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Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 20:17
by ZigOtto
hisko wrote:... I scroll through the video untill I find the right angle of a head.
Then I make a brush from it and put the head (brush) on the body (after scaling and rotating it).
OK, so why not to use the Scale, Rotate and Reset tools from the B.E.T.v1.1 custom panel ?
(this new version preset the subpixel option ON),

or, better, assign each tool-button to your wanted shortkeys.
hope it will help, this time. :)

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 08:58
by elmisilhumano
When sub pixel off is needed? I really think that most of the users want to keep it ON as a default. And those who want it off can check the box- I think keeping it off is the advanced thing.


Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 09:49
by Peter Wassink
elmisilhumano wrote:When sub pixel off is needed?
mox wrote:because I want perfect copy of the brush as it is in the project (clean cut & sharp) and having the possibility to 'alter' the display of the brush after choosing 'subpixel'...
M. i agree that OFF is more used by advanced users and therefore default should be ON.
still... why not put the choice also in the preferences?

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 17:48
by mox
When sub pixel off is needed?
Well everytime you don't want to alter "too much" the brushes since subpixel's about smooth/blur.
To be honest if I need to rotate + resize a brush, most of time, I go for the 'edit brush' panel (using AAliasing of course) rather the subpixel, because AAliasing is less blury that subpixel.

Anyway, it's always about the resolution of the current project, 'graphic style' , etc. so it's difficult to decide but yep, as Tantalus wrote, a choice in the preference should please everybody (the 2 schools :D )

Subpixel box checked - not checked

Posted: 18 May 2008, 15:25
by Svengali
When I check the global subpixel box (in preferences) it seems to disable my drawing ability to erase by pressing the pen-switch while pressing the pen tip. But with Subpixel preference box unchecked, pressing the pen-switch while pressing the pen tip erases just as it always did.

I'm asking because Paul F. tells me his pen-switch erasing functions the same way whether the global subpixel box is checked or unchecked.

For this to work in my case... are there some other settings I need to adjust (installing the latest Intuos3 tablet driver did nothing... are there other drivers I need to check?)

Anyone else have this problem who then solved it?

Truth is, with Mirage, I'd gotten along well without the subpixel option - but now, in TVP, I would like to see how invoking subpixel resolution might change the look of my drawn and erased lines.


Re: Subpixel check as a "global" preference

Posted: 18 May 2008, 16:08
by Paul Fierlinger
the 'two schools' situation is a fact.
both schools have a valid point... therefore this situation is best served by having a subpixel default option (in the preferences)
I agree with Peter, but I'd like to add to this a suggestion that the subpixel button be taken out of Preferences and placed within the general area of the GUI. It would be ideal to have as a key command choice too.

EDIT:Actually the most logical placement would be within the Preview settings panel.

Re: Subpixel check as a "global" preference

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 18:30
by Svengali
Is there a George command for toggling subpixel on/off when a cutbrush is selected?

EDIT: Nevermind! Found the answer in an earlier entry in this thread. In my SDK and George docs the Subpixel argument isn't mentioned under tv_BrushRestore Command...