Wacom Accuracy ( in Comparison to Clip Studio Pro )

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Wacom Accuracy ( in Comparison to Clip Studio Pro )

Post by cf-mankit »

Hello TV Paint Team and Community,

I am not sure if this is a technical issue post or improvement post but I feel it is something inherent with the engine behind TVP.

Have any of you used clip studio on a frequent basis, there is some nuance with that program and same with other programs such as Adobe where the Wacom drivers just innately feel much more accurate and responsive in terms of touch-down point. I don't know how to explain it but using TVP feels like the tracking is low-fidelity in comparison to its contemporary counter-parts.

Especially when it comes to drawing curves TVP is definitely better than photoshop, but far behind Clip Studio.

I experienced this issue regardless of using Intel Macs or ARM Macs.
Currently on Cintiq Pro 24.

Would like to hear your experiences as well.
I am wondering if this is just an engine/software side calibration issue as TVP hasn't gone through a major update in years from when 4K/Retina working screens are now predominately standard.

Thank you~
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Re: Wacom Accuracy ( in Comparison to Clip Studio Pro )

Post by slowtiger »

For me TVP is by far the most accurate, I'm talking about half a pixel here (working zoomed in, of course).

Can't say anything about ClipStudio, but others wrote about "line smoothing" (search) and that they needed to adjust it to their needs.
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Re: Wacom Accuracy ( in Comparison to Clip Studio Pro )

Post by Dean »

I have used Clip Studio a fair bit and from my experience, a big part of the brushes you can find around have a high Stabilization value by default, which is useful to smooth things out with certain drawing styles.
Funny thing: some artists I watch on Youtube suggest that people just disable any kind of smoothing altogether when drawing, to each one their own I guess :p
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Re: Wacom Accuracy ( in Comparison to Clip Studio Pro )

Post by cf-mankit »

Hi Dean,

I don't use stabilisation in Clip Studio.
Also I don't use it in TVpaint either as I find the lag unbearable in any software for that matter~

I don't think it is the stabilisation...

In case... this is not an attack on TVP just thinking since the update cycles are so long maybe its good to sometimes see what others are doing.
CSP animation interface is absolutely atrocious in comparison to TVP ( personal taste ), but it's undeniable they do have things they are good at.
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