2 Projectview requests - Zoom presets & Hide Clip

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Peter Wassink
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2 Projectview requests - Zoom presets & Hide Clip

Post by Peter Wassink »

I want to have Project view zoom presets in the project,
Just like we now have in the Clip:Timeline Tab ...a RMB pulldown menu

so i can choose to Fit to:

this would probably mainly be usefull for the timeline view
but it would also work for the Thumbnail view, where it could scale the thumbnail size to fit them into the panel, according to the chosen criteria
perhaps only the sound option should be greyed out when in thumbnail view.
projectview zoom presets.png
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
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Peter Wassink
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Re: 2 Projectview requests - Zoom presets & Hide Clip

Post by Peter Wassink »

The other request is regarding the display of clips that i want to temporarily hide or inactivate.

In many cases i still like to see a clip that i hide.
Much like layers in the clipview.
if i switch a layer off, you can still see it "greyed out" among the other layers.
i can also further minimize the space it occupies by collapsing it.

All this i want for clips too.
In the timeline view of the project i'd like to still to see a clip that is hidden (inactive/switched off)
Like in the thumbnailview, this can be achieved by greying it out or crossing it out or both. (though the timeline would have to make a jump so you don't get a hole when playing back)
or... alternatively hide / collapse it, tvpaint should then leave a marker, so i can un-hide it.

now there is an information unbalance between timeline and thumbnail view.
because of which you will lose track of a hidden clip while in Timelineview
projectview zoom clip hiding.png
projectview zoom clip hiding.png (72.99 KiB) Viewed 3814 times
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
• laptop: Win10/64 Pro - i7-4600@2.1 GHz - 16Gb RAM
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Peter Wassink
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Re: 2 Projectview requests - Zoom presets & Hide Clip

Post by Peter Wassink »

(i forgot i had already posted this above... i guess it shows i'd really like to have this... :wink: )

I would like to have viewpresets also in the project view,
like we have in the Clip:Timeline Tab ...a RMB pulldown menu
zoom view.jpg
zoom view.jpg (28.4 KiB) Viewed 1461 times
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
• laptop: Win10/64 Pro - i7-4600@2.1 GHz - 16Gb RAM
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