Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

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Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Animark »


in TVPaint 10 new functions to handle frames on the timeline were introduced. They are nice, but there is one I miss.

Now we have:
- Drag some frames to a new empty location = moves the frames
- Drag some frames to a new "occupied" location = moves the frames and overwrites the existing frames

- CTRL-Drag some frames to a new empty location = copies the frames
- CTRL-Drag some frames to a new "occupied" location = copies the frames and overwrites the existing frames

- SHIFT-Drag some frames to a new empty location = copies the frames (same like CTRL-Drag)
- SHIFT-Drag some frames to a new "occupied" location = copies the frames and inserts them between the existing frames

I am missing a possibility to Drag some frames and insert them at a new location WITHOUT copying the frames.
I think, that makes sense.
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Paul Fierlinger
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Well, isn't what you are asking for simply: "move some frames"? I probably don't understand the question since you already have that on your list ... unless you are talking about moving frames to another layer.
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Animark »

Hi Paul,

yes, it's not more than a simple "move some frames to a new position" between existing frames on the same or another layer WITHOUT copying the frames you want to move. It is possible to do with CTRL-X and CTRL-V but not with TVPaint 10s drag and drop functions. Or I even don't know how to do.

From my list ist like dragging to a new location - but insert and not overwrite the existing frames. Or like SHIFT-Drag, but without making a copy of the dragged frames.

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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

Maybe it's this: Move a frame(s) while holding shift which causes a red line and a plus symbol to appear and you drag your red line to where you want to place these frames and there you are; you have moved your frames between two other frames without having anything copied. Of course, this causes all frames to the right to ripple along the timeline, which is what I think you want.
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Animark »

Hmh? Is that really working at your TVPaint? Let's say I have 4 frames:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4

When I SHIFT-Drag frame number 2 and place it between 3 and 4, I will get
1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 4

I am asking for a possibility to get
1 - 3 - 2 - 4

But if it is possible at your TVPaint, my has a malfunction - or there is an idiot sitting in front of my TVP ;-)
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

I see... testing this with a designated Test Project and simple frames with numbers scribbled within them makes your case salient. I hadn't been doing that, and what you want to do makes sense. Odd that I have never came across this example in the course of my own work.

I guess I've been just making room for the number two before I slide it into its new space, which I never found strange. Actually it works for me nicely because I can see ahead where 2 needs to go -- usually many frames down the line. But saying this doesn't mean I disagree with what you suggest is something that should be considered as a future improvement.

Now I might start missing this... :|
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Animark »

Before I always used the CTRL + C, X, V shortcuts to sort and move the drawings. Now I started to use the new way by dragging the frames - what I would prefer, but in this one case I found the concept inconsistent. I am not sure how often I would like to move my drawings without copying them, but the last days I had one or two situations, where i wondered about, that it is not possible with dragging.
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Elodie »

I agree with your feature request Markus :)
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by ZigOtto »

somehow one of my old requests (dec.08 2011):
ZigOtto wrote:...
here's the actual different behaviors we have :

- LMB-Clic and Drag for "MOVE", (= Cut &Paste in "Replace" mode)
- Ctrl + LMB-Clic and Drag for "COPY" (= Copy & Paste in "Replace" mode),
- Shift + LMB-Clic and Drag for "INSERT" (= Copy & Paste in "Insert" mode),
- Ctrl +Shift +LMB-Clic and Drag for "MOVE" :o (as it says, but does in fact a COPY operation...) :roll:

... and no way actually to Cut & Paste in "Insert" mode by a Drag&Drop (...?)

here's my suggestion (Ctrl for "Copy", Shift for Insert) :

- LMB-Clic and Drag for "MOVE", (= Cut & Paste in "Replace" mode)
- Ctrl + LMB-Clic and Drag for "COPY" (= Copy & Paste in "Replace" mode), (no change)
- Shift + LMB-Clic and Drag for "MOVE-INSERT" (= Cut & Paste in "Insert" mode),
- Ctrl +Shift +LMB-Clic and Drag for "COPY-INSERT" (= Copy & Paste in "Insert" mode)

and please, make them all working not only into the current layer, but between layers (from one layer to an other),
as long as they are editable (unlocked) animlayers. 8)
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Jeremy Richard
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Re: Improved Move, insert or copy - Function

Post by Jeremy Richard »


Like Animark and ZigOtto suggested, we could maybe have a 'Move & Insert Before' option, so we don't have to go back where the original instances are and have to delete them manually.
Move and Insert-Suggestion.jpg
A bit like in editing software:
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