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Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 11:30
by Elodie
Actually, this request has 2 problems :

• In TVPaint, "select" is made with Shift, not with Ctrl ;
• Using up and down arrows allows you to navigate between layers.

So, even if we were changing Shift for Ctrl, it wouldn't be logical to define Ctrl + Down = select current frame.

Eventually, what if Shift + Right (or Left) was use to select the current frame, then Shift + Right + Right (or Left + Left) = starting to select forward or backward.

Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 11:00
by Joost
Eventually, what if Shift + Right (or Left) was use to select the current frame, then Shift + Right + Right (or Left + Left) = starting to select forward or backward.
How I understood the request has nothing to do with shift or the arrow buttons.
I understood that the question was if it would be possible to copy a frame without selecting it up front. Just hold the ctrl button and drag one frame somewhere else.
Is that right?

Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 11:36
by Elodie
I asked the same question on previous page and here is the answer :
furushil wrote:
Elodie wrote:Sorry if I look dumb, but I just want to be sure :

Instead of selecting a frame with the mouse, you would like to select it by hitting Ctrl + down, correct ?
Just to be clear, like Peter said, the selection of one frame could happen automatically when you hold down Ctrl + holding down the mouse button on any frame (of the current layer). After that you only have to drag and drop it.
That way you would skip one step of the current "copy & paste one frame" process.

Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 15:30
by Peter Wassink
Elodie wrote:...
• In TVPaint, "select" is made with Shift, not with Ctrl ;.
Elodie, can you be more detailed what sort of "select" you mean here?

both with selecting multiple layers or multiple frames
you can use CTRL AND Shift in tvpaint.

Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 15:37
by Peter Wassink
why not have tvpaint ALWAYS select the frame when you click under it? wouldn't that solve this issue.

now tvpaint already selects frames like this, just not always, which makes it inconsequent (=bad)

Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 16:14
by furushil
Joost wrote:I understood that the question was if it would be possible to copy a frame without selecting it up front. Just hold the ctrl button and drag one frame somewhere else.
Yes, exactly.
Elodie wrote:So, even if we were changing Shift for Ctrl, it wouldn't be logical to define Ctrl + Down = select current frame.
Elodie, I think I confused you with my answer.
I don't want an alternative to select frames. I just want to hold Ctrl and copy one instance by dragging it somewhere else -without having to select it.
(I will try to explain it better later.)

Re: Holding down Ctrl to copy frames

Posted: 17 Oct 2014, 20:30
by furushil
My suggestion is very simple.

here is the current way to copy one instance:
current way of copying.png
current way of copying.png (46.42 KiB) Viewed 14543 times
I am suggesting to get rid of step one, so that you only have to do the following to copy one instance:
suggested way.png
suggested way.png (35.45 KiB) Viewed 14543 times
Peter Wassink wrote:why not have tvpaint ALWAYS select the frame when you click under it? wouldn't that solve this issue.
This way I would still have to select it every time. I could also use the short key for "select current frame" in this case.

It would be great if I could just copy one instance without having to select it first, if it is technically possible.