Layer export "single frame" bug? (9.5.17)

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Layer export "single frame" bug? (9.5.17)

Post by slowtiger »

Could someone please confirm this:
in TVP 9.5.17 (Mac PPC), when exporting via the Layers tab, albeit checking the "single frame" box I get a PSD file with all frames of the project as separate layers.
TVP 10.0.18 and 11.0 MacPro Quadcore 3GHz 16GB OS 10.6.8 Quicktime 7.6.6
TVP 11.0 and 11.7 MacPro 12core 3GHz 32GB OS 10.11 Quicktime 10.7.3
TVP 11.7 Mac Mini M2pro 32GB OS 13.5
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