Crash, Sound Importing.

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Crash, Sound Importing.

Post by Broughtvulture »

So I've got 24 .WAV sound files imported into my TVPaint project. The project file used to work when I had 22, now all the sudden it crashes during what I assume is the sound-loading process. Luckily I had the save multiple back up files enabled, but I have the feeling that they are going fail as well and that I wasted my effort timing and syncing my frames to sound using TVPaint.

Sony Vegas just finished rendering a video, the project file is working now. I guess that the audio codec or something of the sorts caused TVPaint to crash since it was already in use? The same thing happened when I was try to load it whilst, playing a Youtube video.

Thank goodness, but on the subject of sound. Are there any upcoming updates for that portion of the program? Maybe have the option to remove soundtracks that you're not using on said project? It's sort of annoying to see previous sound files that you're not really using for that particular project.

I know TVPaint is an animation program, which it does really good (nice job everyone!) at but I think it has potential as an "all-in-one" program (animation + sound editing). The sound features could really use some improvement, in my opinion. Thanks again for making TVPaint as good as it is, I appreciate it.

I'm using TVPaint Animation 11 Pro (11.0.3-64 bits)
It's been awhile since I've visited the site, so I signature might or might not have the specs.
Windows 7 64-bit
FX 8350 8 Core - 16 GB RAM
TVPaint Professional 11.0.8 64-bit

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Re: Crash, Sound Importing.

Post by Elodie »

Thank goodness, but on the subject of sound. Are there any upcoming updates for that portion of the program? Maybe have the option to remove soundtracks that you're not using on said project? It's sort of annoying to see previous sound files that you're not really using for that particular project.
Yes, it's in our to-do list.
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