Mirage tutorials by Benoît Saint Moulin are again online, you must be registered on TDT3D to be able to download it:
-Advanced Keyer
-Animation text
-Auto Paint
-Colors palettes
-Drawing text tools
-Drawing tools
-Exporting projects
-Follow the strike
-Gradients fill
-Layers basic
-Light table
-Loading footage
-Logo FX animation
-MPP demonstration
-MPP features
-MPP install
-Paint recorder
-Papers paint
-Particles alpha
-Particles browser
-Particles emiter
-Particles path
-Particles worm field
-Path recorder
-Selection tools
-Simply flower
-Strokes eraser
-Videos tools
-Volumetric effects
Mirage tutorials by Benoît Saint Moulin
Mirage tutorials by Benoît Saint Moulin
Hervé ADAM, TVPaint Team