tvpaint camera to after effect

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tvpaint camera to after effect

Post by NathanOtano »

Anybody have clues to a way of importing a tvpaint camera in after effect?

Seems to me that the informations included in the file that we export from tvpaint can be used and interpreted in after effect, at least for the position of the keys and maybe the speed curve in a duik morpher.

I managed to find a way to have something like the way we manage cameras in tvpaint but in after effect (a null for rotation, roving keys for the path, and a duik morpher for the speed).

I was just wondering how everybody here manage the worflow from tvpaint to after effect? I suppose it's a lot of diy but maybe there is better solutions (Like the awesome script of MJ for import export)
Last edited by NathanOtano on 13 May 2015, 08:02, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: tvpaint camera to after effect

Post by Brusen »


This is always an issue.
At the moment all the teams I worked with have been Eye-balling and comparing from the layout and the Animation to match up the camera!
If there is a way to import the camera, it would be awesome!
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Re: tvpaint camera to after effect

Post by schwarzgrau »

I don't have a real solution. My workflow is a workaround which is pretty obvious: If I got a simple move I just use a big scale scene in TVPaint, export it and use the camera in AE.
While complex movements require a lot of back and forth between TVPaint and After Effects. For example creating a static pencil test with a large scene, bringing it to after effects, adding the camera move and back to TVP for the cleanup.
But what I have to do it's always a hustle, so a script would be very welcome, but I guess the developers can't just release an Adobe After Effects script, they once wrote.
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Re: tvpaint camera to after effect

Post by NathanOtano »

I was discussing with Duduf that teach at our school, it seems manageable to him with the cam informations in the cam file to recreate the camera in after effect.

I was thinking about integrating it in the MJ import/export script, all we need is a george script to export the camera file from tvpaint into the right folders.
Working on Windows 10
Creator of Disnosc, providing storyboard, animation and design for 2D realistic pictural animation: -
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