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Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 07:31
by ematecki
When I get some time, I'll try to convert ppalette to 64 bits.

But right now there are much more important things on my todo list, like fixing the remaining bugs in the 64 bits version...

Already fixed :
- close thru TVP Anim>Quit TVP Anim : now saves the preferences.
- "use opengl" crash : opengl is the only option in 64 bits, so I removed the checkbox (easy fix :)
- wacom eraser recognition

- double clic on tvpp files to open them.
- "about" dialog.

Once these are fixed, there will be a 10.0.8 release.

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 12:45
by kariP
Perfect, thanks in advance! The PPalette is just extra, but if you can make it, ill be like :D

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 18:38
by kariP
More funniness: When I drag tvp window to my other monitor, even just a little, tvp becomes laggy.
Scrollbars become unresponsive to my wacom bamboo, but they still work with macbooks touchpad. Also zoom in and panning becomes jagged.

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 05:30
by Elodie
Thank for reporting this, we will make some tests :)

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 07:17
by ematecki
There is something weird going on with wacom/Macosx 10.7 interaction...

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 09:22
by kariP
And I don't believe that yesterdays release of OSX Mountain Lion 10.8 makes anything less weird.
How is the dev-team going to react to that? Upgrade, open TVP and hope for the best? Or do you already know it's going to be a challenge?

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 09:43
by Elodie
We will upgrade tomorrow morning and then, we could announce officially if TVPaint Animation 10 works well on 10.8 Mountain Lion =)

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 16:33
by Keep Shooting
Mountain Lion will have to wait here... huhuh.
Finally had some time to continue working and hope to give you some useful feedback:
On the drawing delay:
Keep Shooting wrote:Normally, this bug happens only if the dashboard is above TVPaint Animation (that's why we advise to hide it, or reduce TVPaint's window, in order to avoid any contact between the dashboard and TVPaint). We are still looking for fixing this strange behavior.
My dock is always hidden (OS X 10.6.8: setting "automatically hide/show"), tried reducing the TVP window as well, tried changing docksettings to show + reducing window, but neither is solving the pen nor mouse drawing-delay.
kariP wrote:More funniness: When I drag tvp window to my other monitor, even just a little, tvp becomes laggy.
Scrollbars become unresponsive to my wacom bamboo, but they still work with macbooks touchpad. Also zoom in and panning becomes jagged.
Working on 2 monitors I encountered pentrouble too (wacom Intuos 3 Grafics), magic mouse is doing fine.
You might have found these already yourself, but here is a list:
Non responsive to the pen: sliders lighttabel, scrollbars, filled stroke, filled rectangle (places one pixel on the drawingfield), 3 pts spline, selection (does not even draw the area, selects only a very small stripe when pen is released from the tablet), crop and transform (dragging-handles)
Same tools but with pressing down the lowest "click" function on the pen (see screendump of pensettings) : sliders lighttabel - responsive, scrollbars - responsive, filled stroke - responsive (erasing with settings of fillingshape set to "color"), filled rectangle - responsive (erasing with settings of fillingshape set to "color"), select - non responsive (draws the area, but does not select), crop dragging-handles - responsive, transform dragging-handles - non responsive.
Working on 1 monitor seem to solve all pentrouble (creating a battle for space between windows :| )

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 22:07
by FMpiper
Hi everyone,
I have been running 10.0.7 64 bit on my Mac, version 10.6.8, for a while. Using a Wacom Cintiq 21UX with dock hidden, after my Mac goes to sleep and I wake it up, I get the message "TV Animation dongle is not present on USB port. Re-plug your dongle and click OK". If you Re-plug dongle sometimes 10.0.7 works fine, sometimes 10.0.7 quits. I have moved dongle,Sentinel SuperPro 6.6.0 Ver.2.00, from USB hub to computer, same thing happens.
The eraser end on Wacom pen only does what pen tip was set to do. On 32 bit you could set tip to blue pencil and eraser to erase blue for example.
Why is Preferences grayed out ?
Do I need to upgrade my dongle with each new version of TV Animation?
That is it!

Frederick M. Piper

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 07:55
by slowtiger
At least you always should check it the Sentinel Driver version provided with each new version on TVP is newer than the one you have installed, and if, install the new one.

Aside from that, I experienced the same situation on my "new" Intel Mac with 10.6.8: problems with putting to sleep and waking up (just like me), and one or two times the dongle wasn't recognized.

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 15:09
by FMpiper
Thanks slowtiger,
I updated my Sentinel Driver to the latest version this morning and getting ready to test TVP. Well that did not help. I will not let Mac go to sleep when running TVP.

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 12:43
by Fabrice
Frederick, do you have a superpro or an ultrapro (more recent) dongle ?

It might come from that.

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 17:32
by FMpiper
Hi Fabrice,
According to my Mac Pro, Hardware, USB Device Tree, it is a: "Sentinel SuperPro 6.6.0", Product ID: 0x0300, Vender ID 0x04b9 (Rainbow Technologies,Inc),Version 2.00.
The number on the white end of my dongle you sent with TVP 9.5 is #2165 and looks like the ultrapro dongle in you 64 bit upgrade announcement. The numbers on the dongle are

I hope that helps.

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 08:52
by Elodie
Hello Frederick,

I have the same information than you on my USB device tree. I'm using Mac 10.8 and 10.6.8 and I never noticed this kind of problem. I'll make some tests tonight on my 10.6.8. :D

Re: Mac 64bit comments

Posted: 04 Sep 2012, 12:12
by kariP
1) I notice that with macbooks touchpad, using two finger stroke, it's possible to change the size of the brush.
Could this connection be changed to scroll up and down and/or left and right? If easier, left and right would be enough.

This would come very handy on the timeline, I tend to try scrolling with two fingers when I want to scroll the timeline. With two finger stroke, I wouldn't have to take a quick look at the scrollbar, grab it and move it. I could keep my eye connected to the material im working on.

OR, if using the alt+lmb for timeline scrolling, would it be possible to "throw" the timeline forward or backward? With the speed of the flik, you could designate the velocity and length of the timeline "throw". Like in photoshop, where you can throw the canvas around and grab it in midflight. Don't know how hard to do, but it's an idea.

2) This no big deal, but scrolling the timeline up and down it paints some horizontal lines. They stay on top of panels until I move the panel.
horizontal artifacts reducing the usability of the color picker panel
horizontal artifacts reducing the usability of the color picker panel
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As I said, no big deal, a bit funny though.