Changing the Tint Color

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Changing the Tint Color

Post by Broughtvulture »

As you know the sketch panels are very convenient when it comes to changing the color of your lines, without having to mess with the FX Panel. I was wondering how to change the color of the tint from black to another color like brown( R: 104 G: 066 B: 034 )? I was searching around and came by the George Script Documentation on ... ecialBrush, but I still don't know how to use it. Someone please help me decipher this: I looked at the values on the Red, Blue, Orange, and Green, but haven't been able to make much sense of it. I know that r(red), g(green), b(blue),and a(alpha). What is k and why are there 1, 2, 3, and 4 beside each value? Please help
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Re: Changing the Tint Color

Post by Animark »

I don't know a lot about the George Script commands, but when I want to have another line color, I just use the "Preserve Transparency" function of a layer, one of the drawing tools and every color I like to have.
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Re: Changing the Tint Color

Post by Elodie »

Colors from sketch panels are chosen very specifically. For example, in RGB sketch panel, red is pure (without nuance of blue or green), green is pure (without nuance of red or blue) and blue is pure (without nuance of red or green). When you hit "delete green", you will never affect red or blue.

If you use brown, it will be a mix of red and green. So, if you draw with brown and green lines, when you will hit your "delete green" button, it will also affect brown lines, that will turn into light red.

Plus, you will spend a longer time to change values in sketch panel rather than preserve alpha transparency and use any filled shape, as Animark suggested.
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Re: Changing the Tint Color

Post by NathanOtano »

But if you don't need to delete only specific colors, you can use the color you want + pure black lines and erase only colored strokes.

Code: Select all

tv_cmd heads tv_pixelmatrix  1 0 0 0 0    0 1 0 0 0   0 0 1 0 0    -3 -3 -3 1 0 
With this command I think you will be able easily erase any colored pixel, even if it's not pure color. If your color is too dark and leaves grey, you can replace the "-3" by lower numbers.

Each section represents R, G, B and alpha and in it you can modify it with R, G, B, alpha and k (a simple added number that can be positive or negative). So you can put blue in red, red in blue, blue in alpha, add 50 to your blue channel, remove 50 opacity on all your channels... etc.

It's explained here :" onclick=";return false;

I'm still searching a way to easily erase uncolored pixels but havn't found it.
Last edited by NathanOtano on 22 Dec 2015, 15:35, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Changing the Tint Color

Post by schwarzgrau »

If you wan't to create own colors in your sketch-panel you're on the right track I guess, but if you just want to be able to "recolorize" your lines you can use this script by Svengali
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Re: Changing the Tint Color

Post by NathanOtano »

Oh I remember this script, thanks.
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