Print animation

This section is dedicated to the feature & improvement requests (be sure what you are asking does not exist yet in TVPaint Animation ;) )
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Print animation

Post by slowtiger »

I'm a bit frustrated about the available printing options.

- I miss the standard availability of Apple's printing dialogue. Right now, when I press "print", TVP starts printing immediately. If there were the regular dialogue I would have the option to "print to file" which I could save to PDF - very handy for mailing.

- Although I checked "center" in the print options I loose the left part of the whole page on paper. I guess "center" only means the position of frames inside their columns? It would be nice if TVP would recognize the actual printable area, or at least let me set the width of the non-printing border.

- A checkbox for "print frame border". Right now I have to create a layer with a border myself.

- An option for "print instance heads only" additionally to "every n-th frame".
TVP 10.0.18 and 11.0 MacPro Quadcore 3GHz 16GB OS 10.6.8 Quicktime 7.6.6
TVP 11.0 and 11.7 MacPro 12core 3GHz 32GB OS 10.11 Quicktime 10.7.3
TVP 11.7 Mac Mini M2pro 32GB OS 13.5
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