Perspective Guides?

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Perspective Guides?

Post by cartoonM!ke »

A great addition for TVP would be some kind of Perspective guides. I know that Lemec has a plugin for Windows that aids in perspective, but It would be great if there was some a plug-in or FX stack for perspective that all users (Windows and Macintosh) could use. One could choose 1,2 or 3 pt perspective and then key frame the location of the Vanishing points. The drawing tool would snap to to perspective point and draw a line in perspective.

This could aid in creating some great hand-drawn perspective effects. The opening of the Direct to Video Batman Beyond move (Return of the Joker) has an awesome city scape pan that all the perspective was done by hand.

Wonder if anybody has any thoughts about this?
I don't want it all --
Where would I put it?
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