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Re: Autosave, backup, temp

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 15:20
by ematecki
Due to the time an autosave takes, it will kill your creative workflow if it happens in the middle of it !
Saving a gigabyte or two to disk is not a half-second affair.

Re: Autosave, backup, temp

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 15:28
by kenno
Sad but true. One great thing about TVPaint is that it gives me a real drawing feel and I developed some style whithout using undo and stuff so i forget that i'm drawing on screen. But unfortunenately one has to save from time to time. In this case i drew about an hour and suddenly... I tried to create a save button to have it on the same screen I'm drawing on but thats not possible. I've attached a picture I'm working on. Somehow it corresponds with the feeling when realizing that TVPAint crashed.
@ematecki: It would be great to have this After Effects-like Option: TVPaint has crashed, you may save the last version now.

Re: Autosave, backup, temp

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 16:01
by Elodie
After-effects does not work directly with pixels, but with "links", so its files are usually smaller (if I remember well).

There was a conversation not a long ago about auto save :" onclick=";return false;

Re: Autosave, backup, temp

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 16:17
by slowtiger
I'm habitually saving files after each bigger action, say processing a whole layer, or after 1 drawing. Doesn't take too much time, and I don't have any feeling of "interrupting my workflow".

I was however in the situation of working with a 10 GB file once, where each opening or saving took 10 minutes (on my G5 PPC). Since then I've improved my planning a lot so I don't end up with such big files again.

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 07:49
by Elodie
(I have merged the both topics about auto-save) ;)

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 13:43
by Griet Bertels
conclusion: please provide an auto-save option with an interval configurable for those who need it. And make it so that when the interval is set to zero, that the auto-save is disabled, for those who want to take 'responsibility' themselves :) .
slowtiger wrote:Due to the time an autosave takes, it will kill your creative workflow if it happens in the middle of it !
Saving a gigabyte or two to disk is not a half-second affair.
This can be handled by treating the auto-save in a background-manner (much like background-printing in MS-Office for example). it will not be treated with priority and be treated on spare CPU-time.


Re: auto-save function

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 10:19
by Fabrice
This can be handled by treating the auto-save in a background-manner (much like background-printing in MS-Office for example). it will not be treated with priority and be treated on spare CPU-time.
It's a little bit more complicated than that :P :wink:
But ok, we will try to do something.

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 09:28
by Merwilla
has there been any progress in developing the auto-save function?

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 19:29
by Fabrice
Wait for TVPaint Animation 10.5 :)

We have prepared something.
Not exactly what you want, but it should help a lot.

Re: Auto-save

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 10:37
by Soom
This is an extremely important feature, and strange it wasn't implemented yet. Most modern software has auto-save or temporary recovery file system, that will allow you to recover almost all work in case of system crash, even if you forgot to save. The Autobackup is only a half-solution and only helps in the very rare case that the file becomes damaged, but it doesn't help you to recover lost work.
I just had a system crash and lost 1 hour of work. I wanted to check if there was a feature request for this and I found this request already made...
Maybe it's possible to easily script such a thing? Any scripters out there?

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 11:44
by Elodie
.... ... new105.php" onclick=";return false;
Automatic save alarm

Thanks to that new tool, you can configure an alarm to remind you to save your project.

Combine this option to the Auto Backup, and you will never lose hours of work.


Re: auto-save function

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 12:26
by Soom
Elodie wrote:.... ... new105.php" onclick=";return false;
Automatic save alarm
Thanks to that new tool, you can configure an alarm to remind you to save your project.
Combine this option to the Auto Backup, and you will never lose hours of work.
Hmm... this is a bit weird, but ok - better than nothing :)
But where do I get 10.5? is it an upgrade? it's not on your website yet

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 12:47
by Elodie
We already explained that in the past : an Auto-save function would be an open door to instability. What if you apply a big FX at the moment where TVPaint wants to auto-save ? Crashes hazard increase, the loss of your files too. Nothing is more disturbing than an Auto-save when you are drawing or animating. What if you are working on a heavy file ? You'll have to wait 5 real minutes for its save ? No, auto-save are definitely NOT a solution. :wink:
Soom wrote:But where do I get 10.5? is it an upgrade? it's not on your website yet
Everything is explained here, Soom : ... 320#p63817" onclick=";return false; :wink:
This version wasn't announced yet on the web, because it is only dedicated to members of the TVPaint forum.

As a TVPAint 9.5 owner, you'll need to pay an upgrade, yes.

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 13:02
by Paul Fierlinger
I concur that autosave can cause problems because very often I work in a search and scribble stage when I am not sure how I want something to look. Also very often the more I scribble the worse my drawing looks and need to start over again. I would hate it if during these moments of frustration everything would keep on saving and I'd have to make a search through all the automated instances to get back to where I had started. Sometimes it could happen that all the backups could be used up on drek.

My save button is the period on my numbers pad and the closest key to my drawing hand. I have fallen into the routine of pecking on that key every few seconds and this has paid off many times. As another measure, just when I start one of those scribble and search moments I make a point of putting an X into my top History column so that after I am done and still hate what I have drawn, I hit the "go to previous mark" of the History Panel which takes me back to where I had started my unhappy scribbles and I can start fresh.

Re: auto-save function

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 13:47
by Soom
Paul Fierlinger wrote:I concur that autosave can cause problems because very often I work in a search and scribble stage when I am not sure how I want something to look. Also very often the more I scribble the worse my drawing looks and need to start over again. I would hate it if during these moments of frustration everything would keep on saving and I'd have to make a search through all the automated instances to get back to where I had started. Sometimes it could happen that all the backups could be used up on drek.

My save button is the period on my numbers pad and the closest key to my drawing hand. I have fallen into the routine of pecking on that key every few seconds and this has paid off many times. As another measure, just when I start one of those scribble and search moments I make a point of putting an X into my top History column so that after I am done and still hate what I have drawn, I hit the "go to previous mark" of the History Panel which takes me back to where I had started my unhappy scribbles and I can start fresh.
I have my Save button just next to my drawing hand - on the top button on my Cintiq. But even with that, I sometimes forget to save, and especially when I'm in this search and scribble stage, when I actually hesitate to save yet. TVPaint is quite stable software, and I never had crashes on TVP 9.5 on Mac, therefore I don't have this habit of saving like I had on Flash.
I also work with big files and frankly don't feel any major disturbance while saving - it usually takes couple of seconds. I don't fully understand the instability hazard, because - and I am sorry for blasphemy again :) - Photoshop cs6 uses background aut-saving and recovery system, which doesn't affect workflow in any way, even when working on huge files. So I believe it is possible somehow, although it's probably not easy.