BOKJE - and a "mixed media" question

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Keep Shooting
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BOKJE - and a "mixed media" question

Post by Keep Shooting »

Hello dear reader(s),

This is my first post on the forum, therefore a short introduction.
We, Conny and "miss Harriët" are working on a short mixed media film called "BOKJE en LI" after the illustrated book of Harriët.
Last september we started researching and testing and in januari we started making sketches. We are working with FinalCut Pro HD, Photoschop CS3 and TVPaintAPro to design the mixture we are looking for.

And we did have found a lot of fantastic skills in the programme!
And of course a few things that are still puzzeling us...
And I wondered if there is anybody out there who could help me with two questions on using masks.
I would like to make a timeline in which a photosequence can have a transparant texture on a part of the immage. I can't get past the point where using a mask in TVPAP effects all layers, instead of only the layer I want it to be in. (like linked layermasks in Photoshop for example) Is this possible, or do I have to think in multiple timelines for every detail?
The last question on this: is it possible to have an image-layer with a texture it and a second layer that has a masked area which will be different for each next frame? Or is there a better solution. Or do I have to prepare each frame of the photosequence in a layered Photoshop-document... (o, please don't tell me I do javascript:emoticon(':?')

To illustrate what I am writing about some screendumps of sketches...
Would be really helpfull if someone could help me out with this.
Thanks, Conny
Tree with silver armour.
Tree with silver armour.
Bokje and Li in a forest.
Bokje and Li in a forest.
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Peter Wassink
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Post by Peter Wassink »

I can't get past the point where using a mask in TVPAP effects all layers, instead of only the layer I want it to be in. (like linked layermasks in Photoshop for example) Is this possible, or do I have to think in multiple timelines for every detail?
Hallo Conny,

This looks like a very nice project, i like this look with mixed techniques.
is, by any chance, "miss Harriët" toevallig familie van mister 'keepvogel'?

about your issue;
I think your problem mainly lies in the ability to preview
because you can make mask layers for each of the elements you need and apply these on separate layers.
the difference with Adobe programs is that tvp won't let you have masks in preview mode, you have to actually apply them to see their effect.

Although it might be possible to do it through the FX stack?
maybe someone else here on the forum has an idea about it?
Unfortunately this version of tvp doesn't yet have the possibility to attach the FXstack to a individual layer. still i think some workaround might be possible.... to preview what your masks will do before you actually apply them
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
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Keep Shooting
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masking issues

Post by Keep Shooting »

Hi Peter,

OK, you are Dutch too, I noticed already reading toppics in the forum ;-)

About the "Keepvogel" in terms of "familie van", you are right, although I do not know her brother at all.
Thanks for the reply.
And thanks for the compliment: the project is a joined adventure:
I continued this masking-question on the "technical support department" (for I was not sure were to place it.)
And I think I found a workable solution with which you are referring to: working with a combination in TVP with the FXStack.

Regards, Conny
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