.DIP format file in Image Library

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.DIP format file in Image Library

Post by D.T. Nethery »

If I save a sequence of animation (let's say a 16 frame walk cycle) with the TVPaint proprietary DEEP format (.DIP extension), then later I drag the .DIP file into another TVPaint project it opens up as animation on the Timeline.

However, if I add the .DIP file to the Image Library and then try to us the .DIP as a Source (for Multiplane Camera or Keyframer) it shows only a single image , not the whole animation image sequence.

My feature request is that .DIP files imported to the Image Library would be seen as animation when used as a source for the Multiplane or KeyFramer.

The workaround now is to import the .DIP file as a Custom Brush , then select the Custom Brush the source in Keyframer or Mutliplane. In that case the Keyframer or Mutliplane will be able to use the entire image sequence contained within the .DIP file. I would like the .DIP file imported into the Image LIbrary to behave the same way. is it possible ?
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Re: .DIP format file in Image Library

Post by Thierry »

Hello David,

While the DEEP format has its advantages (like being able to store an animation in it), the biggest drawback is that it's a proprietary format, only used in TVPaint.
I would recommand not using DIP images in the future, as this is one of the things that are still in the software for legacy reasons.

So, while we could add DIP support for the Library, we won't go in that direction.
We've already started to replace a lot of DIP images used in the software by PNGs (like icons for example), and this we'll likely do another pass for the next major version.
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Re: .DIP format file in Image Library

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Thierry wrote: 05 Jun 2023, 10:38 Hello David,

While the DEEP format has its advantages (like being able to store an animation in it), the biggest drawback is that it's a proprietary format, only used in TVPaint.
I would recommand not using DIP images in the future, as this is one of the things that are still in the software for legacy reasons.

So, while we could add DIP support for the Library, we won't go in that direction.
We've already started to replace a lot of DIP images used in the software by PNGs (like icons for example), and this we'll likely do another pass for the next major version.

DEEP format has its advantages (like being able to store an animation in it)
Yes, that is my primary interest in using DEEP format, because it can be loaded as a custom brush with animation. (and I had hoped, loaded into the Image Library with animation intact)

So, while we could add DIP support for the Library, we won't go in that direction.
Ok fair enough. So, setting aside the legacy DEEP format , is there another way to fulfill the feature request , for example , would it be possible to have animation sequences in the form of MOV or MP4 files (with transparent alpha channels) stored in the Image Library to act as source layers for the KeyFramer or Multiplane Camera ?
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
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Re: .DIP format file in Image Library

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Thierry wrote: 05 Jun 2023, 10:38 We've already started to replace a lot of DIP images used in the software by PNGs (like icons for example), and this we'll likely do another pass for the next major version.
Is this the reason that I'm noticing icons in Custom Panels disappearing in the the newer 11.7.1 version ? (because the icons used in my older custom panels were .DIP files , but have been replaced as PNGs ?). See here: viewtopic.php?t=15461
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
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Re: .DIP format file in Image Library

Post by Thierry »

D.T. Nethery wrote: 05 Jun 2023, 11:48Ok fair enough. So, setting aside the legacy DEEP format , is there another way to fulfill the feature request , for example , would it be possible to have animation sequences in the form of MOV or MP4 files (with transparent alpha channels) stored in the Image Library to act as source layers for the KeyFramer or Multiplane Camera ?
I will talk to the devs about this as I have no idea if this doable or not.
D.T. Nethery wrote: 05 Jun 2023, 11:48Is this the reason that I'm noticing icons in Custom Panels disappearing in the the newer 11.7.1 version ? (because the icons used in my older custom panels were .DIP files , but have been replaced as PNGs ?). See here: viewtopic.php?t=15461
Probably not, as I've explained in said topic :p
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Re: .DIP format file in Image Library

Post by D.T. Nethery »

I just wanted to add that I hope you will keep the DEEP format as an option for TVPaint users , even if it is supplanted by using PNG for things such as tool icons.
I do find uses for DEPP (.DIP) files.
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
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Re: .DIP format file in Image Library

Post by Thierry »

Don't worry, DEEP format will still exist in the next major version :)
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