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Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 17 Jan 2021, 21:05
by D.T. Nethery
I updated to Adobe After Effects 2020, version 17.6.0 (Build 46) . The JSON import script appears to work as expected , except that it must be run from the DEFAULT
AE workspace . Then after the import is completed , you can switch to using a different AE workspace.

You might want to insert a note into the User Manual about using the DEFAULT After Effects workspace , because otherwise it can be quite frustrating to new users who are unaware of this workaround. ... xport-json

Run JSON script from DEFAULT AE Workspace.png
Run JSON script from DEFAULT AE Workspace.png (89.1 KiB) Viewed 78135 times

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 11:15
by Xavier
Great that you managed to find a solution :)

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 17:40
by D.T. Nethery
Xavier wrote: 18 Jan 2021, 11:15 Great that you managed to find a solution :)
Yes, that is the workaround which has made the JSON import script usable for some time now (two years?) , but the workaround is not well known because it is not mentioned in the User Manual or in the video tutorial - . The user manual and tutorial need to be updated to include the vital information:

"You must run the JSON Import Script from the Default workspace in After Effects . After that you may switch to using any of the other workspaces in AE , such as Animation workspace or your own custom workspace."

That information would help users such as the original poster of in this topic, claudiav , who get frustrated because the JSON import script does not seem to work.
claudiav wrote: 22 Jan 2020, 15:22 I'm trying to import a project from Tv-Paint to After Effects but it's just not working. I followed the tutorial... so I used the "json" script to load the project into AE, but when I press "browse" and try to import the project, the program doesn't do anything.

I have the last version of AE (CC2020) and I am working with a Mac version. 10.13.14 High Sierra. Please, help me solve this! I have already spent a lot of trying in forums and there is not much info about it.

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 10 Mar 2021, 15:55
by D.T. Nethery
Is AfterEffects Import TVPaint JSON.jsx script to AE working properly in TVPaint 11.5/11.5.1 ?

Previously the solution to a problem exporting to AE has been to make sure that the import of the json file into AE is performed in AE's 'Default' workspace. After the import to AE is completed the user may switch to a different workspace in AE if desired.

A couple of days ago I saw a comment on YouTube under the tutorial How to export your animation to After Effects which says:

"The workaround has stopped working for me. I updgraded to TVP 11.5 to see if that would fix it and it didn't. The json export works perfectly. But when I try to import into AE, there are two issues: 1) the AE compositions this script creates are all 2 seconds long, regardless of the length of the original clip in TV Paint (so each shot is cut off before it ends) and 2) not all layer types get imported. It appears to import bg layers and ctg layers, but not anim layers."

He reports that the workaround had been working for him previously , then it stopped working , then he updated to 11.5 , but it is still not working. It is difficult to know from a comment like that how to diagnose the issue being experienced by this user, so I suggested to him that he should contact TVPaint directly through the Contact Form on the website. He said that he would contact you directly , so I hope that he did. I haven't had time to test it yet (busy on another project) , but this concerns me because soon I will be working on a project that is planned to use both TVPaint and AE. (animation and color in TVPaint , camera and composite in AE.) The AE Export Script is an extremely useful script. I understand that the difficulty on TVPaint's end is keeping up with changes that Adobe makes to their API , but the ability for TVPaint users to move work seamlessly from TVPaint to AE is very valuable. (if major improvements to tools such as KeyFramer , Multiplane Camera , and Camera Tool -- improvement requests that have now been under discussion for years -- are finally implemented in TVPaint , it could make AE irrelevant to a TVPaint workflow , but as I don't expect to see those major improvements implemented any time soon (but I'd love to be surprised about that !) , what we have in the here and now is TVPaint 11.5.1 and the AfterEffects Import TVPaint JSON.jsx script. I hope someone from TVPaint Development will confirm whether or not the export script is working properly in 11.5.1 .

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 10 Mar 2021, 16:04
by Dean
Hello David, we have also been contacted directly by this user. With Matthieu, we have been trying to reproduce his issue using JSON exports from 11.5.0 and a 11.5.1 pre-release, without success.
I am still in contact with this person to determine where the problem might come from. I am going to try to use one of his project files if he allows me to.

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 10 Mar 2021, 20:07
by tribute27
We've had this issue at work, and I've been told that downloading/updating Javascript worked?

I'm not a Mac user but some of our AE artists use it. Maybe that can help.

Edit: I vaguely remember something said about how the Mac doesnt have the library(?) to interpret the json script. And javascript is that library. Coding lingo is still a bit beyond me but that's what I can remember from the brief discussion we had.

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 19 Mar 2021, 16:54
by D.T. Nethery
Dean wrote: 10 Mar 2021, 16:04 Hello David, we have also been contacted directly by this user. With Matthieu, we have been trying to reproduce his issue using JSON exports from 11.5.0 and a 11.5.1 pre-release, without success.
I am still in contact with this person to determine where the problem might come from. I am going to try to use one of his project files if he allows me to.

Was the issue resolved ? From my end I'm happy to report that the JSON Export/Import script is still working fine IF I execute the script from After Effects' Default workspace. The script does not work if you try to run it in any AE workspace other than Default. Then, after the import is completed you may switch over to using any of the other workspaces . It's been that way for a while now , so I really do think that it should be mentioned in the User Manual and a "Read Me" .txt file included in the download file so users are aware that the AfterEffects Import TVPaint JSON.jsx script must be run from AE's Default workspace.

I am using TVPaint 11.5.1 (March 15, 2021 build), After Effects CC 2020 (version 17.6, build 46) , running on Macbook Pro with macOS 10.14.6 'Mojave'.

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 11 May 2021, 22:05
by condepablo
I tried this way to go from tvpaint to after effects. but then, when I need to make some changes on my animation i couldnt re export and had AE automaticly updated. so im still use the layer structure psd sec :(

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 14 May 2021, 15:31
by Dean
Hello Pablo, so if I understood correctly, you could import your .json export into AE with no issue, then made a small modification on the original TVPaint project and trying to export it again in .json form failed?

Re: Export from Tv-Paint to After Effects fails

Posted: 09 Mar 2022, 00:17
by tomcjbrown
I have also been experiencing this issue!

I resolved it as I realized that when exporting from TVPaint - sometimes TVPaint will export out a corrupted png. During import via the json script when AE gets up to the point of the corrupted png, it will end the script -- without any error or warning box. Leaving the import unfinished.

Try running the script as "sequence import mode" - "native sequence" instead of "rebuilt"
AE will then report the error of which file it is when you try and preview & you can re-output that file.