Smart out of peg tool

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Smart out of peg tool

Post by condepablo »

smart out of peg.mp4
(3.18 MiB) Downloaded 866 times
Hi, i was thinking, it would be great to have a tool to automatically reposition the out of pegs images.
maybe some setting to apply on position / rotation / scale independently.

a video simulating what I mean::
smart out of peg.mp4
(3.18 MiB) Downloaded 866 times
(here is on images):
smart out of peg 01.jpg
smart out of peg 02.jpg
smart out of peg 03.jpg
Posts: 65
Joined: 28 Aug 2015, 18:57

Re: Smart out of peg tool

Post by tribute27 » ... no#p101196

It definitely would be cool to have this as an official feature, but for now this tool from Otano works just as well when you learn how to use it--it can do it for position, scale and rotation.
Windows 10 64-bit | AMD Ryzen 9 5950x | TVPaint Animation 11 Pro WIBU (11.7.1-64 bits) | Wacom Cintiq Pro 27
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