thanks for your comments.
Paul Fierlinger wrote:The bottom one; does the sign say "Free (or release) me"?
it says "forgive me". close
slowtiger wrote:but was that faster than on paper, or did it take longer to make it look "real"?
Faster, and more flexible. of course I cannot have the whole spectrum of natural results, but in real medium I would have had to wait for any wetness to dry off first.
If it's take me longer to achieve it digitally than on paper, I would have ditched it long time ago.
Usually my meandering in TVP are in search of techniques and brushes that would allow me to me to apply a drawing QUICKLY, and with as many interesting mistakes as possible.
Sierra K Rose wrote:I don't get some of the symbolism, but I still think they are all wonderful, each in its own way.
There is no symbolism. I dislike symbolism, as it eats into my drawings. I use either metaphors, or nothing of the kind at all.
the fact that you can enjoy them on their own makes the whole point - no need to go out on a symbol-hunt. it's an unnecessary headache.