KB shortcut question

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KB shortcut question

Post by morboz »

Hey there
bit of a silly question, apologies.
im using the Cut tool quite alot lately, both for cutting and for copying.
changing Cut/Copy mode requires me to go to the tool options and change it manually in the dropdown menu, wasting alot of time accumulated.

the shortcut for this tool is set "B" by default, question is, is there a way to make separate shortcuts, one for copy and one for cut?
or maybe someone has a more creative solution for me?
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Klaus Hoefs
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Re: KB shortcut question

Post by Klaus Hoefs »

You can use CutBrush-Mode "Cut" as default.
1.Then cut-out your drawing-parts or whatever with that CutBrush-Mode.
2. Press ctrl-Z
3. Your cut-out as a CutBrush is still available, and your original drawing is present again. So actual you made a CutBrush Mode "Copy"
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Re: KB shortcut question

Post by slowtiger »

While you have the cutbrush tool selected, just use F2 and F3 for copy and cut.
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Re: KB shortcut question

Post by morboz »

hmm... F2/F3 does the trick.
thanks alot.
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