DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

OpenToonz official conference in AnimeJapan 2016 report
Spoiler : Future tasks of OT : written in Japanese :

 そこでジブリは,開発元であるDigitalVideoと交渉を行い,社内用のカスタマイズ版Toonzを,自社でメンテナンスしていくことを決意する。これが今回のOpenToonzにも統合されている「Toonz Ghibli Edition」だ。ちなみに岩澤氏は,このときからジブリに参加し,以降の開発とメンテナンスを担当したとのことである。

 奥井氏によると,Ghibli Editionは基本的に長編アニメを制作するスタジオジブリに特化したものとのことで,一般的なアニメスタジオで使うには,ハードルが高い部分も少なくないという。OpenToonzとして公開するにあたり,それを下げる努力をしているが,それでもまだ足りないと感じているとのこと。

 また,スタジオジブリでは今もGhibli Editionで制作を行っているが,現在普及しているほかのアニメ制作ソフトと比べると,エフェクト関連が弱いのは認めざるをえないとのこと。そのためにOpenToonzではプラグイン機能が追加されており,オープンソースコミュニティの手によって,これが強化されることを期待していると語り,講演を締めくくった。
By this time many English or your native language speaker who is able to appreciate Japanese has begin to translate technical documents, analyze source cord and upload many tutorial movie as Blender community.
Spoiler : A slide translated in J/E :
That means my report must be closed.
Thanks for reading.
Last edited by ten_zero on 28 Mar 2016, 06:46, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by schwarzgrau »

Thank you a lot Ten_zero.
By the way I downloaded Toonz, but I don't understand its interface. Unfortunately all the manuals are only available in japanese and my japanese is limited to dog, cat, hello, sorry and thank you.
Do you or anybody else know some basic tutorial in english?
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

Already reported to booking post.
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

schwarzgrau wrote:Do you or anybody else know some basic tutorial in english?
OpenToonz as same as Toonz Harlequin 7.1.
In Japan, OpenToonz seems to recognize of "a thesis presentation platform for Open Source programmer or university" than "the anime production software for everyone from Italy (and studio Ghibli)".

On the evidence, the "written in Japanese" PDF manual has only quick reference about scanning, tracing, timing and coloring.
One of the ex-Ghibli composit operator said ; I guess there are under 30 people around the World who is able to opelate Toonz perfectly for commercial film.
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by schwarzgrau »

ten_zero wrote: One of the ex-Ghibli composit operator said ; I guess there are under 30 people around the World who is able to opelate Toonz perfectly for commercial film.
hehe sounds promising. And thank you for the tutorials.
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

Bitte schön :lol:
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by Jet »

schwarzgrau wrote:Thank you a lot Ten_zero.
By the way I downloaded Toonz, but I don't understand its interface. Unfortunately all the manuals are only available in japanese and my japanese is limited to dog, cat, hello, sorry and thank you.
Do you or anybody else know some basic tutorial in english?
Yeah, I'm not sure what the initial interface is all about, but those default rooms are stripped down versions of the default Harlequin room, probably to lessen exposure to unnecessary menus and buttons for people who live and work in a single room, much like Retas, seems to be throwing a lot of people off.

If you're using Windows (I don't use Mac) and you want to get the default Harlequin room, navigate to your OpenToonz Stuff directory, the default is:

C:\OpenToonz 1.0 Stuff\

Then navigate to:


Locate these two files:


Copy and paste room1.ini and rename it to room7.ini then right-click and Edit it with Notepad. Find the name line and change it like so:

name=Cleanup to name=Animation

Call it what you like, Animation/Drawing was the default in Harlequin. Save and close. Now right-click and Edit layouts.txt, add room7.ini on a new line but place it at the top.

Here are my files:


Code: Select all

room1.ini room2.ini room3.ini room4.ini room5.ini room6.ini

Code: Select all

pane_0\geometry=@Rect(1610 0 310 1126)
pane_1\geometry=@Rect(0 0 1133 1126)
pane_2\geometry=@Rect(1141 0 461 1126)
hierarchy="-1 0 [ 1 2 0 ] "
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by Fabrice »

Excuse me for misreaded "Reality..." as "Really...", means of "seriously".
no harm done.
I guess there are under 30 people around the World who is able to opelate Toonz perfectly for commercial film.
only ? :roll:
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

Fabrice wrote: only ? :roll:
It's an Intralingual interference.

Ladies and Gentlemen, how do you say the situation in your region or Anglosphere ?
My knowlidge is : There are -
Spoiler : including Français and Japanese language :
Only / seulement / たったの
 ... only 30 people = enough 30 people / たったの三十名(30人居る)。

Under / moins / 満たない

 ... under / less (or) fewer than 30 people = not enough 30 people / 三十名にも満たない・及ばない(30人居ない)。
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

泉津井 陽一/SENZUI Yoichi, one of studio Ghibli Toonz Visual Effects operator & cameraman posted "OpenToonz" composite materials instruction movies.
Youtube Channel : ... yKGxiXngJw
Web Anime Style 『もっとアニメを知るための撮影講座』/ How to study about knowlidge of Japanim basical composit
  • The article and Youtube channel is a kindness offer.
    Please do not ask him directly "Translate English" or "Attach English subtitles".
Spoiler : :

One more thing,
OpenToonz Plugin Utility - OpenCV baced utilities for Unity3D
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

Dwango & KADOKAWA official OpenToonz for Ghibli (scanning cleanup and coloring) demo in AnimeJapan 2016 : uploaded by ITMEDIA Japan.

Attention :
  • Ghibli was "only use pencil and paper for outline" studio. They did not use Toonz drawing tool. ... ws077.html (written in Japanese)

Never mind, someone who is expart of Japanese language on Youtube will translate and post English subtitle.

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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by Fabrice »

Hmmm .. nodal compositing.
Why not using Nuke or Fusion or Nadron ? Is there any advantage using ToonZ ?
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by ten_zero »

Back to the Past in 1993 - starting Princess Mononoke.
Spoiler : read more :
  • That was Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Apple System 7 era, "the Ages of TVPaint 2.0 for Amiga".
  • Toonz was the only software that means a perfect match for Japanim Timesheet (X-sheet).
  • Toonz was the only software that use virtual Multiplane camera scale in mm : as same as real camera lens scale.
  • Toonz was the only software that enable to "keep warming pencil line" bitmap scanning with colored shade line.
  • Toonz was the only software that non limited multi plane camera system
    Remember, it was the ages of Adobe Photoshop 2. There were not implementation multi layer system yet.
    FractalDesign Painter 2 + multi floater system add-on set was sale FRF 1500.
  • Toonz was the only sofware that enable full UI custamized and add-on programming by JavaScript.
  • Toonz was the only sofware that enable convert from Japanim anime color chart to full color digital color code percectly.
    TVPaint Japanim color.jpg
  • Ghibli was a Anime Studio for MIYAZAKI and TAKAHATA :
    A lot of sponsor paid to invest digital Anime workflow and employ many excellent server engineer and programmer section for Toonz.
  • Ghibli was not required digital outline drawing.
And most important thing : MIYAZAKI loves "Italy" and Toonz is "made in Italy".

I am not joking.
引退会見で伊と仏メディアが火花? 宮崎 駿、自らの原点も明かす
France vs Italia at MIYAZAKI retirement media conference (written in Japanese) The reality :
  • Celsys RETAS! (from 1991) and Cambridge Animation Systems Animo (from 1990) did not meet Ghibli requirements.
  • FutureWave Software FutureSplash Animator (now Adobe Animate, from 1996) and Toon Boom (from 1994) was not born.
  • Perhaps TVPaint developerment might not employ of an international sales manager in 1993.
  • 2016 "Don't ye know 'bout N**e, Fusion, Nadron and ..." - 1993 "Sir, WHAT is THAT ?"
As you understand, studio "Ghibli (in Japanese ジブリ/ZIBULI)" named from Caproni Ca.309 "Ghibli" and AMX "Ghibli" Italy .
  • Image
Last edited by ten_zero on 05 Apr 2016, 00:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by NathanOtano »

ten_zero wrote:Back to the Past in 1993 - starting Princess Mononoke.
  • That was Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Apple System 7 era, "the Ages of TVPaint 2.0 for Amiga".
  • Toonz was the only software that means a perfect match for Japanim Timesheet (X-sheet).
  • Toonz was the only software that use virtual Multiplane camera scale in mm : as same as real camera lens scale.
  • Toonz was the only software that enable to "keep warming pencil line" bitmap scanning with colored shade line.
  • Toonz was the only software that non limited multi plane camera system
    Remember, it was the ages of Adobe Photoshop 2. There were not implementation multi layer system yet.
    FractalDesign Painter 2 + multi floater system add-on set was sale FRF 1500.
  • Toonz was the only sofware that enable full UI custamized and add-on programming by JavaScript.
  • Toonz was the only sofware that enable convert from Japanim anime color chart to full color digital color code percectly.
    TVPaint Japanim color.jpg
  • Ghibli was a Anime Studio for MIYAZAKI and TAKAHATA :
    A lot of sponsor paid to invest digital Anime workflow and employ many excellent server engineer and programmer section for Toonz.
  • Ghibli was not required digital outline drawing.
And most important thing : MIYAZAKI loves "Italy" and Toonz is "made in Italy".

I am not joking.
引退会見で伊と仏メディアが火花? 宮崎 駿、自らの原点も明かす
France vs Italia at MIYAZAKI retirement media conference (written in Japanese) The reality :
  • Celsys RETAS! (from 1991) and Cambridge Animation Systems Animo (from 1990) did not meet Ghibli requirements.
  • FutureWave Software FutureSplash Animator (now Adobe Animate, from 1996) and Toon Boom (from 1994) was not born.
  • Perhaps TVPaint developerment might not employ of an international sales manager in 1993.
  • 2016 "Don't ye know 'bout N**e, Fusion, Nadron and ..." - 1993 "Sir, WHAT is THAT ?"
As you understand, studio "Ghibli (in Japanese ジブリ/ZIBULI)" named from Caproni Ca.309 "Ghibli" and AMX "Ghibli" Italy .
  • Image
Awesome post! Thanks! :)
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Re: DigitalVideo Italy "Toonz" reborn open source software

Post by Fabrice »

Thanks for the input.

It doesn't answer my question though. I re-write it :
To do nodal compositing in 2016 : why not using Nuke or Fusion or Nadron ? Is there any advantage using ToonZ in this specific field today ?
I'm not expert enough in the compositing/nodal software to have the answer.
Perhaps TVPaint developerment might not employ of an international sales manager in 1993.
lol, indeed :)
Fabrice Debarge
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