Some GNote10 links

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Some GNote10 links

Post by Svengali »

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Thank you . This is very useful information.

About the Wacom Penabled Tablet PC stylus with Eraser: ... 000085BDB/" onclick=";return false;

I remembered that my son's Modbook tablet has this kind of stylus (I think it's the same thing ) so I tried out the Modbook stylus on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 . It draws well (I prefer it to the Samsung S-Pen) , but the eraser tip end is NOT recognized by TVPaint or Sketchbook Pro , but it IS recognized by Photoshop Touch. So it's not a limitation of the Galaxy Note to recognize the eraser tip of a Wacom pen . I think the problem is that there are no drivers for the Wacom Pen on Android , so no way for the tablet to tell the pen what the functions are supposed to be between the pen tip and the eraser tip (except for some reason Photoshop Touch can tell the difference) , so the eraser tip in TVPaint or Sketchbook acts exactly like a duplicate pen tip. The same with the rocker switch on the Wacom Pen - there is nothing to program it to tell it to perform certain functions (like Undo or Right Click) .

However, I still think I will get one because I prefer the longer Wacom pen to the short Samsung S-Pen . It feels better to draw with.

Regarding the Wacom Penabled stylus someone on wrote about the eraser tip:
"I can speak regarding the eraser. The eraser on this works great with the Galaxy Note 10.1 but it does depend on the application that you intend to use. The software must be written to take that form of input.

In the case of the 10.1, the three potential note taking software solutions I have tried are LectureNotes, S Note, and Quill. The eraser works in LectureNotes and S Note, but not with Quill. The functionality is dependent upon the author of the application. [/u]"

I wonder if the eraser end of this Samsung stylus will be recognized by TVPaint ? -- ... pd_sim_e_1" onclick=";return false;

The description on Amazon says: "Samsung Digitizer Pen, 9.2pi, Draw/Erase/Right click."

If the Samsung Digitizer Pen (AA-DP0NE2B/US) allows Right-click and Erase on the Galaxy Note with TVPaint then I'd be very happy.


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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Svengali »

I ordered the Samsung replacement pen today (to arrive on Wed) in hopes that the right mouse button will actually work via the switch (in the current Beta).

As you say, it's all dependent on how each individual GNote10 application is programmed to handle the press of the switch (or the press of the eraser). I think I saw mentioned on the XDA development site an SDK specifically for programming the S Pen. If it turns out the pen features don't work with this release of the Beta maybe it will be included on the next.

RMB use via the pen switch is really important to me and I miss it. Eraser, not so much...

In general, I am very impressed by both the GNote10 tablet's technology AND by the implementation of TVPaint Pro on it. For all practical purposes, this TVPaint is complete, a fantastic accomplishment for the programmers. I hope that Fabrice is correct when he says licensed TVPaint owners will eventually have the Android version included.

In any case when the Android version is released it will add A LOT of new users to their existing user base.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Svengali wrote: In general, I am very impressed by both the GNote10 tablet's technology AND by the implementation of TVPaint Pro on it. For all practical purposes, this TVPaint is complete, a fantastic accomplishment for the programmers. I hope that Fabrice is correct when he says licensed TVPaint owners will eventually have the Android version included.

Yes, I quite agree. I'm very happy with the Galaxy Note 10.1 so far and even more so with how well TVPaint works on the Note. The lure of being able to take TVPaint with me when I'm traveling or at meetings is what made me buy the Galaxy Note. I had been concerned that I would not be able to get used to drawing in a smaller area (I have a Cintiq 21" UX that I use for my everyday work ) , but it hasn't been a problem so far . It feels good. Of course I have had to adjust my workflow somewhat from how I work on a Cintiq (with TVPaint spread out over the Cintiq and a second monitor ) but overall the experience has been good.

I look forward to reading your report of how the Samsung replacement pen works with TVPaint on the Note.

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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Svengali wrote:I ordered the Samsung replacement pen today (to arrive on Wed) in hopes that the right mouse button will actually work via the switch (in the current Beta).

As you say, it's all dependent on how each individual GNote10 application is programmed to handle the press of the switch (or the press of the eraser). I think I saw mentioned on the XDA development site an SDK specifically for programming the S Pen. If it turns out the pen features don't work with this release of the Beta maybe it will be included on the next.

SDK for S-Pen-" onclick=";return false;

Forum- ... EN01010515" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Svengali »

Yes, it's all there. 8)

After thinking about the missing side switch functionality a bit it might be that the TVP conversion to the GNote10 was complicated by the fact that the the side switch is only a single switch (not a double switch as found on the Intuous pens used with the standard and Pro versions of TVPaint). Adapting the Android conversion to use only a single switch will probably require a lot more innovative thought and compromise than the programmers had time for, early on... so they just looped most switch functionality out of this version all together, substituting where necessary the switch/long press call in some places (like button edit mode).

I have no doubt that future releases for the GNote10 will include innovative solutions to keep as much functionality as possible, minimizing the limits of a single side switch stylus.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Fabrice »

I have no doubt that future releases for the GNote10 will include innovative solutions to keep as much functionality as possible, minimizing the limits of a single side switch stylus.
we need a full-time developper to focus on this, but yes, you got the idea :)
Fabrice Debarge
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by D.T. Nethery »

These are hard to find now , but if you can find one on eBay the Axiotron Modbook Studio Pen works very well for drawing on the Galaxy Note 10.1
Modbook_Studio_Pen1.jpg (44.49 KiB) Viewed 88898 times
These pens were manufactured for use on the Modbook tablet . Recently I notice that the Modbook has been re-launched , so perhaps Axiotron will make these pens available again soon ?
It looks and feels like my Intuos 2 or Intuos 3 pen . I much prefer it to draw with instead of the small stylus that comes with the GNote.

However , the two buttons on the pen have no functionality on the GNote and the eraser tip of the pen does not work , except in Photoshop Touch. (the eraser tip does not work in TVPaint or in Autodesk Sketchbook on the GNote).

*EDIT: One thing I should mention about the Axiotron Studio Pen used on the Galaxy Note 10.1 is that there is no way to calibrate the pen. It is very slightly "off" (from where the tip of the pen touches the surface to where the cursor is ) so that means you will have to compensate for that off-set as you draw. I found that it does not take too long to get used to the slight off-set between the tip of the pen and the cursor , but I am certainly hoping that someone comes up with an Android app that allows for calibrating Wacom tablet pc pens for use on the GNote . I've tried three different tablet pc pens on the GNote and all of them are slightly off , with no way to calibrate them . The S-Pen remains the most accurate , but I don't like how small and slender it is . I prefer the heft of the Wacom-like Axitron Studio Pen.



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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by kariP »

I was checking out if this studio pen could be found anywhere, but no luck. Few forums said the same, it's hard to find. Did you manage to get it from ebay just now?

I don't know if anybody informed about this new wacom pen, Stylus Feel?
(It looks like it has single switch and no eraser)" onclick=";return false;

There is two versions, one plastic, weight 18 grams, one carbon, 28 grams. Has anybody tried it yet?
It was released 7th of january, so somebody might already tested it.
Windows 10 (64 bit), 8gb ram, intel i5 10400f. TVpaint 11.7
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Svengali »

Jellybean is Here
Android update 4.1.2 (Jellybean) automatically loaded onto my GNote 10 this morning. I think this will probably happen on all U.S. Galaxy devices if auto-detection of available upgrades is turned on. After loading the upgrade (almost 500 mb - which seemed to take about 10 minutes) and after giving explicit permission to proceed, the actual install of Android Jellybean and updating of all installed apps took about two minutes. Flawless.

The TVPaint app required no re-installation and works as before. Previous .tvpp files intact.

For anyone one in the market for a large format tablet, with pressure sensitive stylus, I highly recommend the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with the TVPaint Beta. It's a great combo.

Thank you TVPaint.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Twig »

kariP wrote:I was checking out if this studio pen could be found anywhere, but no luck. Few forums said the same, it's hard to find. Did you manage to get it from ebay just now?

I don't know if anybody informed about this new wacom pen, Stylus Feel?
(It looks like it has single switch and no eraser)" onclick=";return false;

There is two versions, one plastic, weight 18 grams, one carbon, 28 grams. Has anybody tried it yet?
It was released 7th of january, so somebody might already tested it.
These look great, I'm going to order one as soon as I'm squared away on my expenses -- probably just the base-black one, but the carbon one looks nice.

Anyways, I'll post back if no one else has given it a try.
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Svengali »

D.T. Nethery wrote:*EDIT: One thing I should mention about the Axiotron Studio Pen used on the Galaxy Note 10.1 is that there is no way to calibrate the pen. It is very slightly "off" (from where the tip of the pen touches the surface to where the cursor is ) so that means you will have to compensate for that off-set as you draw. I found that it does not take too long to get used to the slight off-set between the tip of the pen and the cursor , but I am certainly hoping that someone comes up with an Android app that allows for calibrating Wacom tablet pc pens for use on the GNote . I've tried three different tablet pc pens on the GNote and all of them are slightly off , with no way to calibrate them . The S-Pen remains the most accurate , but I don't like how small and slender it is . I prefer the heft of the Wacom-like Axitron Studio Pen..
Apparently there is a way to calibrate certain Samsung pens but it would take a braver heart than mine...

Adjusting proximity-sensitivity and cursor registration on the SPen itself

The discussion in the followup comments gives lots of details (and some photos) from various users concerning two potentiometers UNDER the SPen's side switch...

On the issue of the SPen being too slender to be used comfortably, you are not alone. Amazon has a solution in the form of an SPen enclosure which adds weight and volume to the SPen. It strikes me as an awkward kludge but the reviews seem high. Anyway here is the link. It includes a second SPen so the original can stay with the tablet.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Twig »

If anyone is interested, I bought the Wacom Carbon. It feels like a real pen of course. Very solid and very well balanced with the cap off; cap on makes it a bit too top heavy. I often sketch with a steel ink pen, so this pen feels right at home.

Compared to my SPen when it comes to pressure, it takes a tiny bit more force, but its trade off is that I can control it better.

The pens tip also has a different feel. It doesn't feel like plastic, nor does it feel like rubber. It provides some friction that I don't get with the plastic tip, but not so much that it can hinder a smooth stroke, which I've experienced with the Spen's rubber tip.

I also like that the side button is really easy to press, but not accidentally -- which I've done with the SPen.

I was going to get the Black model, but then read it was 'all' plastic. I can't say the Carbon was worth double , but I think if I had gotten the plastic one, I would have broke down later and bought the metal model.

Anyways, overall I'm very happy with this and at the price I hope that doesn't change.
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by D.T. Nethery »

Does anyone here using TVPaint on the Galaxy Note 10.1 have a recommendation for a good screen protector ?

I have tried the Zagg Invisible Shield , but the surface always felt too "sticky" when drawing and the S-Pen leaves small indentations on the surface of the Zagg screen protector. (it became "grooved" very soon)

There are many screen protectors to choose from , so I'm not sure what is the most suitable for drawing with the S-Pen . I wanted to check with other TVPaint users to see if anyone has a recommendation.
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Re: Some GNote10 links

Post by Svengali »

I've been using the tablet for about six months now and never put any screen protector on at all. The Gorilla Glass seems impervious to scratches so far and remains flawless after hundreds of hours use.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB