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Re: visual layer reference

Posted: 08 May 2011, 13:28
by toonybrain
Wow! Holy mackerel! (Regarding the shake part.)
Please do! Yes! Oui! Merci! (Regarding chatbraque's offer of a few screenshots tutorial.)

How do you guys KNOW all this? :shock:

Re: visual layer reference

Posted: 08 May 2011, 13:46
by chatbraque
Byron wrote:To create a 'compound shortcut':
In the keyboard shortcuts panel, select your shortcut key in the left pane, then select the first action in the right pane and hit Assign. Next, select your second action and then whilst holding Ctrl hit Assign again.
Greaaaat ! … it's much easier that way actually ! (I ca'nt remenber having heard about it before)

Re: visual layer reference

Posted: 08 May 2011, 14:13
by chatbraque
Well, here you are Toonybrain…

to achieve this shortcut, you've got to choose "edit" then "preferences"
… then, follow this little "tuto-screen" :
… before to hit "ok" (5)… add the "shaker", for that hold down "CTRL" key (THX to Byron), and go down the functions panel on the right, you'll get it there :
assign it too, then release "CTRL" and hit enter… that's it !

you'll have a nice shortcut on the "@" key, that will go the layers up and shake the next one, if it's not the one you want to paint on, hit "@" again etc…

Of course, now you'll have to create an other one to go back down …

enjoy it !