separate settings for new zoom window

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separate settings for new zoom window

Post by hilere »

If it is not already possible (with TVP you never know) it would be an interesting feature to be able to give your new zoom window it's own settings. So one would for example be able to disable the lighttable in the new zoom window, while in your work area it stays enabled. This way you can always have a 'clean' reference window for reviewing your animation, without constantly having to turn on and off your lighttable.
If it is already possible I would be very interested to know how to do it.
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by Elodie »

It's already possible in the Professional version (if I've understood you well ^^)

As you can see, in the right hand corner, at the bottom, you can see 4 squares with "1, 2, 3, 4". These squares = rooms. Rooms can be configured differently (panels, zoom etc...).
The only thing that cannot be different, unfortunately, is the light-table : it will be activated in all your rooms.

So, you can configure yourself 2 buttons. The first one will be "room 2 => disable light table", the second : "room 1 => enable the light table".
And of course, you can after give a key short to your new buttons =)

Something like this :
light table-room.png
light table-room.png (19.74 KiB) Viewed 18486 times
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by Elodie »

There is also another solution, more simple : use the navigator and make it larger. you can even play you animation in the navigator. =)
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by hilere »

Thanks for the (fast as usual) reply, Elodie.

Unfortunately this does not solve the problem I am stating. The idea is to be able to have a clean animation reference at anytime, whether your lighttable is switched on or off, without having to push buttons. This is the main reason why I've posted this item in the new feature request, because I believe it is important for a fast workflow that these kind of constant features should be there without having to push buttons.

The rooms you suggested is kind of a halfway solution, which works fine, but asks the same effort than switching off the lighttable.
The navigator also shows the image with the same lighttable settings...unless there is a way to turn this off?

It is just a suggestion for a faster workflow, since I noticed that I spend a lot of time constantly switching on and off the lighttable.

A question here : I noticed that there is a shortcut possible for switching the lighttable on and off layer dependable. Is there also a shortcut for general switching the lighttable on and off (like pushing the 0 on the lighttable panel). This would be handy, since a shortcut generally works a lot faster than navigating to a button.

So the feature request stays open. The lighttable is just one example. To give another example I can imagine that it would be handy when cleaning to have a reference window open where the rough animation layers are switched on, and a second reference window where the cleanup layers are switched on. This way you can easily check if your cleanup follows the spirit of the rough animation.
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by Elodie »

You're right with the navigator, I've forgotten it take also the light table (but it needs to "refresh" the display)

Whatever, if I understand you well, you want to 2 separated files, don't you ? One with the rough animation you want to clean, one with an animation already cleaned. In that case, you simply have to open your file in another clip (into the same project) and switch with "tab".
If you want to see them "at the same" time, open the rough and the clean into 2 different project and reduce the window project.
You can also disable all the other layers (instead the current one) by pressing "="
A question here : I noticed that there is a shortcut possible for switching the lighttable on and off layer dependable. Is there also a shortcut for general switching the lighttable on and off (like pushing the 0 on the lighttable panel). This would be handy, since a shortcut generally works a lot faster than navigating to a button.
Of course you already can with CTRL+L ...
(Edit => Preferences => Keyshort...)
So the feature request stays open. The lighttable is just one example. To give another example I can imagine that it would be handy when cleaning to have a reference window open where the rough animation layers are switched on, and a second reference window where the cleanup layers are switched on. This way you can easily check if your cleanup follows the spirit of the rough animation.
So, open the rough in another project and reduce the both windows, like this :
rough-line.png (51.28 KiB) Viewed 18468 times
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by hilere »

Of course you already can with CTRL+L ...
(Edit => Preferences => Keyshort...)
This only turns on/off the current layer lighttable. Is there a shortcut that turns the lighttable on/off for all the layers at the same time? Same as if I would push the 0 in the light table panel. So the question is actually : is there a shortcut for the 0 in the lighttable panel ?

Thanks for the cleanup explanation. Didn't check it out yet, but sure it does what is needed. If not you'll hear from me on a later time. Thanks.
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by Elodie »

Select all your layers and click on "LT". =)
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by hilere »

Sorry for being pushy. But what I am searching for is keyboard shortcuts that I can assign to cintiq shortcut buttons, just to have a faster workflow. I know all the things you suggest are possible one way or another. That's not the point. And I certainly don't want to make an issue about it neither. If the 0 is not connectable to a keyboard shortcut it's fine. I'm happy to push the 0 untill it is connectable. I only want to suggest for future upgrade it would be handy to make it connectable.
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Re: separate settings for new zoom window

Post by Elodie »

but the "0" is connectable... but not at the moment with a feature "toggle the light table on all the layers" =)

It's noted.
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