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Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 12:22
by idragosani
Fabrice wrote: Today, Linux is a very mature OS, has a big support, and is easy to develop.

The problem comes from the license type : the GPL license, in opposite of BSD, does not allow a commercial use of the product, and force the result to be GPL too.
GPL does not only mean open source, but also free for all. It's "contagious".

All the utilities and libraries used on Linux can not be used inside a commercial product, or in a very complicated and limited way (if we don't want to change our economical model, of course)
The ffmpeg library is a good example : we can use two licenses type : GPL and L-GPL which are limiting the functionalities.

Commercial development on Linux requires a lot of care in order not to break the GPL (or L-GPL) licenses. The development, easy at the beginning, may become a nightmare quickly.

In our opinion, that's the reason why there no more big commercial products on Linux.
The licensing issues on Linux can be easily overcome -- and it should be pointed out that not all software on Linux is GPL or LGPL (Apache and Perl come to mind). FWIW, I develop commercial software on the Linux and Solaris platforms, and we use a combination of proprietary Java and C++ code plus open source tools and libraries. ffmpeg is kind of a weird case since if you include certain modules the entire thing is GPL but you can ship just the LGPL components as binaries and get around the restrictions associated with GPL.

I can understand the apprehension -- TVPaint doesn't need anymore legal problems!

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 13:50
by Fabrice
De plus : il est faux de penser que tous les Linuxiens sont des personnes avides uniquement de softs gratuits, de logiciels open source, etc.. Linux est un OS qui se démocratise de plus en plus, et donc, les utilisateurs et leurs besoins ressemblent de plus en plus à ce qu'il se passe sur les autres OS.
Et puis cela est vrai pour n'importe quel OS : promouvoir aujourd'hui son soft au niveau des entreprises, c'est s'assurer pour demain de nouveaux et nombreux utilisateurs !

Dans tous les cas : longue vie à TVPaint !!
Je suis heureux de lire cela. : )
Après, il reste encore les soucis posés par le GPL. Les aides ne sont pas si faciles à trouver à ce niveau.

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 08:54
by Gravin
Commercial development on Linux requires a lot of care in order not to break the GPL (or L-GPL) licenses. The development, easy at the beginning, may become a nightmare quickly.
I never thought about it like that... really does explain a lot.

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 16:11
by Hervé

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 09:49
by Elodie
No sentences, just a link... Hervé, you're talking like a bot :lol:

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 17:38
by Satrip
MERCI HERVéééé !!!!

Enfin je vais retrouver mon tvpaint que j'aime, seule chose qui me manquait un peu sur linux!

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 22:38
by ZigOtto
Elodie wrote:No sentences, just a link... Hervé, you're talking like a bot :lol:
... surtout dans un fil qui parle de la V8.5 ...! :wink:

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 11:24
by mylo grenalyn mayel

C'est une excellente nouvelle !
C'est vraiment le soft que j'attendais de voir sous Linux !

Merciiiiii !

Re: TVPaint 8.5 works on Linux

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 15:09
by Fabrice
on attend vos feedback, sur cette 9.5 open beta linux ! Espérons que d'autres linuxiens ne connaissant pas TVPaint seront intéressés.