10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

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10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

Post by Animark »


In my last project i noticed, that when I export a clip/project as an AVI (internal) with Motion-JPEG compression, I always get an extra white frame added to the end of the clip. It is happen with different projects and it is noticeable in Premiere and in the Quicktime-Player.
Can someone confirm this? If yes, it would be nice to remove this bug (if it is a bug and not my personal crazyness ;-)).

The first picture shows my export settings. As result I get a file with 77 Frames instead of 76. The last one is white. The second picture shows the file properties in premiere.
ExportFootage.JPG (103.69 KiB) Viewed 11442 times
ExportFootage02.JPG (37.48 KiB) Viewed 11442 times
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Paul Fierlinger
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Re: 10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

This has never, ever happened to me. I suspect that in your case it has something to do with the way your layers are laid out. Are you sure that the extra white frame isn't caused by one layer that extends the clip by one white frame? Having asked this, I can't see how that would happen repeatedly but what else could it be?

BTW, I see that you have your Motion-JPEG codec set to 100%. This is what I used to do, thinking if the default value is 50%, which made me wonder why so low I decided to raise the level and thinking anything worth doing is worth overdoing, I went to 100%. Later, dealing with an issue in Vegas, I learned that 100% doesn't necessarily pertain to the level of picture quality, but something so technically incoherent that I forgot the sentence explaining this to me before I finished reading it. In short 100% creates a much larger file than just 80% while 80% gives exactly the same 100% picture quality using fewer bits to save. Try testing for yourself and you will be astounded. If you use an NLE, you should see an improvement in playback quality.
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Re: 10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

Post by Animark »

To check my layers, frames etc. were the first things I did. So I am very sure that there must be a bug. The same projects exportet with the same AVI (internal) but set to RGB instead of Motion-JPEG compression don't have that Extra-Frame. I also had that problem in the past, but thought it maybe have something to do with my system. But since the end of december I have a total new PC and the "bug" already exist.

Thanks for the hints with the qualitity settings. I made that film 2 weeks ago in just a few days and was too lazy to think about compression settings while been in a hurry to draw. I will keep 80% in mind for the next things :-).
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Re: 10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

I just noticed that in your bottom screen shot it says film type as Quick Time. If you are exporting an AVI, why is it playing in QT?
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Re: 10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

Post by Animark »

Hmh? I don't know. It seems, that Premiere (CS5) interprets the avi as a Quicktime file. But your remark brought me to the point, to test it with another version of Premiere (CS5.5). And there, the file will be interpreted as AVI with the correct length. So it seems to be Adobe Bullshit and not a TVPaint Bug. Many thanks for your remark, it helps me a lot to catch the problem :-).
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Re: 10.5.7 - Avi (JPG) Export adds empty frame

Post by Paul Fierlinger »

It wasn't a remark as much as an observation. I was just sniffing around for another source of that added frame because it just wasn't the type of bug you'd find in TVP. Glad you found it.
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