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Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 12:20
by Fabrice
Take your time, no need to hurry!
ok, done :)

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 23:17
by Paul Fierlinger
Sewie wrote:Great news, guys! Looking forward to seeing what's under the hood.
A friend asked me what I think is my favorite in TVP10 and after re-reading what I wrote him I thought I might as well share this with everybody:

I can't say which of the new features in TVP10 is my favorite anymore since we have been beta testing this for such a long time I can't even remember what exactly is new; I take everything as old and think, "Is that all there is?" yet I remember my feelings of euphoria over many new things when first introduced for testing, but can't remember exactly over which ones this happened anymore.

Definitively the possibility to move frames around layers has to be the top prize and worth at least half the money for the upgrade. Second, all the things you can do with color groupings, including global KeyFraming or as many layers at the same time as you want is a biggie -- I've been asking for this for years.

Following this is a myriad of small improvements at first glance, but great in their simple prominence once you start using these, such as bookmarks that are now salient blue lines up and down the layer stack, not just little blue ticks. Or the entire new arrangement of the layers' stack which will cause many conservative users to wail in despair until they find how easy it becomes to adapt because all these changes have been made for practical reasons and it works. Most of us were wailers too for a few days.

There are many more improvements and some so tiny yet glamorous, such as a popup to warn a user that the in and out marks are on the same frame in the project playback bar, or that the playback buttons have been rearranged into a new and far better layout. There are also one or two changes (or at least one) that I would have preferred not to have seen made but I'll leave that unmentioned so as not to put my personal preferences into your head -- you might like it.

I feel now the way I feel after finishing a good book and envying anyone who has the joy of reading it for the first time.

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 10:56
by Animark
I also think, the new layer-stack possibilities could be very useful for me. I am also in general very happy about the fact, that the TVP team is working hard to bring new features for animators needs. These are the points where I like to support the team with forum feedback or even buying a new version. But I also have to look on my personal usefulness. However, theres one more question I have.

What's about the compatibility between 9.5 and 10 projects?

The background is, that I am working at home (maybe ver. 10) and at the school where I am teaching (surely 9.5 for the next year). Often I prepare the lessons at home and don't want to have two different TVP installations there.

Thanks for your answer ... and for the software since years now :-)

Edit: Also the random faux-fixe would make my life much easier ;-)

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 12:37
by idragosani
That's a nice deal for users! Thanks a lot!

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 13:15
by Paul Fierlinger
Mark, I work the way you do except in reverse; I bring my TVP10 projects to school where I continue working on them on the school's 9.5 system with no problems. The UI has changed a bit in 10 so it took some effort in the first few minutes to switch my brain's synapses between the two. For instance the thumbnail pic is now on the right of the transparency fader so I find myself touching the wrong spot (this will most likely happen to everyone but the brain adapts within a couple of days). BTW, layers when hidden still show a couple of pixels of color for easy orientation and the layers themselves have two sizes of thickness; when collapsed you can still use all the necessary functions so all this makes for a big space saver. On top of that the side bins open more readily with just a swoop of the cursor over the sides of the UI and they are easier to lock/unlock. Also the dividing lines between the Sound and Notes areas are improved so they are easy to locate and operate. TVP10 has lots of improvements of this nature which might not even get listed. Their are no limits to the amount of sound tracks and quite a few improvements in the way sound can be edited and made into groups by color codes have been added. All colors can now be edited and set as defaults. The colors also are remembered by projects so now when Sandra picks up one of my projects to color, the color coding doesn't change on her anymore. I use the new rename frame feature for making notes for her as well (you can replace a frame's number with a short note of your own. There are so many small useful touches like these that all add up to the pleasantries of everyday operations; the stupid importances of luxury. :)

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 14:35
by Klaus Hoefs
After reading now the new feature list of 10, it looks really impressive.
With all the use-everyday-enhancements, the extraordinary possibilities to design your working space with individual colors, marks and groups (etc) and the announced highlights it looks to me like a must-have because it will make my workflow faster and easier - I am going to update for sure.

So Fabrice, any screenshots of the new GUI, or any other appetizer you can show to us ?

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 16:03
by slowtiger
Sounds like a lot of my requests have been included! If only I had a new Mac on which I could install this ...

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 16:15
by Paul Fierlinger
I know :) Each time you asked for something I had to bite my tongue hard not to tell you.

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 16:47
by Animark
Hey Paul,

thanks for your loose tongue ;-). I was mostly afraid of when openeing a project in 10 never could use it again in 9.5. Most software is not downward compatible (e.g. AFX CS 5.5 to CS 5). Your answer was very helpful.

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 08:41
by Elodie
Klaus Hoefs wrote:So Fabrice, any screenshots of the new GUI, or any other appetizer you can show to us ?
Coming veeeery soon (we were not in the TVPaint offices yesterday, Fabrice and I). Just let us the time to read our emails and forum and we will "appetize" you :mrgreen:
Animark wrote:I was mostly afraid of when openeing a project in 10 never could use it again in 9.5. Most software is not downward compatible (e.g. AFX CS 5.5 to CS 5). Your answer was very helpful.
In fact, TVPaint 9.5 and 10 are still able to read files made with Aura (1998) :D

If you made a file with TVPaint 10, using some features specific to TVPaint 10 (such as, the group for sounds or clips) and then, read and save that file with TVPaint 9.5, you may "lose" the information (groups), but the datas (sound and clips) will not disappear. =)

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 12:44
by Fabrice
Animark wrote:What's about the compatibility between 9.5 and 10 projects?
100% compatible from v9.5 to v10.
Some new features will be lost if you go from v10 to v9.5 (like clip group, or faux-fixe random, faux-fixe ping-pong, etc ...)
So Fabrice, any screenshots of the new GUI, or any other appetizer you can show to us ?
ok, soon :)

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 15:28
by Sierra Rose
What good timing for me. After these past years of concentrating on just drawing I am now turning back to TVP for animation.

We just bought a house with better space for a workshop for my animation computer. We are moving next week. What better way to kick off this new cycle than with this wonderful sounding upgrade.

As always, my thanks to the TVP team for all your genius and hard work.

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 12:06
by BenEcosse
really excited about version 10 and the improvements to a great piece of software! (64bit, new animations tool and layer copy /move changes etc).
I'm especially looking forward the new custom brush 'smear source' mode. I'm intrigued as to how it might give a new organic feel to mark making.

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 22:47
by ZigOtto
Sierra Rose wrote:... We just bought a house with better space for a workshop for my animation computer. We are moving next week.
hi Sierra, glad to read these happy news from you ! :)

Re: TVPAINT ANIMATION 10 : Pre-order now !

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 00:00
by Sierra Rose
thanks, zigotto You are kind to say so.

yes we are so happy. We hate to take advantage of others' misfortune with foreclosures, but just to give you an idea, a house that cost half a million dollars 4 years ago, we got for half that. We will be getting a second dog....that is the best part.