Importing scans to their proper layers? Topic is solved

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Joined: 17 Jan 2014, 15:39

Importing scans to their proper layers?

Post by BruceM »

Can someone tell me whether TVPaint allows you to import your scanned drawings directly into their proper layers in a project? Or do you need to just import them all in and then move them to their individual layers?


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Re: Importing scans to their proper layers?

Post by Elodie »

Here is the answer :
How do I import images sequences with TVPaint Animation?
Ensure that all images belonging to a sequence share a common base name ending with a sequential number (for example: image01, image02 etc...).
Ensure that the numbering of all images belonging to a sequence are contiguous. (For example, if you are importing a sequence of 3 images with the filenames: image01, image02, image04, then TVPaint Animation will only import up to image02 since image03 does not exist.)
Drag and drop the first file (image01) onto TVPaint Animation. From the import panel, uncheck the "Single Image" checkbox and then click on the "Import" button.
Aaron Blaise also explained it in one of his recent tutorials.

Posts: 282
Joined: 17 Jan 2014, 15:39

Re: Importing scans to their proper layers?

Post by BruceM »

I was thinking that, for the drag & drop function, you had to drag the entire sequence in. That's cool that you can just grab the first image of the sequence. I will give that a go.
Thanks Elodie!
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Location: Metz

Re: Importing scans to their proper layers?

Post by Elodie »

You're welcome :)
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