFormat|"png"|"tga"|...	The format of the files
    																			The tv_savemode command may be called before this command to manage the file format options
    	@param	arg(string,mixed)	"background" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"	Fill the background
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"patternfolder" iPatternFolder				The pattern of the subfolder:
    																			_ %li: layer index
    																			_ %ln: layer name
    																			_ %fi: file index
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"patternfile" iPatternFile					The pattern of the files in the subfolder:
    																			_ %li: layer index
    																			_ %ln: layer name
    																			_ %ii: image index
    																			_ %in: image name
    																			_ %fi: file index
    	@param	arg(string,mixed)	"onlyvisiblelayers" 0|1|"on"|"off"|"true"|"false"	Export only visible layers
    	@param	arg(string,string)	"excludenames" iExcludeNames				The instances names which won't be processed/exported (separated by ';')
    	@return	int					-1											Error: no parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s)
    	@return	string				""											On success
  • Parameters have been added to tv_LayerMerge and tv_LayerMergeAll:
    Spoiler : New parameters :

    Code: Select all

    /// tv_layermergeall ["keepcolorgroup" 0|1] ["keepimagemark" 0|1] ["keepinstancename" 0|1]
    	Merge all layers
    	@ingroup structure.layer
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "keepcolorgroup" 0|1            Keep the color group
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "keepimagemark" 0|1             Keep the image mark
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "keepinstancename" 0|1          Keep the instance name
    	@version 11.0.8     new parameters: all
    	                    Default behavior slightly changed when parameters are omitted
    	                    _ before: no parameter -> don't keep anything (as it was not managed)
    	                    _ after: no parameter -> keep anything
    /// tv_layermerge iLayerId ["color"|"behind"|"erase"|"shade"|"light"|"colorize"|"hue"| "saturation"|"value"|"add"|"sub"|"multiply"|"screen"|"replace"| "copy"|"difference"|"divide"|"overlay"|"overlay2"|"light2"|"shade2"| "hardlight"|"softlight"|"grainextract"|"grainmerge"|"sub2"|"darken"|"lighten"] ["stamp"] ["erase"] ["keepcolorgroup" 0|1] ["keepimagemark" 0|1] ["keepinstancename" 0|1]
    	Merge the given layer with the current one
    	@ingroup structure.layer
    	@param   int                    iLayerId                        The layer id
    	@param   string                 "color"|"behind"|"erase"|"shade"|"light"|"colorize"|"hue"|"saturation"|"value"|
    	                                "light2"|"shade2"|"hardlight"|"softlight"|"grainextract"|"grainmerge"|"sub2"|"darken"|"lighten"     The blending mode
    	@param   string                 "stamp"                         Activate the stamp mode
    	@param   string                 "erase"                         Erase the source layer
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "keepcolorgroup" 0|1            Keep the color group
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "keepimagemark" 0|1             Keep the image mark
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "keepinstancename" 0|1          Keep the instance name
    	@return  string     "ERROR -1"      Error: no valid layer
    	@version 11.0.8     new parameters: keepcolorgroup/keepimagemark/keepinstancename
    	                    Default behavior slightly changed when parameters are omitted
    	                    _ before: no new parameter -> don't keep anything (as it was not managed)
    	                    _ after: no new parameter -> keep anything
  • It is now possible to export a spritesheet with the command tv_ClipSaveStructure:
    Spoiler : Exporting a spritesheet :

    Code: Select all

    /// tv_clipsavestructure iPath "sprite" ["layout" "rectangle"|"horizontal"|"vertical"|"diagonal"|"antidiagonal"] ["space" iSpace]
    	Save the current clip as sprites in one image
    	@ingroup file.export structure.clip
    	@param   string                 iPath                                           The path of the file
    	@param   string                 "sprite"                                        The format
    	@param   arg(string,string)     "layout" "rectangle"|"horizontal"|"vertical"|"diagonal"|"antidiagonal"        The layout
                                                                                                                      _ "rectangle": try to keep the same number of lines/columns
                                                                                                                      _ "horizontal": only 1 line
                                                                                                                      _ "vertical": only 1 column
                                                                                                                      _ "diagonal": from top-left to bottom-right
                                                                                                                      _ "antidiagonal": from bottom-left to top-right
    	@param   arg(string,int)        "space" iSpace                                  The space beetwen each sprite
    	@return  int                    -1                                              Error: no parameter / wrong parameter / can't save the file(s)
    	@return  string                 ""                                              On success
    	@version 11.0.8     new parameters: all
  • tv_PegHolesSet: new parameter to set search zone:
    Spoiler : tv_PegHolesSet search zone parameters :

    Code: Select all

    /// tv_pegholesset ["w" iWidth] ["h" iHeight] ["c1" iCenterX1 iCenterY1] ["c2" iCenterX2 iCenterY2] ["sw" iWidth] ["sh" iHeight] ["so1" iOffsetX1 iOffsetY1] ["so2" iOffsetX2 iOffsetY2]
    	Manage pegholes
    	@ingroup pegholes
    	@param   arg(string,int)                "w" iWidth                  The width of boxes
    	@param   arg(string,int)                "h" iHeight                 The height of boxes
    	@param   arg(string,double,double)      "c1" iCenterX1 iCenterY1    The center of box 1
    	@param   arg(string,double,double)      "c2" iCenterX2 iCenterY2    The center of box 2
    	@param   arg(string,int)                "sw" iWidth                 The width of search boxes
    	@param   arg(string,int)                "sh" iHeight                The height of search boxes
    	@param   arg(string,double,double)      "so1" iOffsetX1 iOffsetY1   The center of search box 1
    	@param   arg(string,double,double)      "so2" iOffsetX2 iOffsetY2   The center of search box 2
    	@return  string                 "ERROR"                     Error: no peghole
    	@return  arg(string,mixed)[]    "w" oWidth
    	                                "h" oHeight
    	                                "c1" oCenterX1 oCenterY1
    	                                "c2" oCenterX2 oCenterY2
    	                                "sw" oWidth
    	                                "sh" oHeight
    	                                "so1" oOffsetX1 oOffsetY1
    	                                "so2" oOffsetX2 oOffsetY2    The current/previous values
    	@version 11.0.8     new parameters: sw/sh/so1/so2
    	@version 10.5.2     new command

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.8 ?

  • [MacOSX-32 bits] Using guidelines with assist will no longer cause a lag.
  • [MacOSX] Using very high zoom values (> 1000%) will no longer cause a lag when drawing.
  • George: using an out of range index with the command tv_SceneEnumID will no longer cause a crash.
  • Fix bug when switching between the different color panel (slider/mixer/...) and/or using pick color, some RGB values changement.
  • A crash happening when using a Japanese Surface Pro 4 tablet has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting Slate with camera view.
  • The option "Embed dependencies in the project" is now kept when project is modified.
  • Crop tool now remembers Mark In/Out.
  • Slate function in the Export panel now works properly when exporting from the Project:Display tab with Camera View enabled
  • ColorChecker panel add not valid colors when right-click on one of the exclude color (and crash when try to remove)
  • Notes layer are now unlocked if you create a new project even if the previous currrent project is locked.
  • Overwriting a CTG palette file now asks to confirm.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the import of color groups (using a text file)
  • A refresh bug has been fixed in the Perspective shape.
  • A display bug has been fixed in the Share Manager.
  • CTG Layers > Edit Color : A graphic glitch when hovering animation has been fixed.
  • The "Reset" button of the Transform tool no longer resets Anti-Aliasing.
  • A text rescale bug in paper panel/tool bin/profile has been fixed.
  • A crash that could be happening when merging clips has been fixed.
  • The correct frame numbers are now displayed when exporting a project/clip with slate activated.
  • Image marks are now correctly kept when splitting a clip.
  • A crash that could happen when splitting clips has been fixed.
  • Warp Tool is now refreshing its content in a lot of cases (project changes, clearing image, undo...).
    [*} Remove 45° glitch in the pegs holes stabiliser which may happen when pegs are near the image borders
  • Some parameters of the linesmoothing panel are now saved between 2 sessions
  • Using a new configuration with "Default" font will no longer cause an export PDF bug.
  • Sound tracks can now be fully exported after a silence (FFMPEG)
  • MOV : Export with mark in / out : sound is now synchronized
  • Copying a layer from one project to another one with a different size will no longer cause missing images marks and instances names.
  • Fix Multi Color Replacer wrong colors when applied en transparent colors
  • Some parts of the interface that were not rescalable (layer color group, demo purchase image...) are now rescalable.
  • [MacOSX] A crash happening when scrubbing after loading a sound track in the clip view has been fixed.
  • Drawing with Shift draws only points instead of lines when using a tool with drying enabled.
  • Drawing with Ctrl+Shift using average points linesmoothing no longer makes weird waves.
  • Fix a wrong result when applying transform tool on several layers with a selection
  • [MacOSX] A crash happening when using the Startup Panel has been fixed.
  • Fix wrong japanese name in FX Stack bin
Flips panel
  • Custom limits are now reflecting a choice of Checkpoint.
  • Bookmarks limits are now at the right position.
  • When "OOP" is selected, "Always come back to origin" is now always checked too.
  • Layer attenuation value is now always kept.
  • In the French localisation, "Lissage" has been renamed to "Anti-crénelage".
  • In the French localisation, all instances of "jouer" have been renamed to "lire".
  • In the Publish panel, "Thumbnail view" has been renamed to "Thumbnail size".
  • An incoherence in the "Delete Instance head" shortcut has been fixed.
  • Undo and Redo tooltips are no longer inversed in the Japanese localisation.
  • Localisation has been improved when hitting Esc while saving.
  • Better localization when choosing language.
  • All of the old "Wrap/Wrapping tool/grid" references have been changed to "Warp".
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.0.9 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone!

After a long wait, TVPaint Animation 11.0.9 is ready to be released!

Here are the changes:

First of all, the Standard Edition is finally available in 64-bits, for Windows, Mac and Linux!.
This means that the previous technical restrictions are no more, and users of the Standard Edition will notice a boost in performance.

What's new in TVPaint Animation 11.0.9?

  • Licence version (Standalone, Network) now appears in the window title.
  • Warp grid is now more accurate.
  • New Layer Blending Mode : Alpha Diff.
    It's the same as the Tools one. However, to make this blending mode work properly, you'll have to add a fully opaque layer in "Erase" blending mode at the very bottom of the layer stack.
  • Export PDF can now export only 1 clip per page.
  • When you create a custom panel from a palette, its name is used for the custom panel title.
  • '.tiff' is now always used as extension (instead of '.tif')
  • Added japanese and chinese localisation for storyboard export panel.
  • English and French translation for export panel storyboard: 1 clip per page.
In preparation for the release of macOS 10.15 Catalina at the end of September, and the usual dongle drivers confusion that happens with each new version of macOS, we have redesigned the installer.
It now offers two dongle drivers: one that will work for Catalina, and one that will work for the previous versions of macOS:
Following feedback, we've also renamed the drivers names. Instead of "SentinelProtectionInstaller", they are now named "DongleDriver-PostCatalina" and "DongleDriver-PreCatalina".

JSON export:
  • Faux-fixe data is now exported.
  • A checkbox has been added to save all images, even duplicated ones.
  • A warning has been added to prevent spaces (begin/end) to layer name before export.
  • Add zoom management command

    Code: Select all

    tv_display "zoom" [iZoom]
    Manage the zoom value of the project view
    "zoom"    string    The option to manage (added in 11.5.0)
    iZoom     double    The zoom value (1..10000) (added in 11.5.0)
    "zoom" oZoom
    "zoom"    string    The option
    oZoom     double    The previous/current value of the zoom

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.9?

  • Fixed a crash that could happen when using "Recompute exposure with threshold".
  • Fix: slash missing in Recent Files on MacOS.
  • A bug with the Slate frame count has been fixed: no more "fluttering".
  • [macOS] TVPaint not undocked when opening a file on MacOS (64bits only).
  • "Recompute exposure with threshold" now computes a good diff value between 2 images.
  • Library objects are now in the right position when Interface scaling is 2 or 3.
  • Pop-ups should no longer be wider than the whole screen.
  • The "smart rename" option no longer has undesired results when there are several identical images.
  • Fix the undesired position change of an FX when the name of FX is modified with the double click (WARNING: previous project/clip with this option will have different order for the random repeated images, but ... random was (and is) wanted :])
  • Export PDF: the scene/clip position (x/X in top-left corner) is no longer truncated.
  • TVP file requester (browse) in export panel: if the previous used path is no more valid, display the file name instead of a part of the missing path.
  • Main panel: tools history: bottom-right arrow are always displayed now even for custom brush.
  • The pattern text field in TVP File Requester now works correctly.
'Jagged lines' issue:
While we haven't managed to entirely fix the issue, we've done work to greatly reduce the loss of data and lag while drawing.
So now, when drawing, it should look more like this:
Instead of this:
We are still working on fully getting rid of the bug, and will keep you updated.

  • The tv_read/writeuserstring now manages correctly the last parameter (when there isn't any "", or multiple words...)
  • In the tv_ClipSaveStructure command (JSON export), parameter "patterFolder" has been changed into "patternFolder".
Standard Edition:
  • The option "Load a soundtrack" in the Project main menu has been removed, as the loaded soundtrack couldn't be accessed either way.
  • Removed references and calls to the squiggles, fixing a potential crash.
CTG Layers:
  • Scribbles names are now copied when duplicating projects.
  • CTG Layer now displays when "Display Current Layer" is active and the layer is inactive
  • Various bugs related to color changing have been fixed (color names when changing a color into another one for example...)
JSON Export:
  • A memory leak issue has been fixed within the JSON export.
  • JSON export will now correctly be able to export images in other format than PNG.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.0.10 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone!

Here is the first update of the year, bringing a few new things and a change of behaviour with the lag on macOS.


What's new in TVPaint Animation 11.0.10?

  • When resizing a project, you can now enter percentages. If you want your new project's size to be 80% of what it currently is, just enter 80 in the new field and that will do the trick:
    Spoiler : :
    modify_pr_1.PNG (7.67 KiB) Viewed 136693 times
    modify_pr_2.PNG (7.9 KiB) Viewed 136693 times
  • Preferences panel is now resizable, making it easier to read the paths for the multi-backup and temp directories
  • Missing dependences window now dynamically resize itself if the path of the missing dependency is too long
  • "Recent files" in the main menu has been separated in two: "Recent Imports" and "Recent Exports".
FX Stack
  • "Single FX" option has been removed.
  • When importing a preset in the FX Stack, its name is now displayed.
  • You can now lock guidelines when moving others.
  • A button has been added to the following Guides, that will no longer display the visual cue of the Assist tool, while keeping the Assist tool active: Line Angle, Segment, Circle, Ellipse, Vanishing Points 1-2-3 (with and without lines).
    assist-button.png (11.8 KiB) Viewed 136693 times
    This will help with the lag that can sometimes happen on macOS

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.0.10 ?

  • There should no longer be duplicated layer presets in the Shortcut panel.
  • The CTG Palette window now remember user choices (last chosen folder, size, position).
  • The lag happening with the Guidelines when the Assist tool is active should be less invasive.
  • The lag that appeared with version 11.0.9 should now be gone.
  • When the cursor changes (like after a system notification), moving the mouse will bring the previous cursor back.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.5.0 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone!
After a long wait, TVPaint Animation 11.5 is finally there!
This is a big stepping stone for us, as we are at last getting rid of the dongles!

What’s new in TVPaint Animation 11.5.0?

  • The dongleless technology is finally here! Please visit this page for more details.
  • Users with the Safenet dongles will now see the software Edition in the title bar (STD for Standalone or NET for Network).
  • It is now possible to export in MP4 format (MPEG-4 & AAC) once again.
  • On a new configuration / clean install of the software, Multi back-up is now activated and its default value is set to 2.
  • New circle and ellipse drawing modes..
  • New selection mode by color : all the areas painted with the color will be selected
  • Updated FFmpeg to version 3.2.14.
  • Added a switch to allow precise tuning of the camera angle in the Multiplane Camera FX.
  • New option in the project menu to encapsulate the video dependencies on save. For consistency, renaming of the previous option that allows to encapsulate the audio dependencies on save.
  • New parameter to encourage embedding the dependencies into the project.
  • A button has been added in the Startup Panel, allowing you to open a file browser where the Configuration folder is stored.
  • A new option has been added to the JSON export, letting you export all your images in one folder, instead of having them separated in several ones.
  • Restored paper pencils from Tool Presets v1
  • A checkbox has been added in the Preferences > General panel that can improve fluidity when drawing. It is activated by default, which will greatly reduce the lag and bring back the 11.0.8 behaviour.
  • A shortcut has been added to hide all panels (left, right, and bottom).
  • You should now be able to bind H and I with Ctrl/Cmd/Shift.

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.5.0?

  • The Export panel now remembers if the “Background” parameter was checked or not in your previous export.
  • Updated project resolution templates when creating a new project.
  • Update the default selection mode to “replace” instead of “add”.
  • Clicking on the Color Picker will show a specific cursor.
  • When an import fails, the software now displays an error message instead of doing nothing.
  • The “Import Audio” checkbox in the Import panel now correctly import audio.
  • When importing a file in a new project, the start frame setting is now remembered.
  • The “Incorrect sRGB profile” error message should no longer appear when importing PNG files.
  • Timeline notes now transfer to split clips.
  • The "Display XSheet" option is now correctly saved when restarting the software.
  • When the ‘Display Current Layer’ menu item is activated, the blending mode now disappears : it temporarily becomes ‘color' for all layers
  • When the ‘Display All Layers’ menu item is activated and the user exports a single layer, that is not using the ‘color’ blending mode: a warning message appears if the background checkbox is unticked, telling that the export result can be empty. This is a normal behaviour, but it can be surprising.

Known issues:
  • Some videos compressed with H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) can take a long time to import.
  • Some non-ASCII characters in Japanese, Chinese and Hebrew are not supported.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.5.1 is available !

Post by Thierry »

Hello there!
TVPaint Animation 11.5.1 is now out!
This update mainly fixes issues brought with version 11.5.0, but we still added a few long-requested features.

Please note that the demo version is still on 11.5.0 and will be updated in a later date.

What’s new in TVPaint Animation 11.5.1?

  • You can now set a notification sound to play once an export is completed. This option is disabled by default and can be activated in the Sound tab of the Preferences panel.
  • New options have been added to the Preferences> General panel, regarding software behaviour when swapping the stylus:
    • By default, when the Eraser is activated, you switch to the “Erase” mode.
    • The other option activates the Eraser tool (freehand).
    • When both options are unchecked, you can have a new brush when “swapping” the pen. This brush can either be used to draw, erase, or be a custom brush.
  • It is now possible to change/reverse the layers' order in the Timeline.
  • In the “Image” main menu, the “Scan Cleaner” option has been divided in two:
    • Scan Cleaner “soft”: same as the previous “Scan Cleaner” option.
    • Scan Cleaner “stronger”: keep borders.
  • In the export panel, the complete project is now selected by default, unless if the "whole project" checkbox is not checked.
  • When exporting, if frames are selected in the project then the markin and markout are set to to the same values.
  • A checkbox has been added to allow the JSON export to proceed without (re)generating the JSON file. This will be replaced by a fully-fledged PNG export layer structure in a future update.
  • A keyboard shortcut has been added to rename the current clip.
  • New keyboard shortcuts have been added to change/ reverse the order of the layers in the timeline.
  • A shortcut has been added to quickly close/unclose all the drawers.

What was fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.5.1?

  • The dongleless version of the software should no longer display an error message when opening a project file or script from the explorer while TVPaint is already running.
  • The anti-aliasing brush checkbox in the Selection panel has been restored.
  • Project default framerate has been restored to 24 img/sec.
  • The software should no longer crash when restarting while drawers are disabled.
  • When splitting a clip, the two resulting clips should once again start at zero.
  • 2-points Ellipses no longer have angles.
  • Handy Panel delete button(s) should once again work correctly.
  • Updated scan cleaner color transparency profile, to preserve the colors.
  • Updated tool preview to improve the drawing visibility.
  • Added data checks to prevent situations (some of them) that could lead to a crash at save.

  • Projects settings (resolution, framerate) are saved so that they can be reused for the next project
  • Selection tool settings are now saved in the preferences
  • The background checkbox value is now remembered in the settings when TVPaint is closed.
  • A duplicated layer will now keep the same color as its source (requires user config update/reset)
  • The Anim Layer default preset is now set to Hold (requires user config update/reset)
OS Specific issues:
  • [MacOS] The “Cannot open” messages should no longer appear.
  • [Windows] The missing MP4 (lossless PNG) export option is once again available.
  • [Windows] Issues related to file size with the Multi backup have been fixed.
  • [Windows] The software should no longer ask for a new filename when saving an already existing project.
  • [Windows] Multi-backup should once again work correctly when project size is higher than 2 Gb.

Known issues:
  • Some videos compressed with H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) can take a long time to import. We will take a look at this for version 11.5.2
  • Some non-ASCII characters in Japanese, Chinese and Hebrew are not supported.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2021_07_21)

Post by Thierry »

TPVaint Animation 11.5.2 is now available!
This update is a bit smaller than the previous one, but v11.5.1 was mostly focused on bug fixing whereas v11.5.2 is mainly focused on adding new features (and some of them have been in our list for quite a long time :p).


What’s new in TVPaint Animation 11.5.2?

  • Project Information should show current file size.
  • Image marks are now undoable.
  • An option has been added to remove loaded soundtrack history.
  • You can now merge two layers when right clicking on them.
  • File > Recent files is now placed nearby Open / import.
  • A “Recent folders“ sub-menu has been added in the File > Recent main menu.
  • In the Image Library, there is now an option to add images from a folder.
  • The initial size of the script editing window is now larger.
  • You can now export your layer’s structure in PNG.
  • You can now select MKV format when exporting.
  • You can now choose to ignore empty instances when exporting layer(s) as images (.png, etc.) by unchecking the “Export all” option in the Export panel.
  • macOS and Linux users can now export in WebM. This option will come in a next update (likely v11.5.3) for Windows as we ran into technical issues.
  • Shortcuts have been added to open the palette you need (picker, sliders, etc.).
  • Shortcuts have been added to toggle beetween project view and clip view.

What has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.5.2?

  • "Pick layer" command now works if a layer is locked.
  • "Check for updates" now redirects to the correct pages.
  • The After Effects import script has been updated to accurately reflect the duration of the project once imported.
  • macOS: The keyboard shortcuts for Cut, Copy, Paste should be shown as CMD instead of CTRL
  • Unified Japanese translations for “Layer Reverse Order” between shortcut and export panels.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2021_07_21)

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone!

TVPaint 11.5.3 is now available.
This update is mainly focused on small Quality of Life changes, aimed to provide a better user experience.


What’s new in TVPaint 11.5.3?

  • Reorganisation of Timeline options when right-clicking:
    Spoiler : Timeline options :
    timeline_1152.png (7.87 KiB) Viewed 75859 times
    timeline_1153_1.png (8.34 KiB) Viewed 75859 times
    timeline_1153_2.png (9.1 KiB) Viewed 75859 times
  • A Preferences setting has been added to activate or not the “Apply CTG changes” option when loading a project with CTG layers
  • “Recent imports” and “Recent exports” are now separated in the File main menu.
  • The Sound tab in the Timeline now opens when you load a soundtrack.
  • A tooltip has been added for the A/B Color switch button.
  • A link has been added in the Help menu to redirect to the license rehost documentation page.
  • There is now a small frame surrounding the A Color to indicate that this is the currently used color.
  • Reorganized the option panel that appears when right clicking on the Picker section of the Color panel.
  • The “Username” field appearing when registering the software is now by default filled with the computer’s name.
New Project creation:
  • “Pixel Aspect Ratio” and “Field” options have been removed from the Create new project window. Those options are still available when modifying and exporting your project.
  • Illustration presets have been updated with DPI informations:
    Spoiler : :
    project_1152.png (19.48 KiB) Viewed 75859 times
    dpi_1153.png (19.15 KiB) Viewed 75859 times
  • You can now delete templates in the New Project window.
  • Backup files can now saved in a folder named “tvp_backups”. Go in the Preferences > Save menu to activate this option.
  • If a project has not been saved yet, the Autosave pop-up (if activated in the preferences) will not be displayed.
  • When exporting, a list of the recent exported paths will be displayed.
  • The current project’s name can now be added when exporting its layer structure when setting the pattern, with the pfn parameter.
  • It is now possible to change the image dimensions while exporting in Clip:Layer Structure.
  • It is now possible to export Clip Structure in PSD without the empty layers.
  • Shortcuts have been added for toggling Preserve Transparency.
  • Importing and exporting the shortcut list in George is now possible with the following commands:

    Code: Select all

    tv_SaveKeymap ‘my/path’
    tv_LoadKeymap ‘my/path’

What’s has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint 11.5.3?

  • Clip selection has been greatly improved and is now similar to most applications and operating systems:
  • Shift+click can be used to select contiguous clips.
  • Ctrl+click can be used to select/deselect separate clips.
  • When resizing the project (whether it’s done with Modify project or tv_ResizePage), hidden layers are no longer cut.
  • If a dependency is missing from a project with an Image Guide, the “Missing dependency” panel will no longer be displayed twice.
  • Setting a starting frame that is less than 0 is no longer possible.
  • Using “Previous instance” should no longer cause the timeline to go in negative images.
  • The Help > Ressources link has been updated.
  • Creating a Lens Flare should no longer cause a crash on the Standard Edition.
  • [Windows] The window appearing when choosing a folder for the Multi-Backup option has more options (like creating folders…)
  • [macOS] Backup files are now created on an external hard drive.
  • Inconsistency between shortcuts categories have been fixed (like “Lighttable” and “Light table”).
  • Parameters for “fill”, “range”, and “contiguous” have been added to the tv_SetActiveShape command.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2022_09_22)

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone!

TVPaint Animation 11.7.0 is now available! We have a lot of new things for you :)


What’s new in TVPaint 11.7.0?

  • The TVPaint Converter is available!
    It is a new application that can be used to convert your TVPP files to various video formats. It can also be used to convert your video files to TVPP. More info can be found on the Documentation page (link here).
    Please keep in mind that the TVPaint Converter is only available with the dongleless Professionnel Edition of the software. If you do not have the dongleless version yet, or are using the Standard Edition, please use our Contact Form and our team will be happy to help you.

    The Converter is available on Windows and macOS (starting from 10.15 Catalina).
    Due to technical issues, there is no Linux version of the Converter yet. It will be ready for version 11.7.1, scheduled to be released before the end of the year.
  • New Interface scaling options are available: 1,5x and 2,5x.
  • The Color Group panel now refreshes itself when modifying layer’s color groups.
  • Added a marker to indicate an image has been flipped X/Y
    flip-marker.png (1.3 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
  • In the Light Table, you can now put the pegbar in the middle of your image.
  • A tooltip has been added to the “Hide Empty Shape Line Preview” option in the Preferences panel.
  • Right clicking on non-drawing tools in the Main Panel will no longer open the Shape Settings panel.
  • The Demo version icon now tells that this is the Demo version.
  • A button has been added to lock the position of floating panels when they are outside the drawers:
    lock-1.png (4.25 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
    lock2.png (4.33 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
  • You can now rename a brush saved to the bin (up to 5 characters).
New Project Creation:
  • When creating a new project, you can now set a DPI value:
    dpi.png (2.99 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
    That value is saved when exporting in PNG and JPG.
    That value is also saved when exporting in PSD from Project: Display and Clip: Display tabs only.
  • When creating a project with very high dimensions, a warning will appear telling you that a high dimension can impact performance.
Export / Saving:
  • When exporting a project with very high resolution, the high dimensions warning will appear again telling you that performances can be impacted .
  • New export format for images: PDF.
    One image per file, and one file per image (single images as well as image sequences). Images in the PDF file are full sized. Exported PDFs do not have DPI stored in them.
  • When exporting a Custom Panel, the "Name" field should be the custom panel's name.
  • When exporting named images (instances where the name is set by the user instead of the default name), the “Ignore duplicates” and “All images” checkboxes are now exclusive to one another.
  • When using the “Save as” option, a pop-up will ask for confirmation before replacing an existing file.
    Clicking “No” will reopen the save dialog so you can choose another name.
  • [Windows] WebM export is now available.
  • In the Export Panel, a checkbox has been added to replace existing files when exporting.
Timeline / Layers:
  • You can draw on a layer when a mask/stencil is enabled once again by enabling an option in the Preferences panel. By default for new configurations, this setting is disabled.
  • Layer Opacity is undoable once again. However, in order to not disturb people used to the current behaviour, we have added a new option in the Preferences panel to opt out of it.
  • It is now easier to catch the layer handles, as they are wider, and their color change to blue when grabbed
    handles.png (3.33 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
    You can change the size of the handles in the Preferences panel.
  • Empty instances are now easily recognizable:
    empty-1.png (7.71 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
    You can also choose to mark them with an “X”, in the Preferences > Display panel:
    empty-2.png (9.3 KiB) Viewed 52132 times
  • In the Clips tab, clip thumbnail should change depending on if you use the project view or the camera view.
  • You can now select and move several clips altogether.
  • You can now delete all inactive layers at once.
  • You can now delete all empty layers at once.
  • You can now select all inactive layers at once.
  • When saving your project at a certain location in the Timeline, opening the project later will now display the same location in the Timeline.
  • A preference setting has been added to disable preview autoplay when hovering a clip in the Clip view.
  • You can now delete a Keyframe (from the Keyframer FX) by right-clicking them on the Timeline, and choosing “Delete Key”.
  • A “Focus on current group’s layers” option has been added in the Timeline. Click on the little eye icon on top of the Timeline to see this option in the dropdown menu. This will minimize layers in other groups.
Sound panel:
  • You can now import audio files by dragging and dropping them in the interface.
  • An option has been added to clear the Soundtrack list.
  • When loading a track using the Clip > Load Sound… option, the Sound panel will open.
Storyboard view:
  • You can now move, delete and hide several clips at the same time.
  • When drag and dropping one or more clip, you can hit escape to cancel the move.
Image Library:
  • You can now add the selected layers to the Image Library.
  • You can now delete selected images in the Image Library.
  • You can now delete unused images in the Image Library.
Color Panel:
  • When right-clicking another color in the Palette, that color is now highlighted.
  • More resize options have been added to the Palette.
  • A Color and B Color now have separate history.
Custom Panels:
  • Embedding a custom panel into a project will now create a copy of the panel, that will be remain available in the software.
  • Embedding a panel in the software will now mark the project as modified.
  • Removing an embedded panel from a project will also mark the project as modified.
  • A shortcut has been added to change the project’s frame per seconds setting.
  • A shortcut has been added to select all areas that are painted with A/B Color
  • A shortcut has been added to select all areas that are not painted with A/B Color.
  • Shortcus have been added to the stopwatch: Capture time, Clear list, Reset, and Start/Pause.
  • Shortcuts have been added to change selection mode. By default, those are:
    • V - Replace
    • G - Add
    • H - Substract
    • J - Next Mode
    • K - Previous mode

What has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.7.0?

  • In order to prevent issues when exporting (projects, clip structure…), we have implemented some restrictions on name files. You can no longer use characters like /, \, *, >, <,…
  • When using the TVPaint File Requester, hovering over a file should now correctly display the file name.
  • TVPaint Animation should no longer freeze when loading a project with a missing external dependancy.
  • Leaving sleep mode should no longer cause TVPaint Animation to crash.
  • Better management of recent files: the last file/folder now appears on top of the list.
    Also, the recently introduced sub-menus (with the “Recent projects/folders/multimedia files” categories) have been deleted for smoother navigation in the menu.
  • Modifying a project that has a Grid Guideline should no longer change the values of the Grid.
  • The Selection tool should now remember the last selected mode.
  • Stamping a custom brush in place should work correctly now.
  • When deselecting a Custom Brush that uses a Paper, the Paper is instantly de-activated.
  • Panels should no longer get stuck behind the main menu.
  • You can now move a layer below the last invisible layer.
  • Window visibility slider should be able to move from 0 to 100, and not get stuck to 28%
  • Fixed the “Export failed / Error avio_open: -21” pop-up message.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented exporting a range of selected images.
  • Using the Slate should no longer change the aspect ratio when resizing the project.
  • Lossless PNG export should now correctly work with MKV, MOV and MP4 formats. Please note that these videos will still not open in QT player on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and higher.
  • When exporting named images (instances where the name is set by the user instead of the default name), the “All Images” checkbox should correctly export all images (1 frame = 1 image file).
Storyboard view:
  • Moving a clip at the bottom of the view should no longer move all other clips to the bottom.
  • Joining clips together should no longer cause a crash.
macOS fixes:
  • [macOS only]: In the Tool Panel, the title is no longer truncated.
  • Using Flip Horizontally/Vertically in Room 2 no longer causes a crash.
Color Panel:
  • Various resizing bugs have been fixed with the Color Panel.
  • Layer “density” has been changed to layer “opacity”.
  • The “Mark In = Mark Out!” message should now be more explicit.

Known issues

TVPaint Animation 11.7.0:
  • DPI information is not shown in the Project Information panel.
  • [macOS]If you open the software with the Startup Panel while your Interface scaling is 1.5 or 2.5, the Startup Panel won't be displayed in its entirety. You can hit the "Enter" key to skip the Startup Panel and finish opening the software.
Both of these issues will he addressed in a hotfix as soon as possible.

TVPaint Converter:
  • External drives and USB keys might not appear in the TVPaint Converter’s file browser. This will be addressed in a hotfix as soon as possible.
  • TVPP files with dependencies will not be exported by the TVPaint Converter. This will be addressed with TVPaint 11.7.1.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2022_09_22)

Post by Thierry »

Hello there!

TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is now available.
This is the last update for the year, containing lots of bug fixes, and some much requested additions, like setting the Keyframer pivot point by drag and dropping, no longer centering the timeline when moving in it...


What’s new in TVPaint 11.7.1?

  • Rotation has been added to the Crop Tool.
  • You can now lock what’s out of the selection in the Warp Tool.
  • RMB eraser should not be affected by line smoothing.
  • Line smoothing is now deactivated when switching to eraser.
  • Right clicking on the Camera tool now opens the Camera global settings.
  • An option has been added in the Preferences > General to allow instance renaming when double clicking. This option is deactivated by default.
  • Time profile curves are now undoable.
  • When opening a TVPaint file, the default project is now closed if it hasn't been used.
  • It is now easier to reset a point in the Warp Tool grid.
  • You can now delete image content when "Preserve Transparency" is enabled on a layer.
  • When moving in the Timeline, you should no longer get back to the selected layer and image when moving layer or instance.
  • A button has also been added to center the timeline on the current instance and layer:
  • A secondary button has been added to play the selected clip:
  • Changed clip naming convention: by default, clips are now named “Clip_001”, “Clip_002”… instead of “Untitled”.
Import / Export:
  • DPI values are now displayed when importing an image.
  • DPI information should now be there when exporting the clip structure.
  • When opening the import panel, the start frame is initialized to the current frame position.
  • In the Export Panel, "Correct aspect" & "Stretch to frame rate" are now unchecked by default.
  • A warning has been added when exporting and resizing a project containing an active CTG layer.
  • Added function tv_ProjecGetDpi.
  • Added function tv_ProjectSetDpi:

    Code: Select all

    tv_ProjectSetDpi [projectId] dpi
  • Changed the tv_LayerComputeExposure function to take into account the threshold: you only need to parse the last parameter to get the threshold value.
  • DPI information should now be there when using George tv_SaveDisplay, tv_ClipSaveStructure
FX Stack:
  • You can now set the Keyframer pivot point by clicking and dragging it.
  • When applying some FXs like Keyframer and Multiplane Camera, if your Source is either Color Group or Selected Layers, the software will now ask you if you want the FX to be applied on a new layer.
  • Color Groups can now be used as source for Keyframer and Multiplane Camera.
  • You can now toggle visibility of layers in the Multiplane Camera.
  • Shortcuts have been added for Storyboard view modes.
  • Add a shortcut to copy clips selection when drag&drop : CTRL, click&drag.
  • You can assign a shortcut to Cycle between actions for each custom panel.
  • You can assign a shortcut for fill brush's "fill inside" checkbox (see "Toogle Fill Inside")
  • In Project view, you can now set a shortcut to show the first & last frame of the clip, instead of layer boundaries. (see "Clip: Goto Head" and "Clip: Goto Tail")

What has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint 11.7.1?

  • Fixed a software freeze that could happen when opening the recent files menu.
  • Panels magnetized to each other shouldn't move anymore when clicked.
  • Tool preview settings should now correctly be saved in the Preferences Panel.
  • The drag’n’drop should only start when moving the cursor.
  • Note during project scrub should now refresh.
  • You should no longer be able to go in the negative images by dragging instances beyond the starting frame.
  • A display bug appearing when using the "Zoom to zone" icon in the main panel has been fixed.
  • Video in panel : the setting button is disabled when it is not applicable.
  • Missing sound dependencies: selecting another location and using it for next search should now work.
  • You can now move a layer below the last invisible layer.
  • Merge layers with stencil "on" should not anymore break all exposures.
  • CTG is now applied on project if the first frame different from 0.
  • When a CTG layer is deactivated, it no longer continues to work in the background and slow down the application.
  • When moving a layer, the cursor no longer moves with the layer.
  • Frame numbers show up on the timeline once again.
Import / Export:
  • In the Import Footage panel, navigating through the frames with left & right keys should no longer skip frames.
  • "Lock aspect ratio" has been renamed to "Fix pixel ratio" in the Import/Export panels.
  • Wen importing an image that doesn't have DPI information, the default value (72) is not used.
  • A bug preventing an image to be correctly named after exporting has been fixed in the export panel.
  • When importing, new layer now takes preference/layer preset creation into consideration.
  • Update project size units in the project information panel for English language.

Known issues
  • The Preferences Panel option allowing the timeline not to be compacted is not correctly saved when exiting the software.
  • Reapply Stroke only works for drawing mode, instead of drawing and erase mode.
We will do our best to address these issues as soon as possible.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2022_12_07)

Post by Thierry »

Hello there!

TVPaint Animation 11.7.2 is finally here. This update mainly focuses on bugfixes.

What’s new in TVPaint Animation 11.7.2?

  • The After Effects import script has been updated with a new interface and bugs have been fixed (you won't have to change workspaces for the script to work).
  • Reorganized color groups when using a clean configuration of the software:
    Spoiler : Before :
    Spoiler : After :
  • An option has been added to reset all positions in the Transform Tool:
    Spoiler : Button :
  • You can now set DPI values for a project with camera.
  • DPI info is now displayed in the project's tooltip.
  • PDF tab is now the first tab to be displayed in the Publish export panel.
Timeline / Storyboard:
  • Modifying text in the Storyboard sections is now considered a project modification.
  • Writing text in the Storyboard sections is now undoable.

What has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.7.2?

  • The software will now once again tell you that an update is available.
  • Pick Layer tool now works again when pressing the mouse/stylus.
  • Fixed a bug that modified the camera framerate to 0 in rare situations.
  • Texturizer window now display correctly depending on the interface scaling.
  • Fixed small preview in tool connection not updating when its curve is resetted.
  • Fixed Wet profile of Custom Brush not correctly loaded.
  • Fixed a bug that duplicated an imported audio track.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash due to memory consumption when drawing.
  • Shortcuts using Ctrl + Alt should now work.
  • Removed the "Field" and "Aspect Ratio" options in the Startup Panel.
  • Zooming out in the Timeline Notes should no longer cause a crash.
  • Preferences > Clip Thumbnails > Play on mouse hover now works again in the Standard Edition.
  • Prevented a crash from happening when using the Transform tool when a CTG layer is selected.
  • Keyframer no longer hides current layer when using Custom Brush as source.
  • Keyframer Z position and size is now correctly applied when using the new pivot system.
  • The "Erase" mode now works on again on the Keyframer.
  • Barbecue checkbox now only appears on Android (it never did anything on non-Android devices anyway)
  • Removed Template option in startup config popup.
  • Removed Vertical Timeline option in the Preferences panel: it was not a proper Vertical Timeline, and we do plan on proposing a proper Vertical Timeline later.
  • Removed Network tab in preferences panel.
  • Default Audio Sampling Rate is now 48000 Hz (was 44100 before).
  • Webcams should now be working on macOS once again.
  • The macOS Preferences entry now opens TVPaint's Preferences.
  • Fixed a lag that was happening with the default Cross & Arrows cursors.
  • Android version should no longer crash when drawing, selecting brushes or selecting text input areas.
  • Android version should now correctly display icons on the default custom panels in the right drawer.
  • Size of the "Save project" window has been reduced.
  • TVPaint will now only be displayed in Landscape mode
  • Fixed a crash that could happen if a CTG layer had a different length than its source.
TVPaint Converter:
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the progress bar from moving while loading TVPP files.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent files from being added in the task list.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 changelogs (latest update 2024_03_26)

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone,

TVPaint Animation 11.7.3 is now available. This update fixes bugs and improves control over the layer structure export parameters.
Please note that due to technical, there is no Linux build available for v11.7.3. Once those issues are solved, we'll release a Linux build.

What has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint Animation 11.7.3?

  • Brush profile curves are now correctly saved and loaded upon change.
  • Replaced the "Export all" and "Ignore Duplicate Images" options in the export panel with single export parameters. There is now:
    • one checkbox for "Empty images" (turned on by default)
    • one checkbox for "Duplicated images" (turned on by default)
    • one checkbox for "Exposure cells" (turned off by default)
  • Fixed an issue where contextual menus would close themselves upon opening.
  • m4a files can be imported once again.
  • Audio files playback no longer cuts off before the end of the animation / track.
  • Fixed a crash that was happening when importing FLAC files.
  • There should no longer be parasite noise when playing audio tracks.
  • Brush no longer stays in "Eraser" mode after switching back from the eraser end of the Wacom stylus.