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Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 10:38
by sykosan

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 10:50
by Fabrice
Is there a way to see the steps of the project, I mean : at least the drawings / colors / shadows used before interpolation ?

I mean : did you draw the lines, the colors using the paint bucket ? Then the shadows with a mask ? Then finally apply the inbetweening process with a single button ?
Or was the process calculating all colors and shadows + missing frames by interpolation ?

Without more informations, it's not easy to have an exact idea.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 10:53
by Elodie
sykosan wrote:Yes I used the technique on some professional work.
Most recent job is this music video, although there is also some After Effects’ puppet tool animations in there:" onclick=";return false;

Other stuff :" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
But your videos are still very short. Even the video clip about Jesus' birth contains many re-used scenes. :|

I mean, at the moment, it gives me the feeling that it's so complicate and "time-eater" to use your technique that you cannot produce longer project.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 11:15
by slowtiger
Unfortunately I can’t show you more because that remains confidential
Sorry, I don't believe you. All possible solutions in the field have been described openly and in detail, there's a bunch of videos online which show the different approaches in a way that the principles are explained clearly. As long as you don't act up to those standards, I don't believe in the originality of your idea (and will, eventually, call "bullshit").

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 12:39
by sykosan

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 12:51
by ematecki
If it doesn't need much user interaction, it shouldn't be too hard to implement it as a plugin for TVPaint...

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 13:30
by Paul Fierlinger
ematecki wrote:If it doesn't need much user interaction, it shouldn't be too hard to implement it as a plugin for TVPaint...
That's good, but If it doesn't need much human interaction it is worthless as art.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 13:38
by idragosani
To be honest, the examples still look very computer-generated and I see no difference from the kind of animation produced by Flash, ToonBoom or Anime Studio.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 14:08
by neonnoodle
ematecki wrote:If it doesn't need much user interaction, it shouldn't be too hard to implement it as a plugin for TVPaint...
Sykosan, depending upon the price and features, I'd be willing to pay for your system as a standalone plugin.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 15:10
by sykosan

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 16:44
by ZigOtto
let me guess ... hmm ... maybe a Z-depth deformation ..? :?:

anyway, it could be time-saving for elementary (and short) stuff,
but as soon as your source is more complex, separating and managing dozen of planes
would quickly become a nightmare I think ...

anyway, for the ones who need a perfect fluidity and stability with slow-motion animation,
it could be a good tool to have in your arsenal.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 18:13
by Paul Fierlinger
In my experience, and from what I have observed in the samples of others, it is not a good idea to mix both mechanical fluidity and organic drawings together, with perhaps the exception of technical films, though I think it can look dilettantish even in those films.

But to be clear, I am not attempting to stand in anyone's way to see this happen (nor do I even have the power to do so). I am just expressing how unappealing I think the examples in this thread look to begin with. I also hope to see this thing implemented only after we get a way to reverse the order of frames without having the redundancy of seeing the last original frame tagged on to the end of the reversed order.

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 20:09
by slowtiger
OK, here's a way to keep your precious confidentiality while showing a bit more. I did two fast drawings and challenge you to inbetween them. Nothing fancy, just my usual style, nothing difficult for a human inbetweener.
If you can do that, I might get interested. At least you could demonstrate how you break up a drawing like this, if necessary (and I'll get an idea wether it will fit my style and workflow or not.).

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 20:21
by Mads Juul
This is getting interesting :D

Re: Automated inbetweening

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 07:01
by sykosan