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Re: TVPaint Animation 10.5.1 is available !

Posted: 13 Aug 2013, 12:17
by Mike

Add: New mode random in the FX Optical Flow (Edition Tab). You can now generate some random vectors. For example, they can help you to 'create' several closed images for the Faux-Fix feature.
Add: Use the "Transform/Warp tool" with a selection is now much more faster during a drag

Fix: Random crash when using the "Cut brush tool" (I hope !!!)
Fix: Tool History won't crash
Fix: The shortcut "Swap Stylus" won't crash (related to the above fix)
Fix: [Windows]SaveAlarm panel will work properly when clicking on snooze
Fix: In "Preview setting" panel, "Timing warning" value is now saved correctly in the configuration
Fix: Shortcut Flip Forward/Backward will be now in the release
Fix: Localisation StopWatch Panel
Fix: "Project > Modify" keeps the instance name
Fix: "Crop tool" keeps the instance name
Fix: "Crop tool" keeps the configuration of the project
Fix: Shortcut [Ctrl + J] works again
Fix: localisation for the first parameter of the 3 tools Panning/Transform/Wrap is now the same: Shift/Fill
Fix: default shortcut ']' (after a new config)will now correctly flip vertically
Fix: in the shortcur panel, now display correct key name for some special characters (£ µ § ² ...) in the list of keys.
Fix: localisation in the Palette bin : "Custom panel form current palette" should be "Custom panel from current palette"

Re: TVPaint Animation 10.5.2 is available !

Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 06:15
by Mike

[Add] Standard Edition : share manager popup a warning "not available"
[Add] Main panel: tool history: 'remove all' button
[Add] tool/color history: confirmation popup before removing
[Add] Position tool: shortcut for right-click options on the project window
_ Tools: Position Reset Panning
_ Tools: Position Reset Scale
_ Tools: Position Reset Rotation
[Add]: Perspective tool: shortcut for right-click options on the project window
_ Tools: Warp Flip X
_ Tools: Warp Flip Y
_ Tools: Warp Rotate +90°
_ Tools: Warp Rotate -90°
[Add] Shortcuts for Image Mark Panels
_ ImageMarks: Set Color 01/02/03/04/.../12
_ ImageMarks: Next Color 01/02/03/04/.../12
_ ImageMarks: Previous Color 01/02/03/04/.../12
[Add] Palette slider/picker: left click moves the slider to its position (no more right click)
[Add] A little symbol (*) to know which project hasn't been saved
[Add] "Stop" function available in the keyboard shortcuts during a play.
[Add] the '*' symbol is also in the window title bar
[Add] Sliders: right-click outside the slide, moves the value +/-1
[Add] Loc: FX: Optical Flow: Tolerance -> Variance

[Fix] '%' in file name makes crash TVPaint or say "unknown file format"
[Fix] Loc: Share manager > custom panel > "Select it" is now localized
[Fix] Only on the Standard version, no more crash when loading a sound when the sound timeline is not opened
[Fix] [MacOSX64] No more crash when unplugging a screen
[Fix] Importing Custom Panels ( with embedded in project and with sending via sharemanager ) with external Geoge script is now working
[Fix] Custom panel: sometimes crash when displaying the icons list popup
[Fix] [Windows] tv_ReqFile command STILL BROKEN and don't select the right pattern: change the way the windows browser initialize the path when the browser opens
[Fix] color palette: can always move cursor
[Fix] Crash with undock main/tool panels and the window project is refreshing
[Fix] Enhanced scrolling speed in the timeline
[Fix] Loc: "Snooze" -> "Later"
[Fix] Loc: ...all the last used tools/colors. -> ...all last used tools/colors.
[Fix] set the right (old) behavior for the scrollbar
[Fix] FX: Optic Flow: values are not random when only changing the tab (selecting brush or box in edition mode)
[Fix] Loc: Right-click on custom panel: "Embedded in project" -> "Embed in project"

Re: TVPaint Animation 10.5.3 is available !

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 14:03
by Mike

[Add] PegHoles george commands
_ tv_pegholesset ['w|width' 00] ['h|height' 00] ['c1|center1' 00 00] ['c2|center2' 00 00]
_ tv_pegholesapply
[Add] Share manager: add option to open a received clip into a new project
[Add] Grey 'Save & quit' in the quit panel in demo mode
[Add] [MacOSX] Improving the licensing the software
[Add] [Android] Right-click ... yes yes ... really :)
[Add] [Android] Altitude/Azimuth (only on new wacom cintiq companion)
[Add] [Android] Manage eraser side of the stylus (only on new wacom cintiq companion)
[Add] [Android] Mouse hover on buttons
[Add] [Android] Add popup when disable "stylus only" after checking it / Add minimum version of Android note in the preferences panel

[Fix] [MacOSX64] Fix random crash when idle
[Fix] Perspective tool: fix crash when using shortcuts corresponding to the right click
[Fix] Position tool: fix crash when using shortcuts corresponding to the right click
[Fix] Change fps for screen recorder will remember the set fps after a render
[Fix] [Linux] Fix some Weird Screen Refresh
[Fix] Fix Tool Preview Refresh when hitting Escape
[Fix] [Linux] Linux Installer Debian: make version number more precise (10.5.X) during install
[Fix] PegHoles Registration Panel: no more non-alphanumeric value in textfields
[Fix] Share manager: fix lost project name during a transfer
[Fix] Share Manager: fix scrolling neighbors interface bug
[Fix] [Loc] "do you want really to close it" -> "do you really want to close it"
[Fix] [MacOSX] Fixed plugins with two or more dots in their filename
[Fix] Custom panel: "Recompute instance with threshold" use now inner function (faster) instead of george script
[Fix] Fill inside : project's border is now considered as lines.
[Fix] ExportPanel: FFmpeg: No sometimes crash with option "Very Low"
[Fix] ExportPanel: FFmpeg: Default popup option checked by default (Very High)
[Fix] Default Custom Panels are not in -Edit- mode with a new config.
[Fix] Image mark shortcut (next/prev) is now looping over layers
[Fix] [Doc] Fix credit
[Fix] [Loc FR] Layer panel: right click on background: "Importer la sequence" => "Importer une sequence..."
[Fix] No more sometimes crash with "Recompute with threshold" (and ask to load images if the layer has imported a footage without preloading checked)
[Fix] Color group : 1 "light" & 1 "dark" blues instead of 2 "light" blues
[Fix] [MacOSX] No crash when 2 TVPaint are running at the same time

Re: TVPaint Animation 10.5.4 is available !

Posted: 23 Dec 2013, 09:45
by Thierry

[Add] Double-click on top/bottom instance handles in layers won't open "rename" popup
[Add] "Split layer" option is back in the timline right click menu
[Add] LightTable: new george command : tv_lighttablemode ["imagemarkcolor" 0...12]
[Add] LayerAttenuation: george command : tv_display "layerattenuation" ["0"|"1"|"on"|"off"|"toggle"] ["value" 0...100]
[Add] Add "Reload all sound tracks" in the sound master popup in the timeline (for clip and project)

[Fix] [MacOSX64] Fix font when using some specific ones.
[Fix] [MacOSX64] Fix visual glitches when dragging the drawing window
[Fix] [MacOSX64] Fix crash when opening 64bits version of TVPaint without any previous installation on 10.9
[Fix] [Android] Fix inverted value of the stylus altitude
[Fix] [MacOSX64] Fix many lags when using TVPaint when moving in timeline
[Fix] Apply Transform tool on all layers with a selection, don't move the selection at each layer
[Fix] Open PSD file as new project will set the framerate of the new project to the framerate of the last current project
[Fix] LightTable: fix wrong behavior on the column number index when click, drag on direct neighbohood, up
[Fix] LightTable: fix wrong value when cancel the 'mode' popup
[Fix] LightTable: when 'link all' is activated, it now processes correctly the negative oop corresponding to the current positive one
[Fix] LightTable: oop status are now correctly refresh when stop dragging hud and 'link all' checked
[Fix] Loc: "Merge clips$" -> "Merge clips"
[Fix] [MacOSX64] Shortcuts : Fix CMD + numbers keys
[Fix] [MacOSX64] Shortcuts : [TAB] key will now work properly
[Fix] Loc: Image mark "Default" rename as "All"
[Fix] Shapes: main panel is now correctly refreshed when hud is unselected by george command (which select a shape)
[Fix] No more crash when using shortcuts "Fit to ..." when the clip tab in the timeline is not selected
[Fix] ImageMark shortcuts "Next"/"Prev" will go now correctly to the next/prev image mark

Re: TVPaint Animation 10.5.5 is available !

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 13:21
by Mike

[Add] Default File Requester is now : "system" on all OS. (with a new config)
[Add][Android] Add buttons of the Cintiq Companion Hybrid in the shortcuts list
[Add][MacOSX64] Shortcuts Cmd + left/right/up/down

[Fix] Opacity/Smooth/Source/... parameters of the floodfill tool is now stored in the config
[Fix] No more crash in FX when particles life is set to 0
[Fix][Win32] Import psd (through the timeline) now import all the images in the created layer
[Fix][MacOSX64] Locked textfields are now well locked
[Fix] Show Tool preview (over the project) when the current image is out of limits of current Layer
[Fix][Android] TVPaint doesn't crash anymore when closing the virtual keyboard with the bottom BACK key
[Fix][Android] Fix 1 wrong point during the move when stylus comes too fast on the screen
[Fix][Android] Fix textfield loosed focus when the virtual keyboard popup and the stylus exits the hover zone

Re: TVPaint Animation 10.5.7 is available !

Posted: 15 May 2014, 14:29
by Mike

[Add] "File > Open" becomes "File > Open/Import" in the top menus.
[Add] Rename 'Auto-backup' to 'Multi-backup'
[Add] Rename "quality" to "Lossless compression" when exporting PNGs
[Add] Add a warning when using 'premultiply' alpha for png for exporting

[Add] Publish PDF is now selected by default with new config
[Add] In the import/export panel, arrow keys can now be used.
[Add] New Flix format export
[Add] Flip Image Marks (new shortcuts)
[Add] Freehand flip shortcut
[Add] Rotate OOP more easily with [Ctrl] key pressed

[Fix][MacOSX64] Fix lag when moving in the timeline using keyboard keys
[Fix][MacOSX64] Fix lag when resizing TVPaint's window
[Fix][MacOSX64] Fix Palette slider lag
[Fix][MacOSX64] Fix lag after stopping an animation
[Fix][MacOSX64] Fix lag when using the Progress Profile of the KeyFramer
[Fix] FlipForward and FlipBackward shortcut : fix hanging when returning to the current frame
[Fix][MacOSX] Fix memory leak when typing with the keyboard

[Fix] Fix big processor usage when 2 TVPaints are running at the sime time
[Fix] Fix x-sheet crash when changing room
[Fix] Merge 2 or more layers with the same color keep it now in the result layer
[Fix] Crop project keeps now Faux-Fixe mode
[Fix][MacOSX64] Playback button is now working all the times
[Fix] Next/Previous instance in storyboard > timeline view go now through clip to clip
[Fix] Linux: AltKey is no longer intercepted by the system in Ubuntu !
[Fix] Loading a Project is no more extremely slow when it was saved from a different platform
[Fix] Add AAliasing while using Line Colorize
[Fix] Background color of OK/cancel/... button in the new layer panel is now editable
[Fix] XSheet: fix wrong behavior when adding/moving cells

[Fix] tv_exposurenext/tv_exposureprev have the same behavior in panel Project/panel Clip
[Fix] Some commands (like tv_projectcurrentframe) work better if no parameter
[Fix] No more crash on Crop + better general stability

[Fix][MacOSX] Fix sometimes inaccessible window title bar when switch between 64 / 32 bit
[Fix] Flip Image Mark will now refresh all images
[Fix] The last setting of the save alarm parameter in menu settings is now correctly saved
[Fix][MacOSX64] Cursor is now updated after going back to TVPaint from another application
[Fix] Localisation: Next/Prev Key renamed in Next/Prev Instance in the project view
[Fix] "Apply the current image on the instances with the same name" in the animator panel won't work only on the first layer. (a new config is required OR destroy the animator panel and restart TVPaint Animation)
[Fix] Fix loop bug in the particle generator. Add a framerate parameter for particule animation.