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Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 14:33
by neonnoodle
Elodie wrote:
neonnoodle wrote:!!! I'm thrilled to see all these new features! Can't wait to upgrade. Also, it's fabulous that there is richer online documentation.
Thank you :D
Re-write the doc and put it online takes a lot of time, but when it will be over, it will have only advantages (update it easily, embed videos, etc.)
neonnoodle wrote:There doesn't appear to be a "Purchase" page up yet, though... :?
What do you mean ?
When I am at the address ( ... /tvpap.php" onclick=";return false;) and click the "Purchase" button at the bottom, the link says that it's going to ( ... ex.php.php" onclick=";return false;), which when clicked delivers a 404 error. I think it should probably be index.php, without the extra extension on it. I have found the right page, though.

One thing bothers me! I just bought LazyBrush for $60 a couple of weeks ago! Now it appears this functionality has been adapted natively into TVP. :x

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 14:37
by Elodie
neonnoodle wrote:When I am at the address (" onclick=";return false; ... /tvpap.php) and click the "Purchase" button at the bottom, the link says that it's going to (" onclick=";return false; ... ex.php.php), which when clicked delivers a 404 error. I think it should probably be index.php, without the extra extension on it. I have found the right page, though.
Oops, a mistake : there are twice .php.php :roll:

We will fix it ASAP. Thank you !

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 14:40
by Sewie
That new Warp Tool is blowing my mind!

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:08
by slowtiger
The FAQ states Mac: Lion (10.7) as minimum configuration. Does ist run on 10.6.8 at all, or do I need a new machine again?

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:16
by Thierry
We can't guarantee TVPaint Animation 11 will work well with 10.6.8 (Apple does not support this OS anymore, so how could we ?), so it is best to use a more recent version of Mac OSX.

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:26
by Robobob
Looks good this far I like the new layout. I agree the butterfly is a bit dommage but that doesn't really change the program. I tried to download the android trial version as well but i keep on having an error message.

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:40
by Sewie
My compliments, guys.
From what I've seen, playing with the trial version for a couple of hours, this update looks like a substantial leap forward in options for hand drawn animation.

It looks like you've focused on the software's strength (hand drawn 2D animation) and added to it. (Perspective tool, the new warp tool, which will open up many new possibilities animation-wise, I believe). And I'm very glad you've left the silly embellishments - half-assed storyboard camera's and ftp functionalities, for example - for what they are.

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:44
by Elodie
Robobob wrote: I tried to download the android trial version as well but i keep on having an error message.
There is no build for the Android version : we did not have the time to work on it, so Android version will come later.

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:47
by Fabrice
Did anyone try the CTG layers ?

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:52
by Lukas
Fabrice wrote:Did anyone try the CTG layers ?
They are pretty nice! I only tried colouring in the demo, it feels like a more solid version of the Lazy Brush plugin.

The first problem I encountered though: When I moved my line animation and wanted to move the CTG layer along with it, it said the move tool was unavailable on a CTG layer.

Is there a quick way to move the line animation together with the color layer without using the FX stack?

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:54
by neonnoodle
Fabrice wrote:Did anyone try the CTG layers ?
Yes -- they are working speedily. I appreciate the ability to see results instantly rather than in the previous LazyBrush plugin, which required hitting "Paint" manually after each scribble update. Also, quite incredible that the painting also updates when new material is drawn on the linework layer. I still need to take some time to learn how to use the texture system, though.

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:56
by Robobob
Understandable Elodie. Looks like quite an overhaul this one. I just have another question. If one save's a file with Tvpaint11 will it be backwards compatible with older versions?

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 15:58
by Elodie
On TVPaint 10.5 : yes, no problem (except if you are using features from 11 : they will disappear on TVPaint 10.5).

On older versions, files won't be compatible (you must uncheck tvpp compression in your preferences).

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 16:00
by Fabrice
Is there a quick way to move the line animation together with the color layer without using the FX stack?
here is a hint : the same instance within a CTG layer can be used on several source images.

Re: TVPaint Animation 11 : ask all your questions here !

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 16:08
by ZigOtto
Fabrice wrote:
Sewie wrote:I see, thanks Elodie.
One thing that is missing, though, is an undo button. Because regular undo doesn't affect the changes in the Guidelines. But that is a feature request, perhaps...

(Or is it a bug?)
Should the undo option work with the guidelines too ? I don't think so.
But I think it should be debated. :)
agreed with Fab, I'm not for the regular Undo working with the guidelines,
but I'm adding my vote for a specific Guideline/Undo to navigate in the historic changes applied on the guideline by the user.
(so, imo, not a bug, ... but a feature request).