Multiplane camera confusion

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Multiplane camera confusion

Post by maryam »

Hi everyone

Multiplane camera effect doesn't seem to like me at all!
I spent ages trying to find video tutorials no chance! Found a chinese one! shame I can understand it!! :roll:
So I have gone through lesson 16 on multiplane camera. I did all my "planes" while looking at the "stage view", So I could see how much I'm moving them apart
etc.. and then I went back to "view panel" to make keyframes on my camera which I did.

So I've noticed 2 problems.

1- While I was creating my planes, I've noticed it was duplicating them every time I chose my source and then when I moved the position, it would move the duplicated shape.
So basically all my shapes stayed on top of each other, and when I created planes for each one, it would duplicate them so I have two of each on my screen!

2- When I positioned everything and made keyframes, I could see the movement while I had the "preview" button checked and scrolling on my time line. But if I'd play it it would skip frames and only play 3 of them instead of 25. If I click apply FX stack. it would get rid of the movement completely and becomes only one frame.

I'm so confused!
Also still cant get my head round difference between pivot point and position! they seem to be changing the position only! cant understand the difference! :(
Does position, changes the position, and then pivote changes the position from where the position is changed already?! can't get my head round it! Why not
just using the position again to alter the position! oh god! :shock:

Im on Mac 10.6.8 64 bit
My tvpaint 10.0.14 64 bit pro

I appreciate any help.
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Re: Multiplane camera confusion

Post by ZigOtto »

maryam wrote:... If I click apply FX stack. it would get rid of the movement completely and becomes only one frame.
are you on an anim-layer (not image-layer) ?
do you select all the frames before hitting "Apply" ?
and if so, check if the option "on heads only" is enable in the FX-Stack panel.
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Re: Multiplane camera confusion

Post by slowtiger »

No realtime playback is completely normal with Multiplane, because TVP has to move so many layers at once.

As ZigOtto says, always select the whole layer before you hit Apply.

The duplication of layers is the way the Multiplane camera works: your original layers are the source, their content will be copied into the camera planes. It gets a bit confusing when you see the content doubled.
TVP 10.0.18 and 11.0 MacPro Quadcore 3GHz 16GB OS 10.6.8 Quicktime 7.6.6
TVP 11.0 and 11.7 MacPro 12core 3GHz 32GB OS 10.11 Quicktime 10.7.3
TVP 11.7 Mac Mini M2pro 32GB OS 13.5
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