Hi im curious about the shadows and highhlights process . How exactly should i make shadows/highlights in my postproduction process ?
How is made that Klaus movie , wich in my opinion is great piece of art
Unfortunately I can't tell you the answer, since I'm working completely different, but maybe you post this question in technical support and someone will help you
Windows 11 22H2 / TVP 11.7.0 PRO WIBU / Cintiq 22HD
Windows 11 22H2 / TVP 11.7.0 PRO WIBU / Mobile Studio Pro 16" (2019)
Android 13 / TVP 11.7.0 / Galaxy Tab 7 FE INSTAGRAM
AlexanderNN wrote:Hi im curious about the shadows and highhlights process . How exactly should i make shadows/highlights in my postproduction process ?
Perhaps so : like Sergio Pablos〝Klaus〟theaser (made with TVPaint) at Annecy 2015, right ?
Sergio Pablos Talks About His Stunning Hand-Drawn Project ‘Klaus’ [Exclusive]〟 Cartoon Brew
- Can you talk about your approach/process to lighting and texturing the piece and the type of challenges presented to achieve this look?
I can’t go into too much detail, but I can tell you that no geometry is involved, that the end result depends greatly on the artistic ability of the creators, and that it mostly takes place during the later stages of production, which means that it does not affect the way in which traditional animators work.
- How many animators were involved in making the piece? And do you (and others at your studio) still animate on paper or do you draw everything digitally?
We had some friends around the world chip in with a few shots, but it’s mostly the work on two animators. Most of the animation was done digitally on TVPaint.
It seems to simulate "SSS (Subsurface Scattering)" coloring technic like "Team Fortress 2" or using 〝matcap shader〟 Post Process Effects. TVP 11 Professional edition CTG layer or TVP multiple FX post effects - toon shading "millefeuille" may help you when you try it.
This tutorial shows another way of making shadows in After Effects. The character animation was made in TVPaint , then transferred to AE to add
the shadows -