I'm almost done with my script to set OOP easily (if Fabrice you see this, it's what I was talking about at School). It's already working but I need some help as I'm stuck in compensating the rotation to calculate the new translation value.
Basically you launch it, and you click on a point of your current image, one on the lightable image before and one on the lightable image after and the points you clicked on your lightable images will jump to the click of your current image.
If you clicked with your left mouse button it's finished. It also works on OOp that already have some values.
But if you click with your right mouse button for the first clic, you'll also synchronise rotation and if you use your right mouse button on the second click you'll synchronize scale. If you clicked at least one once on your RMB you'll have to click on three new points to choose a second reference point (current image then prev then next image) to match the rotation and scale of your three images.
For now because of the problem I'm talking about below, if you used one right mouse button you'll then have to do 2 more clicks on the first synchronized points of your prev and next image (they moved because of the new scale/rotation transformation(s)) to compensate translate again. What I aim is to automate this step so you'll need only 6 clicks (the minimum).
The Script :
Code: Select all
parse result q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q PrevState q q OPrevX OPrevY q q OPrevA q q OPrevS q q NextState q q ONextX ONextY q q ONextA q q ONextS q
parse result CurButA CurAX CurAY
parse result PrevButA PrevAX PrevAY
PrevX = CurAX - PrevAX + OPrevX
PrevY = CurAY - PrevAY + OPrevY
tv_lightTableMode OopValueActivate -1 1 OoPValuePosition -1 PrevX PrevY
parse result NextButA NextAX NextAY
NextX = CurAX - NextAX + ONextX
NextY = CurAY - NextAY + ONextY
tv_lightTableMode OopValueActivate 1 1 OoPValuePosition 1 NextX NextY
IF CurButA==3 || PrevButA==3
parse result CurButB CurBX CurBY
parse result ProjW
parse result ProjH
parse result PrevButB PrevBX PrevBY
IF CurButA==3
BAx = (PrevBX-PrevX)-PrevAX
BAy = (PrevBY-PrevY)-PrevAY
BCx = curBX-curAX
BCy = curBY-curAY
PrevNegTest = (BAx*BCy)-(BAy*BCx)
IF PrevNegtest > 0
tv_lightTableMode OoPValueAngle -1 PrevA
IF PrevButA==3
CurSize = SQR((CurBX-CurAX)*(CurBX-CurAX)+(CurBY-CurAY)*(CurBY-CurAY))
PrevSize = SQR(((PrevBX-PrevX)-PrevAX)*((PrevBX-PrevX)-PrevAX)+((PrevBY-PrevY)-PrevAY)*((PrevBY-PrevY)-PrevAY))
PrevS = (CurSize*100/prevSize)*(OprevS/100)
tv_lightTableMode OopValueScale -1 PrevS
//Buggy Rotate+Scale Image Calculation and Compensation for Prev Image
parse result q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q PrevState q q OPrevX OPrevY q q OPrevA q q OPrevS q q NextState q q ONextX ONextY q q ONextA q q ONextS q
RotPrevX = (PrevAX-CentW)*COS(PrevA)-(PrevAY-CentH)*SIN(PrevA)+CentW
ScaPrevX = CurAX-((RotPrevX-CentW+OPrevY)*PrevS/100+CentW)
RotPrevY = (PrevAY-CentW)*COS(PrevA)-(PrevAX-CentH)*SIN(PrevA)+CentW
ScaPrevY = CurAY-((RotPrevY-CentW+OPrevX)*PrevS/100+CentW)
PrevX = CurAX - ScaPrevX + OPrevX
PrevY = CurAY - ScaPrevY + OPrevY
//tv_lightTableMode OoPValuePosition -1 PrevX PrevY
parse result NextButB NextBX NextBY
IF CurButA==3
BDx = (NextBX-NextX)-NextAX
BDy = (NextBY-NextY)-NextAY
NextNegTest = (BDx*BCy)-(BDy*BCx)
IF NextNegtest > 0
tv_lightTableMode OoPValueAngle 1 NextA
IF PrevButA==3
NextSize = SQR(((NextBX-NextX)-NextAX)*((NextBX-NextX)-NextAX)+((NextBY-NextY)-NextAY)*((NextBY-NextY)-NextAY))
NextS = (CurSize*100/NextSize)*(OnextS/100)
tv_lightTableMode OopValueScale 1 NextS
//Buggy Rotate+Scale Image Calculation and Compensation for Next Image
parse result q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q PrevState q q OPrevX OPrevY q q OPrevA q q OPrevS q q NextState q q ONextX ONextY q q ONextA q q ONextS q
RotNextX = (NextAX-CentW)*COS(NextA)-(NextAY-CentH)*SIN(NextA)+CentW
ScaNextX = CurAX-((RotNextX-CentW+ONextY)*NextS/100+CentW)
RotNextY = (NextAY-CentW)*COS(NextA)-(NextAX-CentH)*SIN(NextA)+CentW
ScaNextY = CurAY-((RotNextY-CentW+ONextX)*NextS/100+CentW)
NextX = CurAX - ScaNextX + ONextX
NextY = CurAY - ScaNextY + ONextY
//tv_lightTableMode OoPValuePosition 1 NextX NextY
parse result q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q PrevState q q OPrevX OPrevY q q OPrevA q q OPrevS q q NextState q q ONextX ONextY q q ONextA q q ONextS q
parse result PrevButA ScaPrevX ScaPrevY
PrevX = CurAX - ScaPrevX + OPrevX
PrevY = CurAY - ScaPrevY + OPrevY
tv_lightTableMode OoPValuePosition -1 PrevX PrevY
parse result NextButA ScaNextX ScaNextY
NextX = CurAX - ScaNextX + ONextX
NextY = CurAY - ScaNextY + ONextY
tv_lightTableMode OoPValuePosition 1 NextX NextY
I'm using the mathematic formula to find the image of a point by rotation but I can't find the right result

If somebody have an idea