I'm proposing that the User Manuel and the list of Keyboard Shortcuts needs to be edited to reflect the usage of KEY referring to a drawing and KEYFRAME used to refer to keyframes set for FX.
In traditional hand drawn animation, we have drawings designated as KEY drawings, BREAKDOWN drawings, and INBETWEEN drawings. (some animators use the designation EXTREME rather than KEY. In common usage I find that most animation artists treat the words KEY and EXTREME as synonymous. For our purposes I'm going to use the terms KEY, BREAKDOWN, INBETWEEN , because the term "KEY" is already embedded in TVPaint's nomenclature in the Image Marks and Flips panel)
(click image to view it larger) KEYS: The most important drawings or extreme poses in a scene that establish the essence of the action and performance.
BREAKDOWNS: The main drawings or positions made between two keys, which define how a character transitions from one key pose to the next key pose.
INBETWEENS: The drawings that fill in the action between the keys and breakdowns.
On the other hand , in the FX Stack we have KEYFRAMES , which define FX transformations applied over a range of frames in the Timeline. There may be only one drawing (or many drawings) , but there can be multiple keyframes applied to that one drawing (or many drawings) of the FX which will be rendered over the selected range of frames. So Keyframes are not drawings , but are markers which show the progression of the FX applied to a drawing or drawings.

KEYS (drawings) and KEYFRAMES (in the FX Stack) are not the same thing. But sometimes the shortcut naming convention in TVPaint blurs the lines between these two things by using the term "KEY" for both things.
For example: Layer > Previous Key (shortcut: PAGE UP) and Next Key (shortcut: PAGE DOWN) have reference to KEYFRAMES in the FX stack , not to Key drawings. If you set keyframes on a layer for an FX , then you can use shortcuts PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN to jump from the Previous Keyframe to Next Keyframe.
In this case the shortcuts should in fact be named Previous Keyframe and Next Keyframe , not Previous Key and Next Key.
Because when you are using the Image Marks and Flips , the very same term ("KEY") is used to refer to Key drawings. Also shortcuts for LightTable : Edit Next Key and LightTable: Edit Previous Key have to do with Key drawings , not with Keyframes , but the current shortcuts terminology is using Key to refer to both drawings and keyframes , which are not the same thing.
And also the shortcut for Timesheet : Key . In the Timesheet "Key" refers to a drawing, not a Keyframe.
I'm sure I could find other examples, but you see the problem with the current usage in the shortcuts by using the word "KEY" to mean both a drawing or a keyframe?