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Re: My six new TV spots

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 09:44
by Paul Fierlinger
Thanks, people. For those interested in how placement of PSA's works, here's the answer I got from the Ad Council to my question when these spots might run:

As you know we work in a donated media environment, so all the air time we receive is given to us by the media stations. With that being said we cannot predict when the spots will actually run.
Our plan as of right now is to distribute the spots digitally the week of 7/19 and following up with a hard kit mailing the week of 8/3. Working in this environment, it typically takes about 3-6 weeks for the spots to work their way in rotation. So if I were to estimate I would expect the spots to be on the air no later than the second week of August.

Re: My six new TV spots

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 10:05
by Kinomo
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Oh no, they have been uploaded here: ... Fierlinger" onclick=";return false;
I just thought it would be better to enter the gallery through the front door.
Wow, great works Paul! Especially "Shelter stories - Mike", thanks for sharing, I will visit this page and later to check for your new works.

Re: My six new TV spots

Posted: 28 Aug 2010, 09:57
by Sewie
There's an article about the spots on CartoonBrew!