TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

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TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Thierry »

Hello there!

TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is now available.
This is the last update for the year, containing lots of bug fixes, and some much requested additions, like setting the Keyframer pivot point by drag and dropping, no longer centering the timeline when moving in it...
Please note that due to unforseen technical issues, there is no Linux version of TVPaint 11.7.1 at the moment. The Linux builds will come at a later date.


What’s new in TVPaint 11.7.1?

  • Rotation has been added to the Crop Tool.
  • You can now lock what’s out of the selection in the Warp Tool.
  • RMB eraser should not be affected by line smoothing.
  • Line smoothing is now deactivated when switching to eraser.
  • Right clicking on the Camera tool now opens the Camera global settings.
  • An option has been added in the Preferences > General to allow instance renaming when double clicking. This option is deactivated by default.
  • Time profile curves are now undoable.
  • When opening a TVPaint file, the default project is now closed if it hasn't been used.
  • It is now easier to reset a point in the Warp Tool grid.
  • You can now delete image content when "Preserve Transparency" is enabled on a layer.
  • When moving in the Timeline, you should no longer get back to the selected layer and image when moving layer or instance.
  • A button has also been added to center the timeline on the current instance and layer:
    TVPaint_Animation_11.7.1_Pro_(64bits)_KjfsmqWkHV.png (3.57 KiB) Viewed 22786 times
  • A secondary button has been added to play the selected clip:
    TVPaint_Animation_11.7.1_Pro_(64bits)_WVtDEcCv5q.png (1.02 KiB) Viewed 22786 times
  • Changed clip naming convention: by default, clips are now named “Clip_001”, “Clip_002”… instead of “Untitled”.
Import / Export:
  • DPI values are now displayed when importing an image.
  • DPI information should now be there when exporting the clip structure.
  • When opening the import panel, the start frame is initialized to the current frame position.
  • In the Export Panel, "Correct aspect" & "Stretch to frame rate" are now unchecked by default.
  • A warning has been added when exporting and resizing a project containing an active CTG layer.
  • Added function tv_ProjecGetDpi.
  • Added function tv_ProjectSetDpi:

    Code: Select all

    tv_ProjectSetDpi [projectId] dpi
  • Changed the tv_LayerComputeExposure function to take into account the threshold: you only need to parse the last parameter to get the threshold value.
  • DPI information should now be there when using George tv_SaveDisplay, tv_ClipSaveStructure
FX Stack:
  • You can now set the Keyframer pivot point by clicking and dragging it.
  • When applying some FXs like Keyframer and Multiplane Camera, if your Source is either Color Group or Selected Layers, the software will now ask you if you want the FX to be applied on a new layer.
  • Color Groups can now be used as source for Keyframer and Multiplane Camera.
  • You can now toggle visibility of layers in the Multiplane Camera.
  • Shortcuts have been added for Storyboard view modes.
  • Add a shortcut to copy clips selection when drag&drop : CTRL, click&drag.
  • You can assign a shortcut to Cycle between actions for each custom panel.
  • You can assign a shortcut for fill brush's "fill inside" checkbox (see "Toogle Fill Inside")
  • In Project view, you can now set a shortcut to show the first & last frame of the clip, instead of layer boundaries. (see "Clip: Goto Head" and "Clip: Goto Tail")

What has been fixed and/or improved in TVPaint 11.7.1?

  • Fixed a software freeze that could happen when opening the recent files menu.
  • Panels magnetized to each other shouldn't move anymore when clicked.
  • Tool preview settings should now correctly be saved in the Preferences Panel.
  • The drag’n’drop should only start when moving the cursor.
  • Note during project scrub should now refresh.
  • You should no longer be able to go in the negative images by dragging instances beyond the starting frame.
  • A display bug appearing when using the "Zoom to zone" icon in the main panel has been fixed.
  • Video in panel : the setting button is disabled when it is not applicable.
  • Missing sound dependencies: selecting another location and using it for next search should now work.
  • You can now move a layer below the last invisible layer.
  • Merge layers with stencil "on" should not anymore break all exposures.
  • CTG is now applied on project if the first frame different from 0.
  • When a CTG layer is deactivated, it no longer continues to work in the background and slow down the application.
  • When moving a layer, the cursor no longer moves with the layer.
  • Frame numbers show up on the timeline once again.
Import / Export:
  • In the Import Footage panel, navigating through the frames with left & right keys should no longer skip frames.
  • "Lock aspect ratio" has been renamed to "Fix pixel ratio" in the Import/Export panels.
  • Wen importing an image that doesn't have DPI information, the default value (72) is used.
  • A bug preventing an image to be correctly named after exporting has been fixed in the export panel.
  • When importing, new layer now takes preference/layer preset creation into consideration.
  • Update project size units in the project information panel for English language.

Known issues
  • The Preferences Panel option allowing the timeline not to be compacted is not correctly saved when exiting the software.
  • Reapply Stroke only works for drawing mode, instead of drawing and erase mode.
We will do our best to address these issues as soon as possible.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Thierry »

Hello everyone,

We released a hotfix addressing the following issues:
  • Linux builds for v11.7.1 are now available.
  • Accessing a FX via the FX Main menu instead of the FX Stack no longer crashes the software.
  • Importing an image, either via drag'n'drop or using the File > Import menu option now shows the image's DPI, if that image is in the PNG format. For JPG images, depending on how they were generated, it's possible that the correct DPI value will not be displayed.
  • "Toogle Fill Inside" shortcut is now correctly being shown in the Japanese version of the software
On another note, everything that was done in v11.7.1 relating to the RMB and Line Smoothing options has been reverted to their 11.7.0 state.
There should no longer be any crash and weird behaviours using those options.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Thank you for the fixes. I am especially glad that the Reapply Stroke function works in Erase mode again.

Unfortunately, there is an old problem with Erasing that has now returned in this hotfix of 11.7.1: Draw a stroke. Turn the Wacom stylus over to the eraser end and erase . Now turn the stylus back over to the pen nib end and resume drawing , but it is now stuck in Erase mode, it does not revert back automatically to Drawing mode. In my Preferences it is set to 'The pen eraser is the same brush,but set to erase mode' . Changing it to "The pen eraser is a freehand eraser' doesn't fix the problem. In both cases using the Eraser end of the Wacom stylus does not allow the user to automatically resume drawing mode by turning the stylus over to the drawing end.

(Wacom stylus eraser end works correctly in 11.5.3. It does not work correctly in 11.7. I believe it was working correctly in the previous release of 11.7.1 from Dec. 7, 2022.)
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
MacOS 12.7.1 Monterey ,
Mac Mini (2018) , 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM ,
XP-Pen Artist Pro 19 (Gen 2) 4K,
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Dean »

Hello David, this issue appeared on someone's Mac at the office and we have conducted some tests, we were unfortunately unable to reproduce it on other Macs in the office.
We will keep investigating when Matthieu comes back from his vacation.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by D.T. Nethery »

D.T. Nethery wrote: 23 Dec 2022, 15:35 Thank you for the fixes. I am especially glad that the Reapply Stroke function works in Erase mode again.

Unfortunately, there is an old problem with Erasing that has now returned in this hotfix of 11.7.1: Draw a stroke. Turn the Wacom stylus over to the eraser end and erase . Now turn the stylus back over to the pen nib end and resume drawing , but it is now stuck in Erase mode, it does not revert back automatically to Drawing mode. In my Preferences it is set to 'The pen eraser is the same brush,but set to erase mode' . Changing it to "The pen eraser is a freehand eraser' doesn't fix the problem. In both cases using the Eraser end of the Wacom stylus does not allow the user to automatically resume drawing mode by turning the stylus over to the drawing end.

(Wacom stylus eraser end works correctly in 11.5.3. It does not work correctly in 11.7. I believe it was working correctly in the previous release of 11.7.1 from Dec. 7, 2022.)
Dean wrote: 02 Jan 2023, 08:53 Hello David, this issue appeared on someone's Mac at the office and we have conducted some tests, we were unfortunately unable to reproduce it on other Macs in the office.
We will keep investigating when Matthieu comes back from his vacation.
Now here's some additional information: I noticed today using 11.7.1 (Dec. 22, 2022) that the Wacom eraser is functioning properly again! I can draw with the pen nib end of the stylus, turn it over to the eraser end to erase , then when I turn it over to the pen nib end of the stylus it reverts back to drawing mode automatically, as is normal. Nothing else has changed on my end , no new Wacom driver, etc. It just started working again. I have no explanation for why. I hope it stays this way. I'll report back if it stops working again.
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
MacOS 12.7.1 Monterey ,
Mac Mini (2018) , 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM ,
XP-Pen Artist Pro 19 (Gen 2) 4K,
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Dean »

OK David, glad to know it works normally again.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Johannes »


the new Version won't open. I only get this message:
Everything is fine when I open 11.7.0.

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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Dean »

Hello Johannes, this is probably due to the fact that your dongleless license is still temporary. I sent you an email about this :)
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by toonybrain »

Thank you for all that you are doing for TVPaint and its users. TVPaint just keeps getting better and better.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Thierry wrote: 07 Dec 2022, 14:19
[*]When applying some FXs like Keyframer and Multiplane Camera, the software will now ask you if you want the FX to be applied on a new layer.
I must confess that I don't understand how this is supposed to work.

When I Apply FX for KeyFramer or Multiplane in 11.7.1 it does not ask me if I want the FX applied on a new layer. It seems to apply the FX the same as always in previous versions of TVPaint. What is different now in 11.7.1 ?

Please help. Could someone please post a screenshot or video showing how this works in 11.7.1 ?
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
MacOS 12.7.1 Monterey ,
Mac Mini (2018) , 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM ,
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Thierry »

Hello David,

I have edited the changelog to better reflect how it works:
When applying some FXs like Keyframer and Multiplane Camera, if your Source is either Color Group or Selected Layers, the software will now ask you if you want the FX to be applied on a new layer.

My apologies for the rather obscure way the original line was written.
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D.T. Nethery
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Thierry wrote: 15 Feb 2023, 09:12 Hello David,

I have edited the changelog to better reflect how it works:
When applying some FXs like Keyframer and Multiplane Camera, if your Source is either Color Group or Selected Layers, the software will now ask you if you want the FX to be applied on a new layer.
Thanks for the clarification. When I set the source to Color Group or to Selected Layers it does generate a pop-up asking if I want to apply the effects to a new layer, so I click on Yes, however it does not render the effect on all frames of the new layer, it only renders a single frame on a new layer. If you have time to post a video demonstrating how this is supposed to work I would appreciate it.
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
MacOS 12.7.1 Monterey ,
Mac Mini (2018) , 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM ,
XP-Pen Artist Pro 19 (Gen 2) 4K,
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by Matthieu »

Hello David,

Thank you for your remarks. We did some testing and it seems there was a regression we have missed before releasing the 11.7.1 version. We will try to fix this for the next update.
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Matthieu wrote: 21 Feb 2023, 14:24 Hello David,

Thank you for your remarks. We did some testing and it seems there was a regression we have missed before releasing the 11.7.1 version. We will try to fix this for the next update.
WOW. Thank you for the response and confirming (as I have started to suspect) that the feature is not working ! Now I know I'm not crazy (at least not about this!).
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
MacOS 12.7.1 Monterey ,
Mac Mini (2018) , 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM ,
XP-Pen Artist Pro 19 (Gen 2) 4K,
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Re: TVPaint Animation 11.7.1 is available!

Post by swiftsketcher »

Thierry wrote: 07 Dec 2022, 14:19 *snip*

Unless I'm misunderstanding, I'm disappointed that the "center timeline" button does not actually center the playhead and keep it locked to the center while you move back and forward. Would it be possible to add this as a toggle? This would greatly improve visibility of your instances on both sides of the playhead. An actively centered playhead is something I've always wanted in TVPaint. Please consider this as an enhancement to the current "center timeline" function.

