Sound layers unable to expand

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Sound layers unable to expand

Post by bekibunny »

Hello again from Canada,
so I have the same student as had the last problem (and I know why - she was working off an external drive and not copying scenes to the local drive - bad student!).
Now she has an issue where she can't view sound layers other than the master sound layer - they just view as lines and she can't expand or edit (or delete!) them. I'm assuming this is a bug due to her bad work practices, and I've told her to copy her animation layers into a new scene where she's working on the local drive. But just in case there's something she can do to fix this, I thought I'd bring it to the forums.

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Re: Sound layers unable to expand

Post by Elodie »

If She only sees the sound in the master, it means She loaded à global sound (in project tab), not a local sound (within the clip itself).

Advise her to click on project tab and display her project as a timeline and tadaaa ! She should be able to see her soundtracks :)
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