George command to manage selected area (marching ants)

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George command to manage selected area (marching ants)

Post by Svengali »

I'm trying to find if there is a George command in TVPaint 10 which lets me (1) detect whether there is an active, selected area of the screen (marching ants) and (2) another George command that lets me control if that selected area (marching ants) can be turned off and turned back on?

There is a command, TOOLS: Toggle Stencil, in the shorthand keys and the button commands which let you toggle a selected stencil area between on and off, but I really need the "state" detection and control that George would provide...

If this isn't available, then I wonder if TVPaint 10.5 might be updated to include those George commands / capabilities? :D


TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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